I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 135: A True Massacre Part 5

Chapter 135: A True Massacre Part 5

0Roughly 20 minutes had passed since Koji and his group left the rendezvous point they had been waiting in order to search for Shido.     

"Koji, is that it?" The student in the driver's seat turned to his left and asked Koji who had his gaze forward with narrowed eyes.     

"Yes, that's the place, stop right here and have everyone get into formation." Koji replied and almost immediately the student driving waved his hand outside the window and the other vehicles behind began to form a circle like formation around that particular street.     

After the formation was set, Koji got out of the car and looked at the flat for a moment before turning his attention to the wrecked vehicles in front of it.     

"Those are the cars Shido Sensei and his group were using Koji..." The same student who had been driving Koji walked over to his side and pointed out the observation he made.     

"I know Subaru."     

Koji showed a frown and nodded before walking closer to the wrecked vehicles to investigate. At first glance, the vehicles didn't look to be in too bad of shape as it was only the windows that had been broken and the body dented at certain parts.     

However the pungent smell of rotting bodies and blood filled the scene. One by one, Koji began seeing pieces of rotting flesh around the area but saw no bodies.     

"Maybe they got turned as well?" Subaru suggested while shrugging his shoulders towards Koji who still had a frown maintained.     

"Probably, but what doesn't make sense is how they got turned. Did they meet another group and lost? But I don't see any bullet holes anywhere so just what the hell happened?" Koji asked aloud and turned to Subaru who went to lean against one of the wrecked vehicles before crossing his arms.     

"Who knows. We should just check the place if there's anything useful right?" Subaru suggested while looking at the flat with a smirk. Koji sighed and looked at the flat as well before nodding.     

"Yea, we should probabl- Subaru Lookout!" As Koji was turning to reply to Subaru, he noticed a figure under the car, reaching out to Subaru.     

"Wha- argh!" Before Subaru could properly assess what was happening, he felt a sharp pain in his right leg. When he looked down to see the cause, his eyes widened to find the same Shido Sensei they had been looking for was biting on his leg.     

Subaru panicked and forcefully pulled away from the seemingly crazed teacher at the cost of losing part of the flesh on his lower leg.     

"Fuck! He's...been turned." Subaru cursed as he held his leg in pain before pulling out a gun at firing at the former teacher's head.     

Two gunshots later, the zombified Shido Sensei no longer moved and Subaru began breathing heavily while holding his leg.     

"Dammit. Hey Koji-*click*" Subaru was about to say something when suddenly he heard the sound of a gun clicking right behind his head.     

"You know what happens when you get bitten, Subaru." Koji had wasted no time in pulling out a gun on the person that considered him a good friend. Subaru however only showed a weak smile and began shedding tears but didn't speak. Instead he only gave a nod and closed his eyes.     


Another gunshot followed before Subaru's now lifeless body fell to the ground. The other members who witnessed this looked on with complex expressions but didn't say a thing.     

"Dammit, let's quickly investigate this place before anything else goes wrong." Koji ordered before heading towards the flat with a few members of his group while a few remained to be on lookout.     

"Stay sharp, we don't know what we might find in there." Koji warned before pushing the gate open using his inhuman strength.     

The first thing Koji noticed upon entering the premises was that the car that was supposed to be present was missing. This was already enough to tell Koji either another person or group had come passed here.     

"Tsk, let's head inside. Search for anything useful." Koji ordered before he and the group proceeded inside the flat.     

The group had spent 15 minutes looking around the place but found nothing of great use. Koji now stood in front of a locked locker with a stern expression.     

'Doesn't seem like anyone forced it open' He thought to himself and felt slightly relieved but as he opened it, he found that it contained only a note that read...     

"Sorry I took all the weapons, yours truly Shizuka and her students. *smiley face*" upon reading this, Koji wasted no time in shredding the letter and showing a sour expression.     

'Fucking Kel...' Koji thought as he gripped his fists tightly and in anger.     

"What do we do now?" One of the guys standing behind Koji asked curiously and Koji showed a stern face as he answered.     

"We meet back at the base with the others before packing and leaving." Koji said confidently causing the others to show confused looks.     

"And go where exactly?" The same guy asked again and Koji showed a sinister smile in return.     

"To our new mansion base..."     

Meanwhile, Kel and the others were in a car driving towards Takagi's home when all of a sudden, everyone except Kel who sat in the back and Silyva who was driving began yawning before eventually falling asleep there and then.     

"Seems your buns worked" Kel turned to Silyva before stating this while Silyva simply smiled proudly before bringing the car to a halt.     

Once the car came to a complete stop, Kel disembarked and got his black guitar case from the back of the car before looking in a certain direction and sighing.     

"According to Shido's directions, Koji's base should be that office building." Kel thought aloud as he remembered what Shido Sensei had told him.     

"Good luck Lord Kel, I'll guard Takagi's home incase Koji comes there." Silyva declared before starting the vehicle and leaving Kel behind.     

"*sigh* Here we go again" Kel sighed before he began walking slowly with the guitar case in his hands.     



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