I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 100: Drained

Chapter 100: Drained

3After exiting dimhollow crypt, Kel gathered Silvya, Lydia and Aela by the horses.     

"I'll need you three to head back to the estate now, I'll take her to her home alone" Kel instructed quickly but this statement came as a surprise to all three women.     

"Why? I still don't understand why you need to go out of your way to escort some Vampire" Aela asked with her arms crossed.     

"Well to be frank I don't understand why you're questioning my decision when you claim to not be a part of my team. So essentially my decision has nothing to do with you. If any of you don't trust my reasoning that's your problem. Either respect it or stop accompanying me in general" Kel spoke in a serious tone which he rarely displayed.     

He had his own plans and the last thing he needed was for them to get disrupted. Silvya was the exception but he needed her at his estate should his plan fall through. Kel's words made Silvya lower her head while Lydia and Aela didn't know how to respond.     

"I-I understand Lord Kel." Answered Silvya with a bit of fear in her voice. Kel places his hand on her head and patted.     

"I'll explain properly when I'm back alright?" He said to her in a gentle tone making her feel relax.     

After doing so, Kel turned around and walked over to Serana without uttering another word to the group.     

"We better leave now if you want to arrive faster" Kel said to her and she nodded.     

Serana had clearly heard his conversation and was now curious as to why he didn't want his group around but she couldn't bring herself to ask this. Silvya watched Kel walk away and nodded to herself before turning to leave. Aela and Lydia followed but didn't utter a word.     

Kel and Serana had a similar situation. Both were walking in silence for the first few minutes before Serana broke the silence by asking about what's changed in Skyrim.     

Kel entertained her curiosity and answered her questions leaving out his involvement in recent events as she would find out sooner or later but knowing now didn't seem best in his mind.     

"Peace is always temporary. The only thing that doesn't change about Skyrim is it's terrible weather. Ugh" Serana voiced her dislike for the current weather and weather in general multiple times during the trip.     

Kel and Serana continued on walking through the forest as they wanted to avoid public roads, they however soon came to a stop.     

"What is it?" Kel turned to Serana and asked as she was the one who gestured him to stop. But before she could answer his question a maniacal laugh erupted in the forest.     

"Hahahaha, my-my I knew I smelled something interesting on my territory but this is indeed a pleasant surprise." Said a shadowy figure not too far in front of Serana and Kel.     

"Friend of yours?" Kel asked not the least bit intimidated.     

"Not all vampire's know each other you know." Serana replied to his question with narrowed eyes.     

"Fair enough. That saves us a long speech then" Kel nodded while shrugging his shoulders.     

"Silence you puny mortal!" The Vampire exclaimed out of anger from being ignored.     

"As for you my dear...Serana was it? Such a lovely name. Your scent tells me you're in a weakened state. Is that why you're luring this poor fool to his death? Fear not, my lair isn't far from here and houses plenty of livestock you can feast on. I only ask for your company in this eternal life, I promise you only the best." The Vampire confidently declared.     

"What was that you said about a speech?" Serana asks Kel while showing a sly smile. Kel could only sigh and shake his head.     

"I didn't know we had a certified lover boy on our hands" Kel replied to Serana once more ignoring the Vampire.     

"Hmm. Well I appreciate your generous offer who ever you are but the truth is I already have a man I love. Kel here is my beloved and I'll love only him and no one else" Serana declared while showing Kel a cheeky smile.     

'Listen, I'm not sure how strong he is. He'll now come after you first so I just need you to hold him off for a little bit then I'll finish him off while he's distracted' Kel heard Serana's voice in his mind and let out a sigh.     

"You heard my beloved. Screw off Count uh what's your name? Never mind we honestly don't care" Kel replied causing the Vampire to charge at him.     

"Insolence!" Yelled the Vampire as it reached Kel in what seemed like no time.     

For Kel however, he came towards him in slow motion. Kel easily held the vampire by the neck and landed a clean hit to its gut.     

"Gah!" The Vampire could feel the air knocked out of its body and it fell to its knees.     

Out of nowhere it found that it was spun rapidly. But in actuality, Serana had just twisted its head clean off from behind. After which she tossed it in the air and fired a fire spell at it.     

The head burned and let shreaks of pain while the body rolled out.     

"My flames won't perish before he does, let's go...beloved *chuckle*" Serana turned to Kel and teased with a smirk before walking away.     

"Next time, I make the plan okay?" Kel replied in an unamused tone.     

"Sure. I'll admit, you're more skilled that I initially thought. This way, his lair should be that cave" Serana pointed and lead the way with right behind her.     

Inside they found the said livestock which was just people in cages. Without Kel needing to say anything, Serana began freeing the captives until the cages were empty.     

"All these humans and that fool couldn't keep atleast one cow or goat even...." Serana complained as she found nothing of interest.     

"You don't feed on humans?" Kel asked but Serana hesitated to answer.     

"That's a long story." She responded bluntly before letting out a sigh. Upon closer inspection it was clear she was more pale than some time ago.     

"You've become weaker since that short fight? That explains why you needed an escort atleast, you were weakened since the start." Kel concluded but Serana only sighed while nodding her head.     

"I don't think they are any nearby farms here anyway. Can't you just drink my blood for now?" Kel asked causing Serena to narrow her eyes.     

"You know you may faint or even die from it? I'm not like most vampire's." Serana warned Kel but he didn't seem worried by the statement.     

"And I'm not like other...humans" Kel retorted with a smirk.     

"Fine just a sip so I stop feeling dizzy" Serana replied and walked over to Kel. He unbuttoned his shirt slightly and she leaned in and sunk her teeth into his neck.     

However, the second she did so she felt her heart thump! A feeling foreign to vampires, her eyes began to glow and she tightened her grip on him as she kept sucking his blood. Kel wasn't at all affected as he regenerated far too quickly.     

"How long a sip do you plan on taking?" Kel asked causing Serana to pull away but she seemed dizzy.     

"Mmm....just...just a bit more" Serana muttered in a dazed tone before sitting on Kel's lap and sinking her teeth into him again.     

After sucking his blood a little further, she pulled away and the glow in her eyes faded before she fell unconscious against him.     

PREVIEW CHAPTER 101: Secrets     

After Serana fell unconscious, Kel laid her to rest on a makeshift bed. She remained unconscious for almost an entire day before finally awakening just as the sun was setting.     

"Ugh...." She slowly got up and touched her head while squinting her eyes.     

"Easy there...are you okay?" Kel walked over next to her and held her steady. She looked towards him and nodded.     

But as she faced him, her eyes fell on his neck before she got flashbacks of what happened before she passed out. A surge of power, losing control, a feeling like no other and then darkness.     


A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on or discord.     



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