I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 130: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Final

Chapter 130: Guide To Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse Final

0"Can you do it?" Kel asked in a low and Silyva gave a small nod in agreement while Tagaki and Saeko who stood not too far felt like they missed something.     0

Without another word being exchanged, the sound of gun fire began to echo through the night as Silyva began shooting in Mr. Shido's direction.     

This forced Shido and his students to quickly find cover behind the vehicles they had arrived with to avoid getting hit by Silyva. However little did they know that Silyva's intent wasn't to kill them.     

'Why is Shido here? It isn't adding up, I'm sure it's Koji's doing in some way but I won't know till I ask Shido myself.' Kel thought to himself as he walked away from the balcony and towards the stairs leading to the ground floor.     

"Hey? Where are you going?" Tagaki hurriedly asked as she rushed near Kel.     

"I need to go out there myself, Silyva can't shoot accurately because she might end up hitting the cars and causing an explosion." Kel replied without going into much detail which seemed to be enough for Tagaki as she stopped following. Kel's lie had passed...     

"Then I'll come with you and help." Saeko stepped forward and offered but Kel almost instantaneously shook his head.     

"Let's be smart about this, should anything happen to me it will be up to you to protect the others. We can't send two good fighters out." Kel lied yet again as he looked at Saeko who only showed him a smile.     

"You better come back here!" Tagaki blurted out but soon realized her blunder and just crossed her arms while looking to the side.     

"Will do." Kel showed a smile and gave the girls a nod before walking down the stairs while slowly folding up his sleeves.     

Meanwhile at the encirclement, Mr. Shido was hiding behind one of six vehicles present. They were forced to hide on the other side to avoid Silyva's gunfire but this also meant they were on the same side as the approaching zombies meaning they too were constantly firing at them.     

'Dammit, this is bad. We need to quickly get back on the other side, or maybe just ram into their gate...but she just keeps firing without stopping' Mr. Shido clenched his fist and grit his teeth as he began brainstorming for an idea.     

"Uh, Shido sensei? What do we do?" A male student asked in a slightly worried tone but Mr. Shido just continued to wear a serious expression on his face.     

"Uh Shido sensei?" The student called once more causing Mr. Shido to grow irritated.     

"What?!" He yelled out in an annoyed manner but rather than answer the angry Mr. Shido, the student who had called out his name only pointed forward.     

When Mr. Shido did this, he could see a thick fog was rapidly developing in the region which meant their field of vision would be greatly reduced.     

"This is bad..." Mr. Shido muttered but the student next to him shook his head.     

"Maybe not, we just have to go over the car now that she won't be able to see us in the fog right?" The student asked quickly causing Mr. Shido to smile.     

"Perfect, from there we can ram the gate to enter then block it off using the cars. Okay the fog is getting close be ready" Mr. Shido instructed while showing an excited smile.     



The sounds of screams, gunfire and growls began to be heard as the fog reached the encirclement Mr. Shido had made.     

After hearing this, he knew it was the sound of the students on the other side falling prey to the zombies now hidden by the thick fog.     

"Let's move now!" He yelled out to the remaining students and they immediately climbed over the cars. Once within the safety of the encirclement, Mr.Shido let out a sigh of relief which only lasted a moment as he soon realized something.     


A deathly silence had fallen upon the area, no growls, no gun fire and no voices. Only the sound of his hurried breathing was audible which made him grow slightly panicked.     

He quickly held out his gun and began pointing in random directions while shifting his eyes all over the place.     

"Hello? Answer me dammit!" Mr. Shido began to grow more worried about the situation as his voice now became shaky along with his hands.     

"Where is that confidence you had before, Shido sensei." A voice within the fog asked menacingly causing Mr. Shido to widen his eyes and tighten the grip on his gun.     

"You...show yourself! What did you do to the students? Why is it quiet here? Answer me!" Mr. Shido yelled out while pointing his gun in random directions.     

However out of nowhere, a leg appeared from the fog and kicked the gun right out of his hand before a fist followed and hit him in the stomach.     

"*cough* Guh..." Mr. Shido felt as if the air had been knocked out of his lungs as he fell on his knees with his hand on his stomach. He slowly raised his head only to find his attacker standing right in front of him...Kel.     

"Answer my questions and I won't kill you Shido Sensei I promise. Refuse and you'll end up like your students." Kel threatened as he looked down at the angry looking teacher who could only nod in this situation.     


"...and that's all I know. Now let me go." Mr. Shido demanded as he slowly stood up while still looking at Kel with angry eyes.     

"You're free to go" Kel looked at Mr. Shido with a weak smile and stated causing Mr. Shido to clench his teeth.     

"You, you lied to me didn't you? You're planning something..." Mr. Shido muttered as he began thinking of a way out of his predicament while slowly backing away from Kel.     

"No, I'm just observing as you meet an ironic end" Kel replied slowly causing Mr. Shido to look at him oddly.     

"What do you mean by th-!!" Before Mr. Shido could question the meaning behind Kel's words, the glass to the car he was leaning on shattered as two hands burst through and held onto Mr. Shido from behind.     

"Ah!" He yelled out while turning his head only to see the students he had left to die now turned into zombies.     

One after another, more hands grabbed on to Mr. Shido. He looked in Kel's direction and attempted to yell for help but one of the zombies held his neck tightly.     

Mr. Shido looked at Kel with pleading eyes but Kel only sighed at the man before turning and walking away.     

A/N: Greetings from Author-Kun, I'm sure as some of you have noticed my writing style has changed to become a bit more 3 dimensional where a story doesn't just feel like it's completely centered around one guy. This style of writing will shine most in the next long arc. That said this arc will soon be coming to an end and for you guys wanting r-18 content just go to my discord and post what kind of parody you want to see in suggestions because I'm not adding too much r-18 in the main story. If it gets enough votes I'll have it done by the end of the week cause I know you men of culture need your lemons.     



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