I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 115: Family

Chapter 115: Family

2Once Kel arrived back home, he was surprised to find Silvya waiting for him as soon as he opened the door.      0

"Welcome back Lord Kel" She said and bowed her head slightly.     

"Is there a particular reason you're greeting me like this?" Kel asked with a raised brow but Silvya hesitated for a moment.     

Silvya could never lie to Kel, so whenever he asked her a question she'd always answer regardless of how embarrassing. Not because she was bound or ordered to do so but because she herself wanted to never keep anything from him.     

"Uh...I read in a book that this is how a woman should welcome a man back home..." Silvya replied honestly but remained vague.     

"I suppose that's accurate...what book is it?"     

Kel's question caused Silvya to hold her head down in shame as she held out a book towards him.     

"How to be a good housewife..." Kel reading the title of the book aloud only caused Silvya to blush more furiously as she kept her down.     

"You really have a thing with guide books huh?" Kel questioned with a raised brow. But before Silvya could muster the strength to answer, Kel continued to speak.     

"Thank you Silvya." Kel said with a smile on his face as he gave her head a pat before walking past her.     

"I'm going to change." He stated casually as he began to ascend the stairs.     

'I don't want to believe someone like her may betray me...' Kel sighed as he thought this but decided to not ponder too much on it.     

'...did he like it?' Silvya thought of this and her eyes grew wide with excitement. She quickly turned to another page of the book and rushed into the kitchen.     

When Kel came down into the kitchen, he was greeted by an interesting sight.     

An apron that looked ready burst covered Silvya's busty naked body. Much of her breasts could still be seen as the only thing the apron really hid was her pussy and nipples.     

"You really put yourself on the menu?" Kel asked curiously but Silvya shook her head.     

"Uh no, it's chicken. I didn't know what you meant Lord Kel and the book doesn't mention being eaten...I'm sorry" Silvya bowed and showed a bit of embarrassment for not understanding what Kel meant.     

"No need to be sorry Silvya, I quite like the outfit and the food looks good too. Let's sit, I want you to run me through your day."     

Silvya nodded with an excited look on her face and finished the rest of the preparations quickly although not without a few slip ups...     

"I haven't had a dinner this tempting since that one time my aunt Vanessa came after visiting my family. I mean came to visit my family."     

"How..I mean what is uh...Lord Kel's family like? If you don't mind me asking..." Silvya asked in a low tone after hearing Kel's statement. Silvya has never once asked about Kel's past personal life.     

Although he did share stories about his world, they were never personal. Silvya avoided asking despite being curious because she believed it to be disrespectful.     

When she was told to be Kel's guide, even she didn't think she'd end up growing so close to him.     

'I overstepped...I shouldn't have asked h-' Silvya began to worry that she should not have have asked Kel such a personal question but her worries were soon quelled when Kel nodded and answered.     

"My family huh...the simplest way to describe them is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm adopted you see but they raised me and see me as their own flesh and blood. My life back in my world wasn't anything too special but I was truly happy." Kel answered Silvya's question with a smile as he remembered his parents.     

"They sound amazing...I'm happy for you Lord Kel." Silvya commented with a bright smile on her face.     

"All I can say is I'm lucky to have them. What about you Silvya? Any family?" Kel's question caused Silvya's smile to fade and her head to lower.     

"I have a sister...or had one..." she answered in a sad tone.     

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that...my condolences" Kel replied in a gentle tone but Silvya shook her head while tears began to fall from her eyes.     

"She's alive...I'm just dead to her...."     

"Her and I reincarnated together when were very little...but unlike her... I wasn't smart, talented or as beautiful as her. As she grew stronger I only held her back and this made her angry...sometimes even making her become violent but I still remained... I understood it was my fault for being useless...but eventually she had enough so I was abandoned for being useless and left to die...Lady Lilith felt pity and saved me..."     

"She originally wanted me to be the one to handle the Creator's reincarnator's but...*sniff* even that was something I was too useless to do alone. She may not have said it but I know she gave up on me and wanted to reincarnate me into a better life but I refused. I offered to serve as a helper to whoever she found...so I could repay her for saving my life."     

"...maybe if I wasn't so useless I'd still have a family..." Silvya kept her head down as tears continued to run down her face. Kel didn't Immediately comment but instead placed his hand on top of hers.     

"A lot of crazy things have happened to me since being thrown into this whole situation and in my life as a whole. Don't fault yourself for being the way you are. Because no matter what happens, I don't want to lose you, clumsiness and all."     

'I'm not really good with words but I hope this atleast makes her feel a little better' Kel sighed as he continued to gently caress her hand.     

Soon Silvya slowly raised her head and looked at Kel. Tears continued to fall down her face but she wore a bright smile.     

"Thank you Lord Kel."     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1.2k stones.     



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