I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 148: State Of Things

Chapter 148: State Of Things

0After Silyva tapped her staff on the marble floor, the entire hall lit up, revealing just how grand it was. Not lacking in anyway compared to the one belonging to the Bael clan.     3

"From one empty castle to another huh." Kel commented as he noticed there was no one present besides Silyva and himself.     

"Well Lord Kel and I are the only surviving members of the Zagaroth Clan, there are some maids present but we are the only pure blooded devils belonging to this clan." Silyva explained to Kel as the two began roaming the halls.     

"And our history?" He asked in a curious tone with a brow raised to which Silyva immediately responded.     

"Well the history was changed so that only our clan suffered from the Great War that took place. So you are well respected even though the clan is near extinction, but some clans see this as an opportunity to absorb you as well." Silyva explained perfectly which was unlike her usual clumsy self.     

"Sounds like politics, those are always a pain in the ass. But I can work with this. What's my clan's trademark ability then?" Kel asked and Silyva showed a proud smirk before answering.     

"Infinity, you have no single clear ability but are rather a combination of various others. It made your clan so powerful that they could single handedly end the war. This power is very versatile so you have no other unique abilities given by this world." Silvya explained and Kel nodded in response.     

"When added to the abilities I already have that's more than enough, but how do I fit into the story? Do I really have to start from scratch rebuilding an entire family?" Kel sighed when he thought of this option but Silyva shook her head.     

"No Lord Kel, you have this." Silyva spoke in an energetic tone as she handed over a sealed letter to Kel. Kel didn't hesitate to open said letter and began reading it's contents.     

[ Dear Lord Kel, you may not remember me as I have only had the pleasure of meeting you once when you were still a child. After most of your clan perished in the war, all other clan's agreed to not make any moves towards your territory for a given time. That time is soon coming to an end and I feel I can't prevent what will come. I can only offer that you go to my family's territory either here or on earth and finish your preparations and perhaps form a strong enough peerage. Should you perform well in the tournament a few months from now, it can prove your worth as a clan leader and steady the waters. I apologize I couldn't do more.     

Yours Truly.     

Sirzechs ]     

"So the basic gist of it is everyone wants my stuff cause they think I'm weak so I go to earth to prepare. It's pretty straightforward I suppose and since the reincarnator asked that all clans be still around it shouldn't rouse his suspicion. I guess we should head there as soon as possible and see what kind of guy we're dealing with before I decide how to go about things." Arias added before stopping by a mirror in the hall to look at himself.     

"What's wrong Lord Kel?" Silyva paused as well and asked.     

"I look different, like I've got the perfect filter on me." Kel narrowed his eyes and expressed as he gave his cheeks a slight pinch but Silyva only chuckled.     

"That's simply your devil body my Lord, it takes what you already have and makes it perfect in every way. You know how the saying goes, the devil is handsome or is it devilishly handsome?" Silyva began to scratch her head while Kel just sighed before walking away from the mirror.     

"So long as no one calls my skin jade like, I'll be fine." Kel expresses before noticing Silyva's body hadn't changed all that much but he chose to shrug it off and not comment.     

"As you wish Lord Kel, I'll send a reply to Sirzechs immediately to ensure we can leave as soon as possible." Silyva expressed in her usual chirpy tone before tapping her staff on the ground.     

When she did so, a letter appeared out of nowhere before sealing itself in an envelope and then vanishing once again leaving Kel confused.     

"I forget just how easily you can manipulate the world and things around you." Kel commented causing Silyva to blush ever so slightly.     

"I just do what I must to be a useful guide." She replied while chuckling nervously.     

"Well while we wait on the reply, I want you to tell me what you can about the current state of things and I could use a recap on the characters and their personalities, It's been ages since I saw the show and even then I got bored of it after a while." Kel explained and Silyva nodded before the two continued down the hall.     

At around the same time in yet another castle hall, a man could be seen sitting on a throne in a slightly slouched position heaving a sigh. The man had long crimson hair and an air of nobility around him despite his friendly looking appearance.     

"Excuse me my Lord, you've received a letter from the house of Zagaroth." A lovely woman with short dark hair wearing a maids attire bowed as she handed over a sealed letter towards the man who began to read it in his mind.     

[ Dear Sirzechs, I have considered your offer and I think it's best considering my unique position at this moment in time. I need some time away from the underworld and I feel the earth will do just fine. I'm ready to leave as soon as the preparations are ready, I will be awaiting your reply.     

Yours Truly     

Kel Zagaroth ]     

"Hmm, seems like the boy has grown quite well. Please make the necessary arrangements as soon as possible. I suppose I should also inform my sister that they'll be a guest coming her way soon." Sirzechs showed a small smile and expressed before closing his eyes and sighing.     

'As if the debates over who will be the next Satan Lucifer aren't a pain enough. Oh well'     



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