I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 105: Extermination Part 2

Chapter 105: Extermination Part 2

0Kel left the dark brotherhood hideout in the early morning with Serana and Silvya in tow.      1

"Are you sure they'll follow the commands you left them? Isn't that risky?" Serana asked curiously as they walked through the forest.     

"A lot of things I do are risky. If this fails then I have measured in place. If they're smart, they'll carry out my words to the letter." Kel answered while displaying a small smirk.     

Kel soon called for his dragons and they returned to his mansion near Whiterun. Theere after he had an important letter sent to Jarl Elisif and now waited for events to unfold.     

Later that very day in Solitude, Jarl Elisif had gathered the people of her court for an important announcement.     

"In 2 days time, a meeting will be held to discuss how best to deal with the vampire threat in Skyrim once and for all. I ask that letters be sent to inform all Jarls about this as it is mandatory to attend. Those who don't will face a penalty." Elisif finished speaking and caused the many people present to look at her oddly.     

Most thought her to be timid and more of a puppet so this declaration was otherwise odd, especially the penalty. Unbeknownst to them, she was following the script Kel had set up for her. This conference was more or less the final piece to his grand plan.     

"Jarl Elisif, it may not be wise to go about things this way. I say we wait and see if the vampire attacks either reduce or increase then go from there to not waste manpower." Thane Erikur stood and suggested with a smile.     

"Did I ask for your input? Know your place Erikur. I won't allow my people to die just so you can save manpower. I've stated my declaration. You're here only as a formality, your words change nothing." She declared before standing from her throne and leaving to her quarters.     

'My heart has never beat so fast in my life...but it was so exciting to be seen as superior. He helped with the first part but now I have to make all the necessary arrangements...Calm yourself Elisif. I can do this, I'll be the queen my people and Kel need to be.' She motivated herself proudly before calling it a day.     

Meanwhile outside the blue palace, Erikur was walking through the streets of Solitude in great anger.     

'That bitch! After all I've done for her she dares to do this to me...humiliated and in front of the entire court! Even maids dared to laugh at me. Oh just you wait. Once your fiancé is dead you'll crawl back to me begging!' He thought to himself before bumping into someone.     

"Oh apologies great Lord" a feminine voice called out.     

Erikur looked down to see a young and voluptuous woman rubbing her head as she stood up. And she wore a veil on her face that made her look even more exotic.     

"Oh No no it's fine, I was just lost in thought haha. But a young and beautiful lady like yourself shouldn't be walking at night alone." He stated while helping her up. Unable to resist caressing her extremely soft and smooth skin in the process.     

"My fiancé died in the war thanks to Kel bastard, now I must fend for myself in a foreign land. I can't survive without a strong man by my side" The woman began to cry and hugged Erikur causing him to gulp the second he felt the softness of the woman's breasts.     

"Oh! *ahem* fear not m'lady, I too know of the problems that man has brought. I can help make your life here better, why don't we discuss this at my place?" He offered and the woman shyly nodded.     

But once inside, Erikur hugged her immediately and began running his hands all over her body.     

"You mustn't sire..." she muttered but he continued and slowly began to reach for her intimate areas.     

But instead of a slit, he felt an erect rod twice the size of his. Erikur's eyes widened and he quickly looked up.     

"First time?" A masculine voice asked causing him to panic even more.     

"Y-you're a man!" He called out as the person removed the veil and wiped their face, revealing a man.     

"That I am. The night mother sends her regards!" He stated as he slowly walked over to Erikur.     

"No! No! Noooo!"     

A little later the same night in Riften as Maven was writing something in her study. Her window flew open with a large gust of wind. Maven quickly raised her head and looked at it while frowning.     

"Damned Riften weather." She curses before standing to close the window.     

"It's not the weather you should worry about." A voice behind Maven caused her to quickly turn around.     

But when she did so, she came face to face with a small blonde haired child with bright red eyes.     

"You will listen to me..." the child ordered and Maven nodded in a dazed manner.     

"Heh...good...I'm here to deliver a message."     

"The brotherhood is under new...laws and so your ties to us are being severed. You are being given the chance to redeem yourself however but you won't be told how to do so. Get creative or don't face a faint worse than death. The end. Ohhh how mysterious hehe, well goodbye miss" The child stated the message before saying her farewell in a playful manner.     

After that the child moved at a great speed and left outside the window, Maven soon stood up looking very angry but at the same time worried.     

Almost immediately her door slammed open and a burly guard rushed in.     

"Who said you could enter!" She yelled out.     

"I'm sorry Jarl Maven but it's your children and husband...they...they're dead." The burly guard stated in a hesitant tone.     

Edited by: MagnuS the Nazeem lover     

A/N: Before the people who jump to conclusions start bitching, Maven's children are adults and bad people. The husband is a simp and a cuck. There, is your justice boner satisfied?     

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