I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 113: Not So Low-Key

Chapter 113: Not So Low-Key

2Early morning inside a neat looking apartment, a bright light suddenly appeared in the living room but began to fade soon after. After it did so, Kel and Silvya's figures became plain to see.      4

"Hmm?" Kel began to look around him before turning his attention to their clothing.     

They both maintained their usual appearances but wore varied clothing. Silvya wore a formal attire with a short tight black skirt with black leggings to match and a loosely buttoned top.     

Kel on the other had had on an all black school uniform with white shoes to match. He too loosened the buttons of his top before nodding.     

"A teacher and student profile. Easy to blend in with, we just need to avoid standing out too much till the zombies appear 3 days from now" stated Kel while adjusting his uniform.     

"Mhm. I'll get some supplies we may need after school ends Lord Kel" Silvya agreed before announcing her plan after the day was over.     

"Good thinking. I'll be sure to check the layout of the school and prepare some escape routes. I should probably download a map of the region as well and memorize it along with key locations that way we-"     

[Breaking news: Yet another missing persons case has been declared by the police...]     

Before Kel could finish speaking, his attention along with Silvya's turned to the TV where a news broadcast was being televised.     

[This is the second case this week under similar circumstances. Both male 2nd year students of Fujima academy. Takashi Komuro who disappeared earlier this week and Kohta Haruno. Police are advising students to be careful and move in groups when leaving school grounds. Any information regarding the cas-*click*]     

"Seems our reincarnator is already at work" Kel switched off the TV and let out a sigh.     

"Are you sure it's him? A lot of changes happen in the world such as these due to interference by us or reincarnators..." Silvya asked curiously to which Kel nodded his head.     

"It's too much of a coincidence but it is possible he isn't involved, though I highly doubt it. Takashi and Haruno were among the main cast, his reason for taking them out is obvious but who knows...he may have other motives" Kel assessed as he and Silvya began to leave the apartment they were in.     

"That seems risky to do upon reaching..." Silvya commented while shaking her head.     

"It's not all that surprising really. These people who reincarnate mostly had normal lives, however once they get the chance to go to new worlds with power it can go one of two ways..."     

"Changing events to suit their needs or riding along. To most these are just world's they can play around as they please after getting the power to do so...very few actually see it as an independent world and consider consequences..."     

"Although this reincarnator's way could be said to be smart, depending on his motives. Takashi and Haruno are most likely dead but are instead reported as missing because no bodies have been found, this forces the police to investigate using little information which takes time. 3 days from now the world will turn chaotic and his actions will be forgotten"     

"He may not have considered the consequences but he definitely planned well enough to suit his needs..."     

Kel's assessment left Silvya pondering the matter further. The more she thought about it the more it made sense but in the end it was just theoretical.     

The rest of their walk to school was spent discussing the supplies they'd need and how they should go about using these 3 days. Upon arriving at Fujima Academy, Kel and Silvya were greeted by a kind female teacher.     

Silvya and Kel were under the guise of being under a foreign exchange program. Silvya was led to the staff room where she would prepare to teach English while Kel walked to class with another teacher.     

"Your Japanese is very good for a foreigner, actually perfect" The teacher alongside Kel complimented to which he gave a slight nod.     

"My mother was Japanese so I learned from an early age. It's just the customs that I'm not familiar with Mr. Hashikagi." Kel replied politely and the man showed a friendly smile in return.     

"Haha. Don't worry about fitting in, we had a new student just last week. He's fitting in alright, quite popular in fact. Perfect grades, good behavior and excellent in sports. That Koji sure is something" The teacher praised while nodding his head continuously.     

Upon reaching the entrance to the class, the teacher paused and looked at Kel seriously.     

"Listen I don't want to worry you but I'm sure you've heard about or will, about two missing students that were in my class...please just make sure you don't go home alone. If you have any trouble making friends I'll be happy to assign you to a group. Now then let's introduce you to everyone..." The teacher quickly spoke before sliding the door to the classroom and walking.     

Kel could hear the teacher announce the arrival of a new student before he was gestured to finally walk in and introduce himself. Kel casually walked in and stood at the front of the class where all eyes turned to him.     

'Part of me hoped we'd just skip the whole introduction part...damn'     

"My name is Kel Henderson and I'm an exchange student from Canada. I'm new to the area and don't know much of anything here so I'll be in your care" Kel kept his introduction short and gave a small nod before being assigned a seat.     

Many students couldn't help but murmur and whisper after seeing him. His figure, manner of speech, hair color, eye color and demeanor all stood out. So once the class ended, many students huddled around him and began to ask questions.     

"What's Canada like...."     

"Is your hair naturally that color?....."     

"Your accent is so cool...."     

"Do you wanna join us for lunch...."     

Kel received question after question about himself but answered only a few, he was more focused on getting information after all but one introduction did get his interest.     

"Hey there, my name is Koji Aki, I'm also new here so if you need a buddy to help you adjust feel free to ask me. Do you wanna join my friends and I for lunch? We'd all like to know more about you" a dark haired young man asked Kel with a friendly smile.     

"Thank you for the offer but I can't, I wanted to have a quick look around the school. I'll join you next time" Kel replied politely before standing up and leaving the room.     

"Psh. What's with that guy? Does he think he's too good to hangout with us?" One of the students near Koji asked irritatedly but he shook his head.     

"He's probably just a little overwhelmed like I was. Let's go guys" Koji replied with a smile and gestured them to follow.     

"You're so considerate Koji..."     

"Yea you really understand people..."     

"Takagi ? Do you want to join us?" Koji asked with a charming smile but the pink haired girl he directed the question to refused.     

"Thanks but I don't want to be a part of your "group"...." she replied while showing a frown and walked away.     

'...you say that now but once the zombies come up, you'll beg to not leave my side. Same with the others....' Koji thought to himself before soon leaving the room as well.     

A/N: and so the lew-...action* begins.     

Edited by: MagnuS the gay shotacon     

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