I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 125: Day Z Final

Chapter 125: Day Z Final

0"Yo"      4

Kel casually waved at the group he now stood in front of with a small smile on his face. Before anyone could say anything, their attention turned to the approaching undead.     

'Can't use Meridia yet so...' Kel quickly pondered this as he faced the approaching undead before charging towards them.     

After getting slightly closer to the ones upfront, Kel pressed his leg hard on the ground before jumping and launching a powerful kick.     

As his foot made contact with one of the undead's heads, a loud thud could be heard. What followed was the head completely separating from the rest of its body.     

'He flung its head off with a kick?!' Koji looked on with eyes of disbelief at the show Kel was putting on.     

One after another, Kel continued to launch brutal kicks at the undeads, some would instantly have their heads fly off whilst others would have their skulls completely crushed.     

'Since most of the students are safe and haven't been turned, the number of zombies within the school is very small.' Kel thought to himself as he looked at the now motionless bodies covering most of the ground.     

"So that's what you're really capable of" Saeko who was standing right behind Kel commented with a small smile on her face and a brow raised slightly.     

"That was so cool bro! You were all like bam, woosh, kick, Bruce lee , hyaa!" Otaru, who stood further back, was even more hyped about Kel's short display in the hall.     

"I took a few martial arts classes when I was younger." Kel replied while shrugging his shoulders and slowly approaching the group. Upon reaching them, he looked at his watch and found he had made it on time, just like he and Silvya had discussed.     

"The school is currently overrun with those zombies, where have you been?" Hisashi who had been quiet the entirety of attack asked curiously to which Kel just pointed upward.     

"We thought it was a drill when we heard the announcement so we stayed in the nurse's office so I could rest, then all of a sudden those zombies or whatever they are burst through the windows. Afterwards we made our way to the roof and barricaded it. How about you guys?" Kel kept his explanation vague in terms of details and gave only a rough idea of what transpired.     

"Oh Koji wanted to check if any students were missing so we came out to help him find them. Guess you didn't need rescuing haha" the ever-energetic Otaru let out a laugh as also explained their being there to Kel.     

"I was just helping Miss Silvya to the nurse's office but we couldn't break through. It was too risky." Saeko also walked back and came to stand near Kel and explained while Silvya simply nodded.     

"You said we? Who else are you with?" Rei, who had been quietly standing next to Hisashi, asked out of the blue and caused all eyes to turn to Kel.     


A short while later, the entire group was following Kel up the stairs leading to the rooftop. When he reached the door, Kel knocked on the door in a strange pattern and almost immediately some shuffling could be heard from the other side. Less than a minute later, the door swung open.     

"Kel?" Takagi asked in an unsure tone as she tightly held on to a bat.     

"Yea, I'm not dead yet." Kel replied in a casual manner as he walked through the door and found Nurse Shizuka was behind it with a bat in hand ready.     

"How long do you plan on aiming that at me?" Kel asked while raising his hands in the air but Takagi only frowned at him.     

Soon the group behind Kel passed the door and into the open causing Takagi to glare at Kel. Nurse Shizuka on the other hand rushed over to Silvya and gave her a big hug.     


"Silvya! I'm so glad you're okay" Nurse Shizuka and Silvya's chests fought for supremacy as the two were locked in a hug.     

Otaru, Hisashi and Koji all stared momentarily as if dazed by the sight.     

"So what happens now?" Saeko walked over to Kel and asked seriously with her arms crossed. Takagi frowned at this and rushed to join the conversation.     

"I don't know about everyone here but I plan on leaving the school grounds. I don't see the point in staying in crowded places at a time like this. Emergency lines are flooded and the city looks like it's in total chaos. Rather than wait for help that's not coming, I'm leaving." Kel quickly explained and caused all eyes to turn to him.     

"I agree, we should go get the rest of my group and leave. They're all really strong so-" Koji showed a smile as his plan began falling into place once more but Kel's next words would shatter even this.     

"No. If you get your group then go your own way. The ideal group in a situation like this should consist of less than 10 members. Moving in large groups is difficult, not to mention riskier and more prone to lead to internal conflicts. If you think you can manage handling a large group then go for it. My only goal is to survive and get away from here, not establish some sort of apocalypse kingdom." Kel bluntly responded to Koji who seemed to not like the idea at all.     

"Your idea won't work in the real world, with a big group you can at least guarantee meals everyday so long as the teamwork is alright. Even better when you have strong capable members, just stop being so stubborn and come with us Kel." Koji was slowly beginning to lose but Kel remained unmoved.     

"Sorry to disappoint you Koji, but I won't be coming with you. Everyone's free to choose what they want and I've made up my mind." Kel's reply caused Koji to clench his fists in anger for a moment before he directed his attention to the others.     

"I'll be going with Kel, that much should be obvious." Silvya stated casually as if it was obvious.     

"I'm going with the option that takes me far away from you." Takagi replied while narrowing her eyes hatefully at Koji as she moved behind Kel. Koji could show a displeased look but it was something he had expected to happen.     

"I also dislike big groups and I'm more familiar with them than you so..." Saeko trailed off as she also walked over to Kel's side causing Koji's anger to slowly become more apparent.     

"I'm going to go with as well, Silvya is the person I get along with in school." Nurse Shizuka shuffled over to Silvya while still hugging her duffel bag tightly.     

"You're the school nurse, you can't just abandon your duties." Koji could no longer, simply watch another target of his slip away and attempted to intervene.     

"Doctor, police officer, president, do you think any of these titles will have meaning at a time like this? If it's her job as the school nurse then consider this an official resignation from her. Please pass it on to the principal before the school day ends." Kel mockingly replied and caused Koji to try and step forward.     

"Enough Koji, everyone should be able to make their own choices. It's not fair for you to choose." Otaru suddenly stepped in front of Koji and stated surprisingly.     

"Haha, so that's how it is huh? Fine, since your ideals seem to align then follow them Otaru. I'm done with you." Koji angrily replied and left with Hisashi and Rei in tow.     

A/N: Cheers for the support so far guys. Keep pumping stones into King Of Limbo, we're almost there.     


G.O.B MC Brutality Rankings.     

1. Aron ( King Of Limbo ): Most refined MC I've created so far. Was inspired to create him after re-reading Reverend Insanity. I can only hope to match a fraction of that master piece. His alignment is neutral evil and is by far the most unpredictable and heartless.     

2. Ren ( Naruto: The Forgotten Clan ): In second we have my most cunning MC. For 50+ chapters he'll fool even the readers with his characters but that all changes just you approach 60+. His alignment is Neutral Evil and he is by far the most patient MC.     

3. Ru ( Avatar: A New Legacy ): In third we have the most broken MC. He lacks proper emotion and is cold by nature. Coming only in second in terms of heartlessness right behind Aron. Ru is yet to find meaning except survival in his existence. His true alignment is unknown.     

4. Arias ( God Of The Omniverse ): In fourth we have the current strongest MC in my arsenal. Unlike Ru and Aron, Arias isn't completely heartless due to being born in a modern society. He comes across as a cruel and brutal man but has moments when he displays meaningful emotion. Being my first ever Mc, I had no alignment in mind when creating him     

5. Kel ( I Hunt And Purge Reincarnators ): In fifth we have Kel, the most balanced Mc in my arsenal. Also coming from modern society, he is yet to fully abandon his humanity. He can be comedic or serious depending on the scenario. In the end he is simply trying to adjust to a situation he never asked for. His growth potential is the highest of all my MCs and his true alignment is yet to be revealed.     



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