I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 144: Oi Master R-18 Part 1?

Chapter 144: Oi Master R-18 Part 1?

3Kel was currently seated at the edge of the bed looking at Mordred who glared at him with her hands on her waist while Silyva and Meridia stood by the side still half naked.      3

"How'd it go?" Kel asked casually despite the awkward atmosphere in the room. Mordred still showed an unhappy look but answered.     

"I've cleansed the world of heretics, people are singing your praises and holding ceremonies in your honor." Mordred explained before crossing her arms and glancing over at the two half naked women.     

"Well that's good to hear, we can have a drink and feast to celebrate after I clean up. Silyva, have Genesis arrange something." Kel turned to Silyva and instructed quickly to which she nodded before turning to leave.     

"I'll come along..." Meridia muttered in a low tone before leaving the room along with Silyva.     

Once outside she gave Silyva a strange look before speaking what was on her mind.     

"You seemed uncomfortable once the one called Mordred came in, is there an issue?" Meridia asked curiously but Silyva shook her head.     

"No, I was worried the situation would escalate and I didn't want to interrupt." Silyva replied with a small smile and her usual manner of speaking but still received a doubtful look from Meridia.     

'I don't want my first time with Lord Kel to be around people...' Silyva thought to herself as she released a small sigh.     

Meanwhile back in the room Mordred stood in front of Kel, wearing her red light armor, which left little to the imagination. Kel looked at her from top to bottom and nodded his head.     

"You've been training hard, it shows" Kel complimented knowing full well Mordred enjoyed receiving praise along those lines.     

"It's nothing really, A knight must always be in their most peak form at all times." Mordred replied with her head high and a smirk on her face.     

"Is that so..." Kel replied before walking over towards her.     

Without hesitation, he began running his hands down her perfectly toned body. Mordred maintained the confident look on her face as she wasn't to type to flush when Kel did such things to her.     

Soon Kel took it a step further and brought his hands to her asscheeks before groping them vigorously.     

"They've grown quite a bit, they feel softer as well." Kel commented with a sly smile on his face causing Mordred to frown.     

"That's not true, they should be as firm as my other muscles!" Mordred defended valiantly but Kel would soon shut her up by leaning in to plant a kiss on her soft lips.     

"!!" The kiss lasted only a moment before Mordred pulled away a bit taken aback by the gesture.     

"Oi Master, What was that for?" She asked with furrowed brows as to her a kiss felt awkward but Kel simply shrugged as he gave his answer.     

"Well we are Master and servant Mordred. You should be most comfortable around me as this is how you and I deepen our bond. If that's too much for you we can stop." Kel stated before attempting to pull away from Mordred but she held his arm and shook her head.     

"I don't mind Master, you just did it without warning and I wasn't prepared." Mordred explained casually before leaning in herself for another kiss.     

Kel smiled at this as he squeezed her ass more before planting his lips against hers once more. This time Mordred actively took part in the kiss as she sloppily twirled her tongue against Kel's, driving her body to grow hotter and hotter.     

Soon Kel moved one hand to Mordred's chest before exposing her small perky breasts. He didn't hesitate to tug and pull at her cute little erect nipple while their lips were still firmly locked.     

"Master...not so hard." Mordred muttered in a low tone as her face began to look slightly flushed.     

"Oh, is that all it takes to have my all so powerful servant squirm?" Kel teased with a smirk causing Mordred to frown.     

"That's not what I mean, you can pull harder if you wish." Mordred, not liking to be seen as weak to him quickly replied with confidence.     

Kel smiled at this before parting his lips from hers and moving them to her erect perky nipple. Mordred knew what Kel was about to do as she bit her lip slightly and braced herself.     

As expected Kel leaned in and planed his lips on her breasts and began to suck on them slowly while squeezing her asscheeks still.     

Mordred couldn't help but let out a few low and subtle moans. When Kel noticed this he moved one of his hands between Mordred's thighs and began rubbing at her pussy through the thin fabric she wore.     

Before the situation could escalate any further, Genesis's figure suddenly appeared in the room and she bowed before speaking.     

"Last Silyva informed me what you need.It is done" She said in a casual tone with a straight face.     

"Feast first, bonding later?" Kel asked and Mordred only nodded slightly as if disappointed at how things proceeded.     



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