I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 140: Prayers

Chapter 140: Prayers

0Inside a large well decorated castle hall, a large portal suddenly appeared from which Kel and Silyva walked out of.     

"Never going to get used to the weird feeling of using portals." Kel sighed as he looked back at the portal that was now slowly disappearing.     

"Does it make you feel sick Lord Kel?" Silyva was quick to misunderstand what Kel and inquired in a worried tone but before Kel could explain a dark blue light appeared in front of them.     

"Greetings Lord Kel and Lady Silyva, it is my pleasure to welcome you back from your travels." The dark blue light soon formed into an ethereal figure and spoke in a formal feminine tone.     

"Thank you genesis, actually missed your straightforwardness." Kel showed a smile to the expressionless ethereal figure who simply bowed in response.     

"What about me, was I missed?" Yet another familiar feminine voice was heard by Kel as he was focused on Genesis and before he could turn to respond to it, he felt to arms hug him from behind and a pair of soft breasts pushed against his back.     

"You certainly make it hard to forget you Lilith..." Kel couldn't help but sigh as the charming destroyer wrapped her hands around him and squeezed her body tightly against his.     

"Oh, I'm flattered. I'm sure Silyva kept you company whenever you felt lonely right?" Lilith teases with a cheeky smile on her face causing Silyva to lower her head with a slight blush on her face. Lilith was after all the only woman Silyva seemed to hold in high regard.     

"No, well it isn't like... I just did my duties as his guide..." Silyva found trouble properly responding to Lilith's taunt which only seemed to amuse Lilith even more.     

"Isn't she just cute? Oh and by the way I do appreciate the little bit of extra chaos you caused back there, felt like a special show just for little old me. There's just something about seeing one of the creator's pets squirm and suffer. Anyway may I talk with Silyva for a bit?" Lilith expressed in an alluring tone before pulling away from Kel and asking if she could speak to Silyva.     

"Sure, I'll just speak with genesis and go check on the others." Kel felt somewhat curious about Lilith's need to speak with Silyva alone but knew it wouldn't be good if he pushed so he casually agreed like it didn't matter in the least.     

"Perfect, we'll join you soon." Lilith stated before waving towards Kel as she and Silyva walked away.     

Kel watched them leave for a moment before turning to Genesis who simply stared at him awkwardly without saying anything.     

"Umm, So where is everyone?" Kel gave her an odd stare before asking about the others to which she immediately responded.     

"Lady Mordred is in the fields with Akita while Lady Serana has been in slumber since yesterday." Genesis answered in her usual formal manner of speaking before going silent and just staring at Kel.     

"Right, well let's head in that direction then." Kel stated while still giving her an odd look before starting to walk away, Genesis simply nodded and walked behind Kel without saying anything more.     

"You know you're free to speak your mind Genesis, you seem so 2 dimensional most of the time." Kel pointed out causing Genesis to show a pondering look.     

"I am the aspect of this world, my thoughts are merely the collective thoughts of the millions of beings that reside in your world. But if you wish me to express these thoughts from time to time then it can be done." Genesis explained causing a smile to appear a smile on Kel's face as he thought that meant she'd be more open about herself.     

"Well that's good. So what's on your mind right now?" Kel asked while raising a brow, curious to hear what was running through her mind.     

"That you're a lazy God who never answers prayers." Genesis replied bluntly causing Kel to show confused look.     

"Well that was... direct. What do you mean I don't answer prayers exactly? I thought you already handle worldly affairs for me?" Kel who still didn't fully understand how his own world worked asked with a bit of confusion in his tone.     

"I do, but I do not answer all prayers. I have simply kept the world in a balanced state. Any shift that occurs should be as a result of your intervention my Lord. Currently your world is in a neutral state. Some are completely devoted to you whilst others despise you and have lost hope. Conflict, wealth, resources, and many other things are all balanced. I advise you take time to answer some of your prayers and perhaps display your power every now and then, be it through a miracle or a disaster." Genesis's statement made Kel properly think about just what kind of position he was in.     

"So the same way I complained about how lazy gods where by abandoning their own people and just watching as tragedies happen is basically what I've been doing as well? Worse I didn't even care to see what state the world was in. You truly can't understand something until you experience it for yourself." Kel let out a long sigh as he came to this realization.     

Before he could ponder more about it, he arrived at the fields where Mordred was violently destroying some large stone golems left and right. Her expression seemed to show even more excitement when she noticed Kel approaching.     

Obviously feeling the need to show off, she performed a single power slash that completely destroyed every last one of them before she turned to Kel with wide grin on her face.     

"Oie Master! Welcome back!"     



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