I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 104: Extermination Part 1

Chapter 104: Extermination Part 1

3After Kel came to an agreement with Serana, Silvya left to go get changed while Serana walked over to Kel and leaned into his neck. Just getting close to him triggered her to beat her fangs as the scent of his blood was just that alluring.     

She didn't wait any longer and sunk her teeth into his neck and sucked on his blood. Once more she felt her heart thump as the blood made her body surge with power. She pulled away after a short moment and said nothing before walking away.     

Kel watched her leave with narrowed eyes before going to get changed himself. After doing so, he met with Silvya and Serana outside the estate before calling for a dragon.     

Using the dragon to travel it took them only a little while to arrive in the forest near the town of dawnstar. Once there they proceeded on foot and followed the information they got from the assassin they interrogated.     

It didn't take long for them to encounter the stone door with a skull on it and a bloodied hand print. Kel, Silvya and Serana walked over and the door immediately spoke.     

"What is life's greatest illusion?" It asked, causing Silvya and Serana to look confused before turning to Lel.     

Kel showed a smile and kicked the door down effortlessly before walking in.     

"We'll split and attack from different points, if possible try to catch as many as you can alive." Kel instructed as he stepped towards a hall he chose to follow.     

The design seemed completely different to the way it was in game but it still suggested they were in poor state.     

Almost immediately after going down a hall, Silvya encountered people. She didn't waste time and trapped each one she met in giant blocks of ice.     

Meanwhile Serana used a vampiric spell called "drain vitality" to drain people of their life force till they were just at death's door before knocking them out.     

Serana and Silvya soom met in a large central room where they lined up everyone they found and stood in front of them.     

"To call themselves assassins is actually quite funny. To think they'd have been this easy to deal with. So much for being one of the deadliest groups in Skyrim." Serana pointed out in an amused tone.     

"You caught us off guard but mark my words, I will personally kill you in the most brutal of ways. If you think this is everyone the brotherhood is composed of then you're usually mistaken." A large Nord man pointed out in an angry tone towards Serana but she wasn't the least bit fazed.     

"If your main fell this easily what makes you think your branches will have better luck?" Serana asked while tilting her head.     

"Who sent you? Whatever reason you're doing this I'm sure we can negotiate some terms and resolve this" A blonde short haired woman next to the angry man voiced calmly despite the situation.     

"I'm not really in a negotiating mood." Kel soon appeared causing the once calm woman to furrow her brows.     

Behind him he dragged an unconscious man in a jester's outfit. He threw the man next to the other members lined up and went to stand next to Serana and Silvya.     

"Who requested that I be killed, Astrid?" Kel asked the once calm woman and directly addressed her by her name. There are a number of ways he could've known it so she wasn't all that surprised.     

"Like I said, why don't we negotiate" Astrid recomposed herself and offered this once more.     

"Serana." Kel called out and Serana immediately raised her hand towards one of the members lined up and used her "drain vitality" spell.     

The already weakened member let out painful grunts before falling to the ground lifeless.     

"Vezeera!" The large Nord man exclaimed loudly and the other members expressed their shock as well. Astrid showed a scowl towards Kel but he didn't show much of an expression. Just the small smile he wore on his face.     

"You don't need to do these just here what I have to sa-"     

"Serana." Kel interrupted Astrid and called out Serana once more. She immediately responded by killing yet another one of the lined up members with her spell.     

"Festus!" Some of the member's yelled out in unison. The dark brotherhood was composed of cold blooded killers. But they themselves could be considered a sort of dysfunctional family that still cared for or at least tolerated one another.     

"Fine! Stop! I'll talk!" Astrid quickly responded, unable to hide the anger she was feeling at that moment. Two people she had known for years had been killed in a mere moment, worse she could've prevented it.     

"Who hired you to kill me" Kel asked bluntly with his arms crossed.     

"It was a rich merchant from Solitude, She-"     

"She's lying." Serana quickly interjected and pointed out. Kel gave her a small nod and she took the life of yet another one of the members.     

"Gabriella...." a few members muttered whilst others were rendered speechless by the spectacle.     

"Enough! I won't allow you to have us all killed over money Astrid. Thane Erikur of Solitude ordered your assassination while Maven Black Briar referred us to him. That is the truth.     

"He's telling the truth." Serana added while looking at Kel.     

"Wise choice Nazir. Now let's talk about the price to pay, from now on the dark brotherhood will belong to me...or I could just kill you all right here and now." Kel casually suggested towards the remaining members.     

"What?!" Astrid and the man next to her yelled out in unison but Kel didn't bat them an eye.     

He instead simply gave Serana a nod and she raised both hands towards the two and began draining their vitality. It wasn't long before their bodies dropped to the ground, devoid of life.     

"Any more objections?"     

A/N: I'm not feeling too well today so I'm unable to write as fast as I usually can. Expect some delays in the release of my other books chapters by a few hours.     

A/N: I'm glad we reached 1k yesterday so I'm raising the goal this time to 1.5k, as for my release rate. IHAPR has earned the MRM. Mass release mode. Meaning multiple chapters per day so long as I see a good flow of stones.     

[e/n: :)]     

Edited by: clickbait the great cross dresser     



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