I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 138: A True Massacre Part 8

Chapter 138: A True Massacre Part 8

2"You..."     4

Upon reaching the final floor, Kel heard a feminine voice call out to him. He immediately followed the source of the voice and saw it was a young woman in a tattered school uniform holding a broken broom stick tightly.     

"Yes Rei?" Kel replied in a casual manner causing the young woman to grit her teeth in anger towards him.     

"Why are you doing this!?What's wrong with you!?" Rei yelled out angrily but Kel instead just looked around the place.     

"So you're the only one left huh." Kel quickly realized causing Rei to shuffle a few steps back and point her broken broom stick towards him.     

"Koji will be back soon along with the majority of our group. You won't get away with this." Rei threatened but Kel didn't seem to care, he instead walked over to the entrance before moving a large file cabinet there, completely blocking entry.     

"W-What are you trying to do...?" Rei felt a slight shiver run down her spine as Kel did this and turned towards her with a blank gaze.     

"Don't worry, I'm not a complete scumbag." Kel states before throwing Meridia towards her. In that instant the blade pierced Rei's chest and mounted her to the wall.     

Rei looked down in disbelief at her wound before looking at Kel who was walking towards her. Her efforts to speak were in vain as she choked on her own blood and failed to produce audible sentences.     

Kel didn't utter a word as he slowly removed the blade from her chest. Rei's body fell to the ground and her eyes slowly lost life with a tear running down her face.     

Meanwhile Silyva was close to reaching Takagi's home when the others finally began to wake up.     

"Argh...huh. When did I fall asleep?" Takagi asked in a confused manner and began looking around the car. It didn't take long for her to realize Kel was missing.     

"Where's Kel?" She asked with her eyes narrowed at Silyva, Saeko who had also just woken up turned to Silyva and waited an answer while Nurse Shizuka continued to sleep comfortably.     

"He never gave me a proper reason, he just said he had something to take care of and that he'd meet us at Takagi's home." Silyva explained briefly but Takagi didn't seem to be buying it at all.     

At around the same time this was taking place, Koji was on his way back to the base but even before arriving he found that something seemed off.     

"How come the lights aren't on by this time? Are we low on petroleum for the generators?" Koji furrowed his brows and turned to the young man driving and asked but the young man shrugged his shoulders.     

"I didn't see it on the list of lacking resources so I doubt. Maybe it just needs some repairs" the young man replied before suggesting a possible reason for the lights being off.     

Koji didn't question any further and waited till the reached the gate of the base, however as soon as they did so everything became clear.     

The vehicles lights had lit up what laid in front of the them, a gruesome sight of dead comrades and wandering zombies. The scene was so unexpected that even Koji was left wide eyed and surprised.     

"What the hell?!" He yelled out before quickly rushing out of the car and into the compound. The second he did so, he began wondering just what in the world could have happened.     

"Kill all the zombies!" He instructed quickly and immediately his group all disembarked the vehicles they were in and began firing at the zombies within the compound.     

It didn't take Koji long to completely wipe them out and focus on what happened.     

"The lock to the storehouse is broken, they must've escaped and caught the others off guard" one of the member's of Koji's group suggested but Koji shook his head when he saw bullet wounds and slash marks on some of the dead bodies present.     

"This isn't the work of zombies alone..." Koji muttered with an angry expression on his face as he now began pondering possible scenarios of what took place.     

"Took you long enough to realize, Koji." Koji's pondering was cut short when a familiar voice reached his ears. Koji looked up at the office building only to see Kel casually seating on a window seal on the third floor with a smile on his face.     

"You did this?! What the hell?! Why?!...." Koji was immediately enraged and wasted no time asking a multitude of questions angrily.     

"Yes I did this, why? Well why not. It's the apocalypse now so what does it matter if I kill a few people and steal their resources. The most satisfying part however should be all the tight little virgins I got to fuck. You should have seen their faces, they believed you'd come save them ahaha, isn't that hilarious?" Kel's lies and direct provocation were enough to push Koji over the edge and abandon or proper train of thought. The only thing Koji cares about now was killing Kel painfully.     

"Prepare to fire!" Koji ordered and the many students behind him aimed their guns at Kel but he simply shrugged.     

"Go ahead, don't blame me if you hit one of your girls." Kel pointed out causing them to lower their guns slowly and turn to Koji.     

'He's bluffing right?' Koji thought to himself and was about to yell an order when all of a sudden they saw a girl in Kel's arms.     

"You seemed pretty close to Rei this morning right? Here catch." Kel tossed the body towards Koji who didn't hesitate to catch it. However he soon realized that she was already dead. Before anything else however, he noticed some hard bumps on her stomach and quickly lifted her shirt to see, what he found where multiple grenades strapped to her.     

"Everyone run!" Koji yelled out and the other immediately attempted to do so but it was too late, a loud and large explosion occurred only a second later and engulfed many of the people present.     

"Well that was anti-climatic." Kel sighed and prepared to get off the window seal when he saw a figure still moving.     

[Emergency Defense successfully executed]     

This figure was Koji, although covered in dirt his body looked to be intact, all except for a large severe burn covering most of his face.     

"Commence healing!" He yelled out but nothing happened.     

[All points used on emergency defense, please try again after acquiring adequate points] a mental voice replied to Koji causing his anger to rise even more.     

"I'll kill Kel! Do you hear me! I'll kill you!"     



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