I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 87: We Attack

Chapter 87: We Attack

3Kel and Silvya had spent the night at the Winking Skeever. True to her word Silvya relieved Kel 8 times that night. 4 times while he was asleep. If it weren't for his infinite stamina, he'd have probably slept a whole day.      1

Early in the morning after managing to convince Silvya that he wasn't stressed, the two set off to the blue palace to announce their departure from Solitude.     

Once there, Kel confirms the location he is to go to for the first attack against Ulfric. General Tullius also handed him a letter to give to his second in command who Kel would meet once at the location.     

As these discussions were being held, Erikur and some other figures arrived in the hall. He was none too happy seeing Kel so soon.     

"Wasn't your business concluded here yesterday? Why do you still linger around here?" asked Erikur in an irritated tone.     

"I could ask you the same thing Erikur, General Tullius told me he and Jarl Elisif had nothing on their agenda for today. So why are you here? Don't you have a loving wife waiting for you at home? Oh what am I saying, of course you don't," replied Kel in a polite manner which only seemed to make Erikur more angry.     

"*ahem* hahaha, quite the joker you are Kel. We got off on the wrong foot and my remark earlier was simply my curiosity" answered Erikur showing a fake smile. Kel however ignored his fake display of friendliness and turned to Elisif.     

"Will you be needing anything? Weapons, Mounts, Money? You need only ask" she offered in her usual soft demeanor.     

"No, it won't take long so I won't be needing anything" Kel replied in a casual manner.     

"Your plan is ambitious but if it really does work, then the rebellion will end in less than a month" stated General Tullius while crossing his arms and nodding his head.     

"That's good to hear. The sooner it ends the better, I can then focus my attention to planning our wedding" voiced Elisif.     

Erikur looked like his heart sunk hearing that, While Silvya frowned upon hearing the word wedding.     

Having discussed everything they needed to concerning the attacks, Kel and Silvya soon left Solitude and returned to Whiterun.     

Once they arrived, they went to Jorrvaskr in search for Lydia and Aela. They found the two in Jorrvaskr's hall, discussing some plans for the companions along with its leader, Kodlak Whitemane.     

"Kodlak you're still not fully well, you can leave the rebuilding of the companions to me," said Aela in a determined tone but the old man refused.     

"It is my duty Aela, I'm a warrior. If I let a few injuries keep me down how could I call myself the companions leader? Don't worry, this is a dark chapter for the companions but it's nothing that can't be fixed," answered Kodlak in a gentle but firm manner of speech.     

"As for...Oh we have guests..." before continuing to speak, Kodlak noticed Kel and Silvya and showed a smile as he welcomed them and asked them join them at the table.     

"I know the companions left a bad impression on you, so I thank you for the help you've given to Whiterun. I can see why these two young lassies think so highly of you. Your name is all that came out of their mouths when I asked what they had been up to" stated Kodlak while laughing.     

"I'm simply proud to have such a Thane," said Lydia in a casual tone with a smile.     

"I acknowledge his skill in battle and he has honor to some degree, he also makes for a good adventuring partner, that is all" Aela added while crossing her arms.     

"Hearing you compliment a man who isn't a companion is already a miracle Aela. That alone tells me Kel must've really left a good impression. Haha. Never thought I'd live to see the day" Kodlak laughed while showing a smile.     

"Enough Kodlak, Kel what brings you here?" asked Aela quickly changing the topic.     

"I came for you and Lydia" replied Kel causing Kodlak to look at Aela with a grin. Aela ignored the gaze and waited for Kel to continue.     

"I have made a deal with General Tullius. Although I don't really have a faction I support, the fact that Yorgen is with the stormcloaks has made me decide to help end this civil war."     

"The plan is, starting tomorrow we begin claiming the Major forts in each hold that supports the stormcloaks. Fort Dunstad in the Pale, Fort Greenwall in the Rift, Fort Kostav in Winterhold and Fort Amol in Eastmarch"     

"Once this is done, we'll attack windhelm. Information says the former companions that betrayed us are there..." Kel explained making everyone go silent for a moment.     

"I'm with you my Thane" Lydia Answered first without hesitation while Aela pondered the matter slightly, she would after all be against her former friends.     

"I'd like to join the battle as well. Kodlak, are you sure you'll be fine?" asked Aela.     

"Don't worry about me lass, just make sure our fallen brothers don't suffer....as much as that saddens me. I know I can't convince you to spare them. So I can only ask you to end things swiftly...." Said Kodlak in a saddened tone.     

"I will Kodlak..., when do we leave?" she asks after turning her head back to Kel.     

"Lord Kel suggests we leave at noon so we reach by night time?" Answers Silvya and gets a nod from Kel.     

"I'm ready to leave anytime my Thane." Answered Lydia in a determined manner.     

"And so am I" Aela hurriedly stated.     

Kel already knew both would most likely want to come along. Lydia took her duty as housecarl seriously and would probably help Kel no matter how hard or impossible a battle sounded.     

Whereas Aela sought vengeance for her fallen shield brothers and sisters.     

So after both Lydia and Aela prepare their weapons and some light gear, the group set off. Kel had them travel by horse as arriving by dragon would alert the the stormcloak troops at Fort Dunstad since their destination was an imperial camp near the Fort.     

They group arrived at the small imperial camp late in the night. After confirming their identities, they were brought to the Legate in charge. Legate Rikke.     

"So you're the man General Tullius thinks can help end this rebellion faster..." says the Amazon like woman with a frown as she looked at Kel.     

"How you convinced him of this I don't know, but this is war. Not some fame seeking adventure, so either follow orders or don't get in our way and ruin our strategy" she added not bothering to hide her dislike for Kel. Before Kel could answer however, another voice spoke out first.     

"Oh don't be so hard on him Legate Rikke, Kel is the best fighter" Said an imperial soldier who walked onto the scene.     

"Nice to see you again Hadvar" replied Kel as he immediately recognized the man.     

"W-well fine Hadvar. But if he messes up then you'll need to make it up to m-...*ahem* the legion!" Said the Legate while stammering slightly. The amazon demeanor completely going poof.     

'Someone has a crush...interesting. Hadvar is about as dense as baobab tree though....' thought Kel while smiling at the situation.     

"Anyway! Enough introductions. Let me run you over the plan of attack. You should understand it well as we will attack in 4 days time." Stated Legate Rikke after regaining her composure.     

"I think you're mistaken Legate Rikke. First of all, we're not legionnaires, so your orders mean nothing to us. Secondly you have 10 minutes to get your men ready." Stated Kel in a serious tone.     

"We attack tonight".     

(A/N: I'm stacking chapters of IHAPR. So if you want a mass release this Friday. Then donate stones and leave reviews. It's only gonna get more heated from here. Almost forgot to mention, all parody chapters are out on Discord with another parody dropping tonight along with a bonus chapter of IHAPR)     


Edited by: Rawaz the loli connasiuer and Magnus the Schlong Eater     

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