I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 133: A True Massacre Part 3

Chapter 133: A True Massacre Part 3

1Early the next morning, Kel had woken up early to check the situation but as he made his way to the living area, he found Saeko and Silyva were already scouting through the windows.     1

They both wore only their undergarments that showed off their features perfectly. Kel of course noticed but made no comment on it and just proceeded to speak.     

"Is something the matter?" Kel soon made his presence known by walking closer to the girls and asking them this question. Silyva and Saeko then both looked back to face Kel before giving him an answer.     

"Good morning, we were just checking to see if everything is okay because we heard some noise in the morning. Well and..." As Silyva began to explain in her usual slow yet chirpy tone, Saeko took the opportunity to join the conversation.     

"And we have a huge horse in the area, they were probably attracted here by all the noise last night. Doesn't look like something we can easily get through" Saeko added with a smile causing Silyva next to her to show a narrow look.     

Before Kel responded to the girls, he walked over to the window and moved the curtain slightly to the right side so he could view the situation. And just like they had said, what he saw was indeed a large group of zombies roaming around the area.     

"That's a lot of zombies, they aren't targeting any building in particular so they don't know we're here. As long as we avoid making any noises to attract them, they'll eventually move on. Let's give it some hours" Kel observed only for a moment before reaching that conclusion and turning back to Saeko and Silyva.     

"So you're a zombie expert now?" Saeko commented in a teasing tone with a smile on her face while Kel simply shrugged his shoulders in response.     

"My knowledge is based purely off video games and tv shows, but hey it's kept us alive so far so yea, you can call me that." Kel replied in a casual manner causing Saeko to chuckle and start walking away.     

"Does the expert want some breakfast?" She asked in an alluring tone as she began to walk away towards the kitchen area while Kel just smirked before responding.     

"Buns." Kel said plainly with a grin on his face as he looked at Saeko. It didn't take long for Saeko to pick up on what he meant and chuckle before walking away.     

"You'll need more than just buns to be satisfied." Saeko replied after showing a sly smile of her own and walking away. As she did so, Kel noticed the way she walked had become slightly more...suggestive but made no further comment.     

"So you like buns Lord Kel." Kel's grin soon faded when Silyva asked this question causing him to shrug innocently.     

"Yes, yes I do. Especially the soft ones." he responded without hesitation causing Silyva to frown.     

"Then I've gone to prepare some for you as well." Silyva quickly responded before rushing towards the direction of the kitchen, her buns looking mighty delicious the entire way their.     

'She's smart but can be very slow sometimes...' Kel pondered this before soon leaving the living area to go take a shower.     

A/N: No shower scene, you horny....     

E/N: pain     

While Kel was in the shower, Takagi and Shizuka woke up and made their way into the kitchen area in their undergarments as well where they found Saeko and Silyva making breakfast.     

"Goood morning Saeko and Silyva" Nurse Shizuka said in a chirpy playful tone with a large smile on her face while Takagi didn't look so happy to be awake.     

"I'm just here to get some water, wait why are you cooking in your underwear. What if Kel sees you?" Takagi pointed out as soon as she noticed everyone present was exposing their figures.     

"He already has, he was here before he went to take a shower, I think he enjoyed the view." Saeko responded in a teasing tone and chuckled slightly while Takagi's face flushed.     

"Y-you showed him your body?" Takagi asked in a stuttering tone as she heard those words. Silyva only nodded before turning her attention back to the oven that had steaming hot buns inside.     

"My friend told me being comfortable around each other is how bonds are made stronger, she walked around naked all the time." Nurse Shizuka randomly pointed out causing Takagi to frown.     

"Your friend's just a pervert." Takagi said bluntly before turning to Saeko, ready to tell her off about the lack of clothing when suddenly another voice joined the scene.     

"Who's a pervert?" Kel appeared on the scene and asked with a brow raised, but he got no immediate answer.     


Instead all the girls simply looked at him. He wore only a towel covering his lower body but his bare chest was plain to see for all.     

"Pervert!" Takagi was the first to come out of her daze and rush out of the room while covering her chest, the other girls simply chuckled while Kel shrugged.     

"You could've gotten dressed before coming out here you know?" Saeko pointed out with a cheeky smile on her face.     

"I smelt fresh hot buns so I came out to see. I think I made the right choice." Kel responded casually while Saeko simply chuckled before continuing to cook.     

"Oh, you're so fit Kel." Before anyone could add on anything, Nurse Shizuka had walked over to Kel and began poking his abs with an amazed face. Although Silyva was facing the stove, the situation caused her to do so while frowning.     

'Harlots! , everywhere we go.'     



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