I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 99: First Meeting

Chapter 99: First Meeting

1Kel removed the sword from Vampire's chest before he fell to the ground and continued to disintegrate.      0

"What is the meaning of this! You promised me!" The Vampire yelled out but got no answer.     

"No matter how strong you are, you are weak towards the blade Dawnbreaker. Especially one that houses it's very creator." Kel declared as the remaining part of the vampire disintegrated.     

"You foolish mortal! Release me! I am the Daedric prince Meridia, how dare you incarcerate me!" As Kel watched the last of the Vampire's body perish, his sword spoke in a tone of pure anger despite the voice being beautiful.     

"Could you keep it down, just accept it already. I'm not going to let you go" Kel sighed and replied to the sword.     

"I'm a Daedric prince, feared by even divines! Worshipped by thousands! I will never accept such a degrading situation! Release me and I'll end you swiftly, lest you wish to face the other daedric prince's wrath. Do you hear me mortal! Answer when I speak to you!" The voice angrily answered, unwilling to accept the situation.     

A/N( Daedric Prince) If divines are Gods then Daedric princes can be considered Demons. They are among the most powerful existences in the elder scrolls world. Among not the most powerful. It would take too long to explain everything.     

A/N ( Meridia ): The Daedric Prince of the energies of all living things, enemy of the undead and all who disrupt the flow of life. Her physical form is that of a woman. In reality Daedric princes are genderless, they take forms they please when they become physical.     

"First of all, you daedric princes use mortals as mere tools. I should know I finished Skyrim multiple times. So consider this poetic justice. Second of all, trapping you in the sword alone cost me two alterations. No way I'm letting you go." Kel explained while shrugging his shoulders.     

"Your words mean nothing to me! Release me at once mortal!" Meridia continued to argue, causing the sword to shake vigorously.     

"It's hard to take you seriously when you're a glowing sword. I gave you two forms Why not use them?" As Kel asked this the sword glowed more brightly and took the shape of a person.     

"This is beyond degrading! I will toture you for eternity for this!...." Meridia threatened after seeing her first form. She immediately switched to the next which only seemed to make her even angrier.     

"...death and torture would be too good for you! How dare you humiliate me so." Meridia complained before shifting back into a sword.     

A/N: Image. Meridia Blade Form.     

A/N: Image Meridia First Form.     

A/N: Image Meridia Second Form.     

A/N: Aye you. Yes you. Stop smiling.     

"I see, well you'll get used to it. Now I have other matters to attend to." Kel replied before wrapping the blade in a cloth once more.     

'She's definitely just as bossy as in game. Worth it in the long run' Kel thought to himself before joining the others in the next cavern a little further away.     

Inside the cavern, Kel crossed a bridge and arrived on a circular platform with a pedestal in the center.     

"Uh, Lord Kel, the room is empty". Silvya turned to Kel and voiced while looking around confused.     

"We need to solve the puzzle first." Kel replied before he began moving the small stands that housed purple flames. After moving each of them into certain rings on the ground, their flame filled it.     

Once all were in the right place, the flames filled all the rings before the floor lowered and revealed an ancient sarcophagus that rose up.     

With a loud thud, the sarcophagus opened slowly. As the black smoke that surrounded it faded. It revealed a beautiful woman in deep slumber. She soon slowly opened her crimson red eyes and looked at Kel.     

Before she could speak however, her eyes darted to his side and widened. Kel noticed this and turned and reacted quickly.     

He raised his hand and caught an arrow that was inches away from piercing the recently awakened woman.     

"Aela stand down." Kel quickly instructed, causing Aela to frown.     

"She's a Vampire! Are you going to spare her just because she's a woman!" Aela asked in anger.     

"A werewolf, I could smell your foul stench from the moment you entered this crypt" the beautiful woman said calmly while showing a cheeky smile that revealed her fangs.     

"Enough!" Kel roared out using his ability to shout and the entire cavern rumbled. Aela simply frowned and crossed her arms while the woman turned her attention to Kel.     

"Whatever your reason for freeing me, since it's not killing me then I suppose I should thank you Savior. My name is Serana, were you sent to awaken me?" The vampiric woman revealed before stepping out of the sarcophagus.     

"No. I wasn't, all I knew was something or someone was hidden here" Kel replied choosing to stay vague.     

"How much time has passed... hundreds?... no... thousands of years." Serana muttered to herself before furrowing her brows.     

Lydia and Aela seemed still very much cautious of Serana as she walked near Kel. Silvya wasn't worried and only waited to see what would happen.     

"Savior? I have a request to make. May you guide me to my home?" Serana's tone of speaking was blunt and direct. This irritated Aela all the more.     

"Why would a Thane escort some rogue vampire to her cave in the middle of nowhere..." Aela commented while crossing her arms.     

"I'll escort you to your home and my name is Kel" Kel replied, causing Aela's eyes to widen while Lydia narrowed her eyes.     

'It would be bad if Yorgen influenced Serana...the best I can do is use the time traveling to the northern coast with her wisely.' Kel thought to himself before turning.     

'It's clear he's killed my kind, I can smell it on him and the others but why does he spare me? Is it because he finds me attractive? Or could it be something else. I best stay on guard.' Serana thought to herself before following behind him.     

"Are you sure about this my Thane?" Lydia came closer and whispered.     

"Can you not talk about me while I'm still here?" Serana commented with a brow raised.     

"Lord Kel is always right." Silvya confidently said, causing Kel to show a smile.     

"Thank you Silvya. I like how you never doubt me, now let's go'' Kel's reply caused Silvya to smirk at the other two.     

'Lord Kel praised only me. Today is a good day." Silvya showed a bright smile as she thought of this and followed Kel.     

"No my Thane I didn't mean it like...*sigh* I trust your decision I was simply concerned." Kel only nodded at Lydia's statement and led the way out. The longer he let this conversation continue the higher the chances of another argument erupting.     

'Lord? Thane? Just who is this man?' Serana thought to herself but made no comment.     

"I am watching you Nightwalker" Aela said as she passed Serana and whispered before also following Kel.     

'He even tamed this mutt...Interesting' Serana thought before following as well.     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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