I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 150: Forgotten History

Chapter 150: Forgotten History

4Inside the main dining hall of the Bael Clan estate, Julius could be seen seated on the far end of a large rectangular table with Lord Bael his father on the other side.      2

'Damn how do I ask him, he seems pretty intimidating." Julius thought to himself as he ate his food and avoided eye contact with the silent man seated opposite of him.     

"If there is something you wish to say then say it, don't fiddle around like some child. You are now the clan heir, raise your head high and act like it." Lord Bael instructed, causing Julius to raise his head up high and take a gulp before speaking.     

"I was wondering if it'd be fine if I visited earth for a bit, specifically Japan... I just want to see the state it's in. I feel I may learn a thing or two there." Julius explained but got a cold stare from the man opposite him.     

"Where's this coming from? Is it because you also wish to find some members for your peerage there like some of the other clan heirs? You did receive your devil pieces not too long ago after all" He asked bluntly and Julius went along with it by nodding quickly.     

"Yes, that's exactly it." Julius added quickly while showing a smile.     

"I was going to organize you suitable members myself but I suppose I should give you a chance to prove yourself by seeing what you can do on your own. However I only give you two months. If I'm not satisfied then you will use individuals I organize. I need you to have strong peerage, it's highly unlikely but the vacant position of a Great Satan may go to one of the younger generations should the debates carry on as they are. Don't disappoint me, with that said, do you have a location in mind?" He asked casually and Julius smirked before nodding.     

"Yes, I do..."     

Meanwhile, Kel and Silyva had now arrived at the gremory estate where Sirzechs himself was awaiting them just outside the home. As the carriage they were in came to a stop, Kel gave Silyva a nod and they proceeded to disembark.     

Silyva exited first and looked around cautiously before nodding to Kel that he could come out, playing the role of his servant fully well.     

As Kel disembarked, Sirzechs showed him a strange look. In this world's history, the last time he had him, Kel was but a boy, but now the young man he saw emerging from the carriage had air around him that could match his own.     

'A Zagaroth through and through.' Sirzechs thought to himself as Kel got off and slowly approached him.     

"I hope we didn't keep you waiting." Kel expressed giving Sirzechs only a polite nod while Silyva gave a small bow. The dark haired woman besides Sirzechs performed the same gesture towards Kel as Silyva did to Sirzechs before he finally replied.     

"Not at all, it's great to see you. I wished to visit but the agreement among the clans prevented me from doing so, I can't imagine how the past years must've been. I apologize for that, I have no excuses." Sirzechs confessed while heaving a regretful sigh.     

"It was inevitable, let's just say the experience shaped me to be stronger and grow quicker. I wished the circumstances were better but it seems fate had other plans." Kel replied with a smile on his face, despite himself not feeling any special way about the fake history everyone had in their minds he thought he should at least act the part.     

"Well come in, we have a lot of catching up to do. And I'm sure you're curious about some of the things that have been happening in the underworld." Sirzechs gestured Kel to follow him as they walked side by side with Silyva and the other maid behind them.     

"Is the situation bad?" Kel asked with a raised brow but Sirzechs shook his head and chuckled slightly.     

"No, can't really call it bad. Thanks to your clan, we are enjoying a time of peace. There are a few incidents here and there but nothing that can be considered major. The real headache is the other clans, I'm sure you've received a few letters from them by now. Most feel a war is inevitable so each one is trying to grow in power as much as they can." Sirzechs and Kel nodded before adding his input.     

"The present peace is not stable enough to call it that, this is simply a truce. Each group seems too greedy for more power and territory to be content with the current situations. The angels may be open to talks but the prideful devils not so much. No proper decisions can be established without the 4 great Satans all agreeing but with one position vacant and being sought after, the devils will remain divided." Sirzechs nodded at Kel's thoughts on the matter while heaving a helpless sigh.     

"You couldn't be more right, but that's a concern still a long way away from happening. For now the devils are focused on you, along with their younger generations in preparation for the rating tournament 3 months from now. Despite being the only heir of a near extinct clan, you hold more territory than any other clan. This can only be taken from you either in a rating game, or by assimilating you into their own clan." Kel chuckled as Sirzechs explained while shrugging his shoulders.     

"I don't plan on losing any territory, if anything I plan to expand. Remind the underworld that I'm no simple heir. I just need to be on earth to avoid any unnecessary events, among other things." Kel's directness was something Sirzechs found refreshing as the two continued to walk and converse.     



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