I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 124: Day Z Part 4

Chapter 124: Day Z Part 4

3Kel, Takagi and Nurse Shizuka were currently making their way up the stairs at a hurried pace. Takagi and Nurse Shizuka ran in the front while Kel was at the far back ensuring any pursuers they had wouldn't get far.     

"Grr." A growl however was soon heard coming from the far front where Takagi stood. Kel immediately looked forward and got ready to attack but Takagi showed a serious look and held her bat firmly before smashing it against the first bloody figure she saw in front of her.     

The bat instantly cracked the figure's skull and splattered blood and brain matter against the nearby wall.     

"They must be some that got through using the pathway that connects this building to the others." Takagi quickly pointed out in a shaky tone.     

"Look Takagi, this is all crazy but remember that those things aren't people. You're doing fine ok?" Kel quickly commented before giving her shoulder a pat.     

Takagi took in a deep breath to calm herself before giving Kel a nod. After she did so, Kel moved from her side and checked the path forward for anything.     

"I once saw a movie where zombies couldn't attack a group of people because they moved really quietly, maybe that might work" Nurse Shizuka who was now moving side by side with Takagi pointed out all of a sudden causing Takagi to look at Kel with a questioning gaze.     

"I don't think it's a good idea to test movie ideas in such a case. Hits to the head work with these zombies or undead or whatever you want to call them and that's good enough for now at least right?" Kel asked Nurse Shizuka as they approached the door leading to the rooftop.     

"Hmm, I suppose that's the safer option." She stated in a casual manner while still hugging her duffel bag tightly.     

Takagi gave the nurse an odd look for a moment before walking ahead her and proceeding to the rooftop. Once there she gazed up at the sky before looking at the rest of the town.     

Smoke could be seen coming from numerous places and the sounds of sirens were all over. Nurse Shizuka soon came to stand by her side and also looked around.     

"It's really worse than we thought..." Takagi muttered before going silent for a moment.     

After the moment passed, she quickly adjusted her glasses pointed at the door Kel was standing next to.     

"We should barricade that door and stay up here at least until it's a bit safer to leave school grounds or if we're lucky help may come but I doubt that." Takagi quickly suggested while crossing her arms and pondering possibilities.     

"Awe, I can't get any cellphone reception." Nurse Shizuka added as she held her phone up in different directions.     

Meanwhile roaming the halls of ground floor, Silvya and Saeko where currently rushing towards the nurse's office when they saw just overrun it had become. When they turned around, they found more and more of the undead where breaking through into the ground floor of the school.     

"How badly do you need those medications Miss Silvya?" Saeko inquired while tightly gripping a wooden sword.     

"Not that badly, nothing life threatening at least unlike what's ahead of us." Silvya pointed out before Saeko nodded along.     

"Then we should quickly rush upstairs, the higher floors shouldn't have too many of them." Saeko quickly suggested and Silvya immediately agreed. The two then quickly rushed up the stairs but as they did so, they found numerous bodies with smashed heads covering the stairs.     

Before either of them could question the cause, they found it as they approached the 2nd floor.     


"Nice one Koji!"     

"Look behind you Hisashi!"     

Upon reaching the second floor, Saeko and Silvya ran into Koji and some members of his group finishing a few undead.     

"Hm?" After bashing the last one's head in, Koji turned his head to Silvya and Saeko then showed a smile.     

"Seems we aren't the only ones who were curious to see what's going on." Koji leaned against his bat and stated while wiping the sweat off his brow.     

"Careful Koji, they may be bitten." A tall muscular student quickly warned Koji before coming to stand near him.     

"Relax Otaru, I can't see any wounds on them. They should be alright." Koji gestured the muscular student addressed as Otaru to stand down.     

"Bitten?" Saeko spoke out in a slightly inquisitive tone.     

"Yep, Koji here figured out that if you're bitten, you'll become one of them like in those horror movies. It's thanks to him we're all still alive. Oh sorry, I'm Hisashi, this is Rei, Otaru and of course Koji. If I remember correctly you're the new teacher Miss Silvya and you..." Hisashi trailed off slightly as he looked at Saeko hoping she would introduce herself. But before she could, Koji spoke up first.     

"That's Saeko Bushijima, our senior and star of the kendo club." Koji answered in a casual tone causing Otaru to show a confident smile.     

"That's our Koji for you, is there anything you don't know haha." Otaru complimented before giving Koji a hard pat on the back.     

"Impressive. So what brought you students to leave your friends?" Silvya played her role as a teacher and inquired curiously.     

"We thought we should check the floors in case anyone got left behind. But then when we found out what's going on we changed plans to getting out of here. It's going to be infested soon so it's not safe, you should come with us, it's safer than being here I assure yo-"     

Before Koji could finish speaking, numerous loud screams could be heard coming from the gymnasium and assembly hall. This in turn caused him to show a panicked look and hurriedly turn to Otaru and Hisashi.     

"Quick! Grab as many desks as you can from the classes so we can seal off the stairs before this place gets infested." Koji quickly instructed before rushing to a nearby classroom.     

Saeko and Silvya gave each other looks and nodded at each other before doing the same. After doing so the entire group found that the door leading to the rooftop was barred and so they where trapped on the building's second floor.     

"This is bad, Hisashi what do we do?..." Rei came close to Hisashi before asking in a worried tone.     

Before Hisashi could reassure her, some growls began being heard coming from the other side of the hall. At this moment everyone's face's grew tense as they all remembered the back stairs hadn't been barricaded.     

"Fuck! We're cornered. Koji? What do we do?" Otaru asked in a panicked manner as he stood at the front, ready to attack the approaching wave of undead with Saeko.     

As Koji began to thinking of a way out, Rei who was further back noticed something odd.     

"What the... everyone get down!!" She yelled and almost immediately lowered their heads without knowing why. A second later the sound of glass shattering could be heard.     

When they looked forward, what they saw was a figure with a black guitar case strapped to his back break through the window using a rope. As he broke through, he had his legs stretched out and kicked whatever undead where in his path before finally settling on the ground.     

"Kel?" Koji and Saeko simultaneously asked as they looked slightly surprised by what just happened.     

Kel turned to face the group with a small smile before giving a wave.     


A/N: You guys are real close to hitting the mark. I only need stones to be pumped into King Of Limbo till Monday so again I could really use the support in winning the contest as it lessens the amount of work I'll need to do on that book to get it noticed.     



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