I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 139: A True Massacre Final

Chapter 139: A True Massacre Final

3"I'll kill you Kel! Do you hear me! I'll kill you!" Koji yelled madly as he looked up at the window seal Kel was casually seated on.     

"Well, what are you waiting for then?" Kel replied before heading back inside the building. Koji could only clench his fists and look on helplessly as Kel did this.     

Koji slowly stood up and picked up a nearby gun before looking in the direction of the entrance to the office building. Before going forward, Koji took a moment to look behind himself and saw all his members either dead or in a poor state, this served to only anger him even more as he grit his teeth and made his way for the building.     

Meanwhile at the top floor of the building, Kel was casually leaning against the wall with a smile on his face.     

"He should be here soon but I must ask though, was all this bloodshed necessary?" Meridia who was still in her blade form asked curiously and Kel nodded in response.     

"The goal was to anger him as much as possible, imagine finding everything you've built destroyed by the person you despise. Not only does it bring me closer to getting an alteration but it also leaves him driven by anger hence rendering him incapable of making precise decisions." Kel explained his intentions to Meridia plainly and clearly, despite this Meridia still seemed curious.     

"Do you feel nothing at all going to such lengths? Even if it was necessary, I can't imagine you were completely okay with this." Meridia voiced her thoughts about the matter towards Kel but he simply showed a complex smile and shook his head.     

"Not at all, my will is strong enough to leave me unfazed by such. In the end, this world will be reset and none of these deaths will have mattered." Kel explained to Meridia but before she could give a reply, Koji's voice resounded throughout the building.     

"Kel!" Koji exclaimed loudly as soon as he entered the building.     

The gruesome sight that welcomed him was something he completely didn't expect. Severed limbs, blood splatter everywhere and disfigured bodies. When Koji saw this, he couldn't help but yell out Kel's name in sheer anger.     

"I hope you like what I've done with the place, it lacked a little chaotic touch don't you think?" Kel's voice resounded throughout the building as he mocked Koji still.     

Koji who was now completely overwhelmed with anger clenched his fists and began rushing towards Kel's location with the goal of killing him.     

It didn't take Koji long to reach the 3rd floor and find Kel casually waiting for him. Kel had been leaning against a wall in a relaxed manner with his arms crossed and a blade by his side.     

"You killed everyone...." Koji muttered as he looked at Kel straight in the eyes who didn't hesitate to nod at the question.     

"OfCourse, I got tired of all the begging and screaming. I killed Rei last cause her body was the most enjoyable among every girl you had here. Did you know she was a virgin? Talk about lucky huh?" Kel's uncaring reply had Koji trembling with anger as he gripped his gun and pointed it at Kel.     

"No, you don't deserve a quick death. I'm going to make you suffer!" Koji declared before tossing his gun aside and charging towards Kel.     

Koji did this as he was still confident in the superhuman abilities he had gained from his system and thought they'd be more than enough to end Kel.     

But when he got close enough and was about to land a blow to Kel's chest, Kel stretched his hand forward and easily caught the fist.     

What followed was the sound of bones cracking as Kel began to slowly crush Koji's fist while bringing him to his knees.     

"How, just how!? What are you!?" Koji questioned loudly as he failed to believe what was occurring.     

"Koji, if you were given a second chance. Would you live an honest life?" Kel questioned out of the blue but Koji took it as more of his mockery.     

"If I were given a second chance I'd kill you and everything you hold dear! Everything!" Koji replied without hesitation but Kel only smiled before letting Koji go.     

"Understandable I guess." Kel stated in a calm manner as he took a pair of gloves from his pocket and put them on.     

Koji wanted to use this opportunity to strike as Kel had left an opening but the second Koji got close, Kel stretched out his hand and gripped Koji by the neck with his right hand.     

"Let me go! Let me go!" Koji squirmed and ordered while trying to escape Kel's hold but to no avail.     

"Purge." Kel muttered in a low tone and instantly a bright glow emanated from Kel's right glove and began to cover Koji's entire figure.     

"What are you doing?! What is this?!" Koji asked in a panicked manner but the blank faced Kel only stared at him.     

"The end." Kel replied before the light completely engulfed Koji, what followed were in humane screams of terror and pain.     

When the screaming finally came to a stop, Koji's figure was nowhere to be seen. Kel then looked at his right hand for a moment before taking off the gloves.     

"There was no saving him, I think you drove him to insanity." Meridia commented as Kel lifted her and began walking away from the scene without giving a reply to her statement.     

Later the very night, Kel was seated by a river bank near a bridge in silence. A short while later the sound of a vehicle approached could be heard, making him stand up and turn in that direction.     

The vehicle was in fact the very same one he had been using before separating from Silyva and the others. It stopped just a few feet away from him before it's doors swung open.     

The first person to emerge from the car was Silyva who slowly walked over to Kel, soon after her Takagi and Saeko came out followed by a sleepy nurse Shizuka.     

"How come you guys aren't at Takagi's? Kel asked casually but only received a frown from Takagi and a skeptical look from Saeko.     

"How do you just vanish like that? If you had something to do at least let us know first." Takagi complained with her arms crossed and a frown on her face.     

"You don't have to fight alone you know?" Saeko added in a more calm tone with a smile on her face.     

"I don't like goodbyes so I hoped to not see you guys again before I left" Kel suddenly explained and caused Takagi to show a confused look.     

"Goodbye? What do you mean goodbye?" She asked still confused but Kel only smiled and turned to Silvya.     

"Silyva, reset this world. It's time for us to head back." Kel instructed and almost immediately Silyva had her staff appear and she tapped the ground with it.     

Before anyone present could react, time seemed to come to a halt for everyone except Kel, Silyva and Meridia.     

"Are you sure you don't want to say your proper goodbyes Lord Kel?" Silyva asked and Kel nodded in response.     

"I'm sure. It's better that way anyway. Come on let's go back home." Kel replied with a complex smile on his face as the world all around him began to vanish.     


A/N: Parody Chapters (R-18 scenes for Saeko, Takagi, etc) for this arc are being worked on and will be released on discord some time this coming week as I prepare to start the next arc.     



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