I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 123: Day Z Part 3

Chapter 123: Day Z Part 3

1With a loud thud, the windows to the nurse's office began being collided against by the seemingly crazy people outside the building.     3

"What's going on, what's wrong with those people?" Takagi asked in a worried tone as she took a few steps back. However it didn't take long for the window to crack under the pressure and shatter completely.     

"Are you sure you want to risk finding out? Let's go." Kel patted Takagi on the shoulder and gestured for her to follow him quickly. Nurse Shizuka who stood by his side only gave a small nod in agreement.     

Without wasting any more time, the trio rushed out of the office and nurse Shizuka quickly locked it to buy themselves some time.     

'Silvya's false drill idea was just what we needed to not only have more people ready but also have the halls clearer for easy passage. Everyone should be gathered in either the gym, assembly hall or any other large open area. Still it won't be long till they break through the windows and overwhelm the place, we just delayed the inevitable' Kel thought to himself as he led the way rushing through the halls.     

"Kel! Where are we going? Everyone should be gathered this way." Takagi quickly came to a halt and asked in an unsure tone while catching her breath.     

However a second later before Kel could ask, the door she was standing near burst open and a figure covered in wounds and dark blood came out and forcefully grabbed onto Takagi's arm.     

Her eyes widened and she let out a loud scream as the figure brought its head closer to Takagi and bared its teeth.     

But just as it got a few inches close, Kel rushed in and launched a flying kick right at it's head. It let out an odd growl as it let go of Takagi and fell to the ground.     

"You okay?" Kel asked while Takagi held her hand firmly with a complex expression on her face.     

"What's wrong with him? He tried to bite me..." She muttered in a shaky tone to which Kel just nodded before taking out a bat and walking over towards the figure.     

"Wait, what are you doing Kel?" Nurse Shizuka asked in a worried tone while Takagi only looked over quietly.     

"Whatever this thing is, it's not human. We don't have the time to question or understand something or someone that's trying to kill us. Either we end it first or we leave it here to kill whichever student or teacher it runs into. Best decide quickly, there are more trying to come through the windows." Kel placed the bat over his shoulder and looked at the two women waiting for a response. Both of them simply gave him a nod to which he showed a small smirk before firmly gripping the bat and swinging at the bloody man's head.     

A loud crack could be heard and blood splattered in all directions. The body however no longer moved and simply fell to the floor.     

"There's more coming soon, we have to get to higher ground now. It will be too hard to try leaving the school grounds with the number of them approaching." Kel quickly pointed out and Takagi nodded before adjusting her glasses and recomposing herself.     

"So we let them in while barricading ourselves somewhere safe, then escape when a clear path is open to us." Takagi added in her usual tone before receiving a nod from Kel.     

Meanwhile in the gymnasium, disaster was looming. The number of students present numbered fifty plus all together.     

"Sensei!, what's going on? Is this really a drill? I'm starting to get scared, I heard some screams and..." A panicked female student asked the teacher standing at the gymnasium's entrance.     

"Don't worry young lady, as a teacher I won't allow anything to happen to any of my lovely students so rest easy knowing I am here." A tall slender, dark haired teacher reassured the student.     

"Thank you Shido-Sensei" She said in a more relaxed tone and the man gave her a nod before holding her hand gently and giving it a small stroke.     

'That man has always given me the creeps, I should leave and meet up with Lord Kel around now. It won't be long till this place is overwhelmed.' Silvya, who was leaning against the wall to the side, thought to herself before moving from her position and walking over to the door.     

Seeing her approach, the man addressed as Shido-Sensei let go of the girl's hand and instead gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder.     

"What is it Silvya-Sensei? Are you also worried about the drill?"He asked in a polite and friendly manner as he turned his attention towards her.     

"No, I just need to leave to go get my medications. They're very important to me so it's not something I can delay." Silvya responded quickly and passed Shido-Sensei but before she could reach the door he held onto her arm.     

"Miss Silvya, it could be dangerous out there. As a teacher you're needed here. I'll send one of the stronger boys to fetch what you need so you need not wo-" Before the man could finish speaking, a loud smack resounded throughout the gymnasium.     

When everyone turned to see what was happening, they could see Shido-Sensei holding the right part of his face with a pained expression.     

"I get it, you're getting a bit erratic from the situation and your lack of medicine. Staying here is for your own good Miss Sil-" Once again before Shido-Sensei could finish speaking, Silvya launched a fierce kick to his genitals and instantly made him fall on his knees before quickly unlocking the gymnasium door and walking out.     

Almost immediately after stepping out however, she was followed. Silvya thought it was yet another attempt to stop which made her show an annoyed expression but she instead found it was a female student.     

"Are you also trying to tell me to remain?" Silvya asked plainly as she grew more and more irritated the longer she was away from Kel.     

"No, I want to help you and also find out what's going on. My name is Saeko Bushijima from the kendo club, just tell me where your medications are and I'll help you get there." Silvya looked at the female student for a moment before nodding her head and leading the way.     

A/N: Hope you enjoyed the chapter, but rather than here, I need you all to flood your stones to my new book King Of Limbo to give it a boost for the first week and contest. 100+ stones will mean a mass release of whichever my works people wanna see most.     

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