I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 86: Negotiations 2

Chapter 86: Negotiations 2

3Only Kel, Jarl Elisif and General Tullius Remained in the hall. After a brief moment of silence, General Tullius decided to speak.      4

"Let's not fumble about and get right to it then. What will it take to gain your assistance in the fight against Ulfric?" General Tullius got straight to the point and asked Kel.     

"I agree but the real question is what do you think my assistance is worth General Tullius?" answered Kel with his own question.     

General Tullius fell into thought for a moment before looking towards Jarl Elisif. Before he could speak though, she already nodded her head agreeing to whatever he thought would be best.     

"...Alright then, how about we offer to you the title of Jarl once the legion takes back Skyrim?" offered General Tullius.     

On the surface, this deal would seem attractive but it also largely benefited the General. By making him a Jarl, they'd have him sided with the legion even well beyond the civil war, with him on their side they needn't worry about rebellions anymore. After weighing the pros and cons he saw this offer was something they could benefit from largely.     

"The offer is tempting, but which City?" asked Kel casually.     

General Tullius not specifying was in hopes Kel would be fine with a minor hold to rule over. But the very fact he said City, narrowed it down. Giving him the seat in a minor hold wouldn't be a problem but doing so in a large one would cause alliances the General already built to collapse.     

If those very people were to ally with Ulfric in exchange for getting their titles back, he would be in a tough situation. General Tullius now fell silent and began pondering again.     

"I know what you're thinking General Tullius but there's another solution, rather than the legion ousting a Jarl and making an already bad situation worse. I propose he becomes Jarl of Solitude..." Jarl Elisif said in a determined voice.     

"I understand your point, but to do that...it would still cause major unrest in the City. You too know this" replied General Tullius.     

Jarl Elisif lowered her head for a moment and began to fall to thought. Afterwards she turned towards Kel and spoke once more.     

"The situation is really delicate as you can see...however there is a way. I propose a political marriage between you and I. No unrest would be caused and your condition to become Jarl would be met..." she suggested in a soft but still determined tone.     

"I see no problems for the legion with that idea. I agree" General Tullius was quick to agree. Only ever caring for what was best for the imperial legion.     

'That...wasn't what I had in mind. I was aiming for Riften. Solitude is fine but marriage...' Kel thought to himself     

"I agree with the offer." voiced Kel after pondering the matter for a bit.     

'She said a political marriage so I don't think she expects me to act as a husband privately and neither do I. But.... I can at least make sure she's no longer the puppet leader she is now, I always did pity her situation in the game. I shouldn't think too much on this, maybe she's using me to seek justice for her late husband' Kel thought to himself as he let out a sigh.     

After all three agreed the decision was finalized. Elisif would now announce Kel as her husband to be but they'd only get married after Ulfric is defeated. Having covered everything, Elisif called for her steward and asked him to have everyone return to the hall.     

The hall slowly began to fill up once more as the important figures began to return. Silvya also immediately returned to Kel's side. Once everyone was seated Elisif prepared to speak but Erikur spoke first.     

"Good, has our uninvited guest been paid? Or whatever his cheap request was. I suggest he now leave so we may plan for the festival. Lady Elisif, If it isn't too much to ask, perhaps tomorrow I can help pick out a dress for you, my shops only stock the best products" he boasted with a smile on face.     

General Tullius casts a glance at Kel and he does the same, before they both look at Erikur and smirk.     

"I appreciate the sentiment but that would be inappropriate Thane Erikur. If anyone is to pick out a dress for me, it would be my future husband." She declared without hesitation causing Erikur to fall confused.     

"I'd like all of you here today to bear witness and hear my proclamation. Once the war ends and Ulfric is defeated, Kel and I shall be wed." Jarl Elisif announced in a confident tone.     

The entire hall was sent into shock. Especially Erikur and of course Silvya who cast a confused look towards Kel.     

"You! How dare you request such a thing! Lady Elisif I beg of you to think this over. If it is the war that's the issue then I will hire the best of the best to handle the situation. Ulfric shall die and the war will end, you do not need to fall victim to this man's request," argued Erikur.     

(E/N: I smell some young master bullshit)     

"It wasn't he who requested this. I myself proposed marriage to him and I stand by my decision." Elisif confirmed what she said once more making Erikur look at the situation in utter disbelief.     

Lady Elisif would then ask Kel if he wanted to remain for the meeting regarding the festival. Erikur tried to complain but to no avail as General Tullius agreed. Kel however refused stating he had to leave.     

Erikur smiled at this until Jarl Elisif offered to escort him out. After asking they continue without her, she walked towards Kel. Being the petty guy he was, Kel even held her hand as they walked just to spite the already angry Erikur. The sight of them holding hands though also caught the attention of Silvya who furrowed her brows.     

After leaving the hall Kel let go of Jarl Elisif's hand, much to Silvya's delight.     

"Do you dislike me?" asked Jarl Elisif suddenly.     

"I neither dislike you nor like you. Is there a reason you're asking me this?" asked Kel while raising a brow.     

Silvya who walked behind them furrowed her brows once more, not liking where the conversation was going. But Jarl Elisif simply shook her head and passed it off as curiosity.     

"If I had to be honest, I feared you would push for a legitimate marriage. Given the situation we're in, I may have had to accept that. If not I I'm sure General Tullius would have suggested it..." she said in a soft tone.     

"Is that why you wanted to get away from the meeting by using escorting me as an excuse?" asked Kel bluntly, to which Jarl Elisif nodded her head.     

"It gets tiring..." she said before trailing off as they reached the exit. However rather than turn back she turned to Kel and spoke.     

"May I ask if you wish to see my garden? I'd rather not return so soon..." she asked once more in a low tone.     

Silvya who was behind them was already shaking her head. Kel saw no reason to refuse and accepted. Jarl Elisif led the way after asking if Silvya could wait for a moment as she wouldn't be long.     

Silvya never turned her narrowed gaze away from Jarl Elisif the whole time they walked away.     

"Slut...." she muttered with her arms crossed under her large breasts.     

Once in the garden, Jarl Elisif sat on a bench and heaved a sigh. Kel sat on the bench as well but said nothing.     

"I never asked for this life you know...my past, my marriage to my late husband...all of it was something I didn't decide on my own."     

"I've been a fool for so much of my life, you could tell I still am. Never truly learning from my mistakes. From an impotent husband who only married me to be his trophy to a council that uses me to pass decisions."     

"The only real reason I was left as Jarl was probably because I had no ambition. But I wanted today to be different, I wanted to make a decision on my own. If it fails, then I truly am unfit and if it succeeds, then I at least know I'm not as unfit as people think..."     

Kel didn't comment immediately on what she said as he could not relate. Her way of seeing things differed largely from his.     

"I can't say much on how your life has been up until this point. All I can say is that since you chose to make your first real decision based on me, I guarantee that choice is already a success" said Kel bluntly.     

"You're quite confident aren't you?" Asked Jarl Elisif.     

"My uncle once told me that confidence can go a long way. No matter how impossible something is, if I truly want it, then I should seek it out confidently."     

"I think we should go back now. Don't you think?" asked Kel after he explained his way of carrying himself.     

Jarl Elisif nodded and the two returned to the front of the Palace. From there the two parted ways and Kel left with Silvya.     

"Lord Kel?" Said Silvya as she and Kel began walking away from the palace.     

"Yes Silvya?" Kel answered. Silvya only cast a glance at Elisif as she walked away before speaking.     

"I don't like her...."     

A/N= Enjoy one of two Chapters you may be getting today. The other? Simple, give me stones or join discord where it will be posted some time later. Yes I'm shameless Sue me. This is just business. What say you?     

(Rawaz E/N: I like loli boobs)     

(Magnus E/N: I like man titties)     


Edited by: Rawaz the loli lover and MagnuS the Gay God of retardness     

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