I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 137: A True Massacre Part 7

Chapter 137: A True Massacre Part 7

4Upon reaching the second floor, Kel found numerous people aiming their guns towards him.      3

"Stop right there!" A voice threatened loudly     

"Let's just kill him! He's mad!" Another voice added but it was clear everyone present wanted Kel dead.     

"You're better off trying to run y'know?" Kel stated in a casual manner before gripping the hilt of his blade tightly and slashing in a diagonal manner.     

Kel was too far from anyone to inflict any direct injuries to them, or so they thought but the shockwave from Kel's slash ripped whatever was on in its path, including a few unlucky individuals.     



Caught off guard by the sheer speed and force of the attack, although non-fatal those unlucky enough to get hit by the slash all had large open wounds and were losing massive amounts of blood.     

"Fire!! Shoot him!" Those unharmed chose to fire towards Kel without hesitation but once again, he dodged the bullets easily and deflected others using Meridia.     

"Fuck this! Nothing is working!" One of the shooters yelled before taking out a grenade and throwing it towards Kel.     

Kel managed to meet the grenade with his blade and attempted to return it to the sender but it exploded violently midway causing both sides to suffer from an equal amount of explosive force.     

"What were you thinking! You've killed your own people!" A figure far back from the explosion's radius shouted at the young man who through the grenade but said young man had suffered viscous burns and laid on the ground unconscious.     

"Fuck..., atleast that mad man is dead. Let's just get rid of the zombies or hold out till Koji gets here." One of the survivors on that floor sighed in relief and suggested but she soon realized that she spoke too soon as they all heard Kel's voice     

"He delayed throwing the grenade to give me little time to toss it back, smart."     

As the smoke caused by the explosion began to clear, it revealed Kel's figure. He had many severe burns on his hands and face with his bones being even visible in certain parts. However a second later his body began to heal itself at a rapid pace and in almost no time at all, he was alright.     

"Throwing a grenade at that distance will only do more damage to you than me." Kel looked at the badly burned individual who threw the grenade and advised before walking past him.     

The last 5 survivors on that floor all showed looks of panic and confusion and seemed ready to retreat but Kel's figure suddenly flickered and vanished from where it was.     

In less than the blink of an eye, Kel appeared behind one of the individuals and her by the neck.     

"Hana!" Her friends yelled out and attempted to fire at Kel but he quickly turned and used her as a shield.     

Numerous shots were fired already as Kel only turned a split second before they were about to hit him, leaving the shooters trembling from having killed their own comrade.     

"5..." Kel muttered before his body flickered again and vanished.     

The remaining four paired up and stood back to back with one another and waited for Kel to attack. They didn't need to wait long as Kel's attack came almost instantly.     

He appeared next to one of the pairs and grabbed on of the individuals and stood behind him, causing him to face his own friend. This meant the other party could not risk firing as the risk of hitting the friend was too high.     

A loud bang however was still heard but it came from the individual being held by Kel. Kel had held his wrist and caused him to fire on his own defenseless friend which then led the same friend to fire as well by reflex, both killing each other.     


Kel then turned his attention to the last pair who just looked at him with horrified eyes. One of them immediately aimed for him but Kel simply gripped his blade tightly and slashed the air.     

This caused a powerful shockwave to fire towards the two. One acted quickly and ducked while the other tried jumping and ending having his legs cut clean off.     

Kel ignored the injured one and began walking towards the one that ducked. This person tried to make a ran for it but Kel simply through Meridia causing her to pierce through the young man's leg.     

"Argh!, please!, please! Stop!" The young man pleaded but Kel's footsteps were only getting louder which caused even more fear to overwhelm the young man.     

Without a second thought the young man gripped the gun he had tightly and aimed it at his own head. A second later, he closed his eyes and fired the gun. Killing himself in an instant.     

"2..." Kel muttered before looking at the individual who had his legs cut off desperately trying to crawl towards a gun.     

Kel only glanced at the individual a moment longer proceeding to the next floor, without needing to go far, he could hear growls and screams along with gunfire.     

"1..." Kel muttered before proceeding to ascend up to the third and final floor.     



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