I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 147: Arrival

Chapter 147: Arrival

4It was late quiet night within a lavishly decorated empty bedroom when all of a sudden a bright red light appeared. From this light emerged the figure of a man.      2

Once the light faded, the man's figure became clear. He had a tall toned frame with long black hair that had highlighted red tips and piercing violet eyes. He wore a strange yet extravagant armor that even left part of his torso exposed in the open. The man took a moment to look over his body before laughing aloud.     

"So it wasn't just a dream! I really did get reincarnated into high school dxd as a heir of the Bael family. This is unbelievable!" The man exclaimed while showing a joyous look on his face.     

He looked around the lavish bedroom he was in and proceeded to turn on a lamp before walking over to a mirror to look over himself.     

"I'm not longer that fat Otaku jake, from this day forth I'm Julius Bael, heir to the great Bael family. So if all this is happening it means all my other wishes for this place have become true. The other clans are all around, but I don't remember any aside from the main ones but who cares, I can truly become the king of hell with the ultimate harem, this is beyond fantastic!" The man who addressed himself as Julius showed a bright smile as countless scenarios began running through his head.     

This moment was short lived as a knock on his door caught his attention. He took a moment and recomposed himself before walking towards the door and opening it. Behind the door was a pretty young woman in maids attire who bowed immediately upon seeing Julius.     

"Sir Julius, The Lord require your presence in the main hall." She respectively informed him but he remained quiet, only looking at her body with hunger in his eyes.     

As someone who never felt the warmth of a female touch, seeing a girl that would be considered beautiful in his world bow to him was something he found extremely satisfying.     

He took a gulp and without hesitation he reached forward and groped the young woman's small yet ample breasts. The woman let out a cute squeal and a blush appeared on her face but she didn't resist.     

After all it wasn't everyday a handsome pure blooded devil gave his attention to a lowly maid.     

"M-Master Julius, the Lord will be upset if you delay. I can tend to your needs after wards if you'll allow me the honor of doing so." The young woman politely offered causing him to smile wide and nod.     

'This is fucking amazing! Calm down Jake-I mean Julius, you have to play the part of the cool headed Devil heir' he thought to himself before clearing his throat and withdrawing his hand.     

"Right, your beauty had me unable to resist. Be sure to be ready for me after I am done with my talk, me and you shall have a long wonderful night together" He declared proudly while the maid simply blushed and lead the way for him.     

As he made his way through the halls, he continued to meet one beauty after another, all of which bowed when they saw him walk passed them. As they approached the end of the hall they were in however, they noticed a figure standing in front of two large doors. This figure had a tall muscular build with piercing violet eyes just like Julius.     

"Brother." The figure spoke upon seeing Julius and showed a smile before giving a nod.     

'Holy shit! Sairaorg Bael is my brother! Calm down, play your part.' Julius thought to himself before approaching Sairaorg and nodding.     

"Evening brother, I hope you are well." Julius asked and Sairaorg chuckled while nodding.     

"I'm fine, only my pride is hurt from the crushing defeat I suffered to my own younger brother yesterday. It is no wonder father cherishes you so. It is best we don't keep him waiting, shall we?" Sairaorg showed a kind smile and Julius smiled back before the two opened the two large doors and walked through.     

Once Sairaorg and Julius entered the hall, they could see one figure seated on a grand throne. This was Lord Bael.     

"You called father..." Sairaorg was the first to speak before going on one knee while Julius who knew nothing about etiquette in the household mimicked Sairaorg and went on one knee.     

"Yes I did. Sairaorg, despite your lacking capabilities, I can see you worked hard to grow stronger but that is to be expected as you are my descendant. Yesterday however it was plain to see that without our clan's unique ability you will never ascend to greatness like your younger brother Julius here, the pride of our clan. Your mother told me to give you a chance and even then you failed to defeat your younger brother, your grandfather and I have now deemed it final that Julius will be the heir of our clan and you Sairaorg are to assist him in anyway to achieve greater feats. Perhaps if we're lucky you can find a good partner from one of the other families and produce us a decent next generation."     

"As for you Julius, we expect greater feats from you as the heir to our clan. Do not hesitate to ask for whatever resources you may need. I want you as ready as you can be for the rating games that will occur a few months from now as you'll be the Bael Clan's only representative. Is that clear?" The dark haired figure who had his eyes closed explained in a cold tone to his two children before asking if they understood his wishes.     

"Yes father I understand!" Julius didn't hesitate to agree with a large smile on his face.     

"What about mother?" Sairaorg didn't immediately agree but instead brought up the matter of their mother who was nowhere to be seen.     

"She came to plead I allow you to participate in the rating tournament but after yesterday's pitiful display it is clear only your younger brother is worthy of that. It took her this long to finally give our clan a decent heir. She should be proud of that and enjoy her privileges of the lady of the house, I will not tolerate useless requests. Now leave." Lord Bael coldly expressed causing Sairaorg to show a angered expression but Julius who held no special feelings to anyone still smiled.     

The two then got up and left the hall without uttering another word. After exiting the hall Julius showed a victorious smile and was about to walk away when Sairaorg suddenly spoke.     

"Will you not come with me to talk to mother? She chose to follow me when I was sent out while father raised you so she hasn't seen you in so long and neither have I. I thought it would be good for us three to bond a bit." Despite what had just occurred, Sairaorg still showed a smile as he spoke to Julius who thought about the matter.     

'I can always say hi tomorrow, I have gorgeous maids dying to give me their virginities, no fucking way I'm passing that up for a dude and his old mom.' Julius thought to himself before shrugging and shaking his head.     

"I can't, I have some things to attend to but pass my greetings to mother. Goodnight." Julius quickly spoke before walking away with a maid by his side. Unable to hold himself back, he even groped her asscheek as they disappeared around a corner, leaving Sairaorg looking down in contempt.     

"I'm sorry mother...." He muttered to himself.     

Meanwhile at the exact same time at a far far away Palace, a bright light emerged and filled the halls. When it faded, two figures could be seen standing side by side in the middle of a luxurious but empty throne room.     

One was a handsome young man with tall muscular yet tone figure, he had short blonde and angelic blue eyes while the other was a slightly older looking woman with long blonde hair and a curvy figure with eyes similar to that of the man.     

"I really hate portals, Silyva? Show me what I'll be working with this time around" Kel asked with a small smile on his face while Silyva bowed before tapping her staff.     



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