I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 151: The Hunt Begins

Chapter 151: The Hunt Begins

4It was a late evening at the Bael clan's estate when Sairaorg was making his way through one of the many halls present alone.      0

He soon came to a halt at a large luxurious door and knocked a few times but got no answer.     

'Is he sleeping?' He thought to himself as he prepared to knock again but was interrupted from doing so by a maid who approached him.     

"Are you looking for Master Julius?" The maid bowed and asked Sairaorg who showed a smile and nodded.     

"Yes, have you seen my brother?" He asked curiously before waiting for the maid to respond which she soon did.     

"Master Julius is no longer in the estate. I was simply told he would be away for around two months and that I should make sure his quarters remain clean by the head maid." She explained before giving another bow and leaving as Sairaorg gestured her that she could leave.     

'He left without a word to me or mother? How do I tell her...' Sairaorg wore a complex look on his face and sighed helplessly before turning and walking away from the door.     

Meanwhile, said Julius had already arrived and settled on earth. Before anything else, he chose to visit a quiet neighbourhood that very evening.     

He now wore a formal and classic piece of human clothing as he walked casually on the road while shifting his gaze from home to home before eventually stopping at one written "Hyoudou".     

'Here we are. One of the main reasons I needed to get here quick, to get rid of this idiot Issei before he becomes associated with Rias and the other characters. The guy has so many women around him but just acts like some perverted fool, just thinking about it pisses me off. This will be very satisfying...' Julius thought as he looked up at the window and saw the figure of Issei and two others yelling something about breasts joyfully.     

He clicked his tongue in an irritated manner before extending his hand and muttering something under his breath.     

A mere second later, a large flame seemingly burst up out of nowhere and set the house ablaze. Julius smiled at this and turned from the home and began walking away casually.     

'Burn slowly like you deserve to you sorry excuse of a protagonist' He thought as he showed a cheerful smile while walking away from the scene.     

A few minutes later the large fire caused people to gather and watch while some took videos and others called for help.     

Suddenly a figure rushed pass the crowd and came close to the home and looked at it with widened eyes.     

"No..., please no!" The figure who was an older woman yelled out before trying to rush towards the home but was stopped from doing so by concerned bystanders.     

"You can't go in there, we tried. The fire fighters are on there way please be patient." A large man advised as tears began to fall down the woman's face.     

"My husband and son are in there! Please! Let me go! Plea-" The women cried out helplessly but before she could say more, another figure broke through from the crowd and rushed towards the burning building.     

"Hey kid! Don't be stupid!" The large concerned man yelled out at the young blonde haired man with radiant blue eyes but it brought no results.     

The young man ignored the flames and simply rushed past them before kicking the door down and rushing inside. There he first saw a badly burned body laying in the living room and let out a sigh before rushing up the stairs where the flames hadn't grown as fierce.     

He soon stopped at another door and kicked it down as well revealing three other young men all laying down. One wasn't breathing and had the most severe of burns whilst the other two were unconscious with burns on their hands.     

The crowd gathered outside remained anxious as large red fire truck reached the scene. The fire fighters didn't delay in starting to fight the fire while another set of fire fighters went to the front hurriedly.     

"Are there people inside?" The fire fighter asked hurriedly as three others stood ready to rush in.     

"My son and husband are in there and I think my son had his friends over, please! Hurry!" The woman pleaded and the fireman gestured the other three behind him to get ready to advance. The large man who prevented the crying mother from rushing in also turned to them and spoke hurriedly.     

"And there was also a kid who just rushed in and-" before the man could finish his sentence, said young man rushed out carrying two people over his shoulders.     

The firefighters rushed to him as he got close along with the crying mother.     

"Issei! My baby!...where's my husband? And his other friends..." The woman asked the young man who was breathing heavily as tears continued to run down her eyes but he simply shook his head.     

"These were the only two still breathing and not burned severely. I'm sorry." He answered causing the woman to break down into even more tears while the fireman tapped his shoulder and spoke.     

"That was reckless and careless but who knows what could have happened if you didn't rush in. Thank you, we'll handle it from here, go get yourself checked by the paramedics." The fireman expressed genuinely before he and his group rushed in.     

"Are you okay Lo- *ahem* Kel?" A busty blonde haired woman who looked to be in her mid twenties asked curiously and Kel nodded, playing his part.     

It took around 30 minutes for the situation to fully be controlled and the fire to be completely put out. Kel was currently seated by an ambulance where a paramedic was checking his condition.     

"Well you seem fine kid. That was very brave of you, you saved a life." The paramedic praised before stepping away from Kel who raised a brow in curiosity.     

"Yes, the son is fine, just some minor burns but the friend didn't make it, I can't go into details but you did good." He said to Kel before nodding his head and walking away leaving Kel with Silvya.     

"Why did you wish to save them Lord Kel?" She turned to Kel and asked to which he just smiled.     

"Issei is one of those characters you just hate, he's an idiot among other things but he has a good heart, unlike myself and many other reincarnators. The reincarnator chose to take his life along with many others seemingly on a whim and unprovoked. It already shows he considers this world his own personal playground, completely disregarding the lives here and the relationships they've built." Kel explained causing Silvya to become curious over something.     

"So if he had provoked the reincarnator you wouldn't have intervened?" She asked to which Kel nodded without hesitation.     

"In that case it would have been his own problem and not mine. The reincarnator can't reset the world so taking innocent lives will have long standing consequences, he only thinks it's a game where he's the main character... it's time I break that mentality he has and show him just cruel life can be." Kel declared before standing and walking away with Silvya by his side.     



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