I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 116: Dominance Established

Chapter 116: Dominance Established

0Early the next day as Kel and Silvya were preparing to leave, They began going over the items Silvya had bought and what else they'd need.      2

"No need to bother getting guns right now, I'm sure we'll come across some later on. Besides I have her..." Kel showed a sly smile as he looked at a wrapped sword shaped item that kept rumbling.     

"Then that covers everything Lord Kel, but won't that sword stand out?" Silvya asked curiously while tapping her chin.     

"Not if I keep it wrapped, even without a wrap I doubt people will question a sword too much in a zombie apocalypse." Kel answered while slightly shrugging his shoulders.     

Having nothing else to discuss Silvya and Kel left their home, leaving the wrapped sword vibrating more vigorously as if angry.     

Once at the school, Silvya and Kel parted ways and went about with their individual schedules. Kel's having history class while Silvya was teaching English once again.     

"Morning Kel!"     

Immediately upon entering the classroom, Kel began to receive greetings and questions from those still curious about him.     

"I heard you left school alone, you gotta be more careful"     

"Did anything happen?..."     

He was flooded with question after question but chose to answer vaguely and left out details.     

"So you just went home without anything happening, maybe it's safe now. Dammit class will be starting soon and I haven't done the homework..." One of the boys around Kel's desk exclaimed in a panicked tone before rushing to his own desk.     

"We had homework?" Kel asked with a skeptical look. His attention was never in class as it brought no merit so he purposely ignored everything during lessons.     

"Wait you haven't done yours too?" Another guy asked Kel making him feel a bit more relaxed.     

"I was busy moving in so I guess I was too tired to focus in class. It is what it is" Kel shrugged his shoulders uncaringly not even bothering to try and write it last minute.     

"Yo Kel, if you want you can use my homework just this once since you're new and all." Koji appeared from behind him offered in a friendly manner but before Kel could answer, he heard a loud slam on his desk.     

In front of him stood Takagi who had her hand firmly pressed on a book on Kel's desk. Her brows were furrowed and she had a look of displeasure on her face.     

"Here, use mine. I did tell the teacher I'd make sure you're up to date so it's my responsibility. So here, hurry up and do your homework or you'll make me look bad." Takagi quickly instructed before leaving for her desk without waiting for a response. Koji who was nearby showed a momentary frown but didn't express himself.     

'Can't even fail a class in peace...' Kel thought to himself before proceeding to open up her book and start doing the homework. Koji could only return to his seat as his plans failed.     

The rest of class continued rather uneventfully. Kel ignored the lessons but would still answer correctly whenever asked a question. Whenever he did this, he'd get glanced at by Takagi and Koji.     

Soon time flew by and it was time for gym class. Koji kept glancing at Kel with a smirk as he stretched on the basketball court. The gym teacher gathered all the students and split them into teams. The girls would run laps while the boys would play basketball after.     

When it was finally time, the boys were split into teams with Koji and Kel being on opposing sides.     

When the ball was tipped off, Koji's team immediately had the advantage and they passed to him. He easily made his way through the other students and was ready to dunk in style but just before reaching the rim, Kel appeared in front of him and fiercely swatted the ball away.     

"Dammnnnn!" Surprisingly the coach was the one most shocked by the display. Koji wasn't much different as he looked at Kel in disbelief.     

The loose ball was caught by one of Kel's teammates who immediately went on the offensive.     

Koji grit his teeth and turned back to quickly rush back to his side of the court. Rather than go after the guy with the ball, Koji went closer to the rim.     

He knew the ball would be passed to Kel who was open so he furrowed his brows and got ready to block. But what he didn't expect was for the pass to be an alley-oop.     

Koji immediately jumped after the ball but Kel's hand had already made contact. Kel showed Koji a malicious grin before putting some actual strength into his hold of the ball.     

Koji made contact with the ball but to his surprise, he couldn't flick it out of Kel's hand. It was firmly gripped to his hand which meant only one thing....     

Kel slam dunked the ball into the rim while Koji was made to fall on his ass from the impact. The entire class went silent for a while until...     


"Two points Team B" one of the girls on the side of the court quickly announced before writing down the score on a board next to her.     

Koji grit his teeth as one of his teammates came to help him up.     

"Be sure to pass me the Ball everytime." He declared in an angry tone while glaring at Kel who was doing the ice in my veins celebration.     

The girls cheering for Kel only made Koji even more angry as the game resumed. Koji didn't waste time getting the ball and rushing to Kel's side of the court.     

The rim was heavily defended so he couldn't go for a dunk so he instead opted for a 3-pointer. He quickly did a step back and prepared to shoot but once again Kel blocked it and caused it to go out of play.     

It tapped Koji last so the ball was with Kel's team. Upon being passed the ball, Kel was immediately guarded by Koji.     

Kel showed a grin and managed to quickly rush past him but Koji pursued right beside him. He looked ready for anything but then all of a sudden, Kel came to an abrupt halt. Koji's eyes widened as he continued moving. When he tried to come to a halt as well, his ankle bent slightly and he ended up falling.     

Kel used this chance to do a step back and launch a 3-pointer. It was nothing but net and caused the girls to cheer even louder.     

With a loud bam, Koji slapped his hand on the court as his friends gathered to help him up. He stood up looking even more determined. When asked if he could still play he readily agreed. But....     

"Excuse me coach? I think I strained my ankle on the last play. Would it be okay if I went to get it looked at?" Kel suddenly asked the coach causing Koji to grow even more wide eyed.     

"Huh, oh yes. Be sure to go get it checked. I'd like to talk to you when you have time too" The coach added before sending Kel on his way.     

"Uh coach? My legs are actually feeling a bit heavy. Maybe I should also go to the nurse?" Koji asked while holding his legs but the coach shook his head.     

"It'll be bad if many students go there. Don't worry, I know how to handle such injuries. I'll massage your thighs till you're all better." The buff coach offered before licking his lips hungrily.     

E/N: looks like he's finally going to lose his Virginity lmao     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1.2k stones.     



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