I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 84: Interrogation R-18

Chapter 84: Interrogation R-18

3Warning: BDSM type of scene ahead. If not for you ignore the chapter as it is purely smut. Nothing hardcore this warning is just for the vanilla boys     4

"Well? What are you waiting for? Don't you want information?" asked a panting Delphine     

Kel stood in front of her and looked at her oddly for a moment.     

'Didn't think Delphine is an M, or is she maybe not scared of pain...' Kel thought to himself as he just looked at her.     

To find out which was which, Kel walked towards Delphine who was bound in the center of the room with her hands above her head.     

She continued to breath heavily as Kel approached, as if excited. Kel didn't linger in front of her and soon walked behind her.     

Even without touching her, Delphin began to squirm and rub her legs against each other more.     

"What do you plan on doing to me? *pant* I won't talk" she said while moving her ass side to side.     

'I'm just testing a theory....yea...this is strictly for research and getting answers...' after lying to himself Kel placed one hand on her waist and gripped it tightly.     

(E/N: for research.... Sure.)     

After making sure she was firmly held in place, he used his other hand to smack one of her asscheeks hard.     

"Mmh! Is that the best you can do!" she moaned in a pained satisfied voice.     

"...." getting the answer to his question, Kel was at a loss for words.     

He backed away from her for a moment while she continued to pant and wiggle her behind as if expecting another hit.     

It was then that Kel formed a plan and showed a smirk. He rolled up his sleeves slowly and approached her again.     

Without saying anything, Kel ripped off a piece of her clothing, revealing her bare asscheeks.     

Delphine felt a shiver run down her spine as her body trembled from the sudden action. The trickle of juice running down her leg was more than enough for Kel to fully accept his earlier conclusion.     

Kel arched her back slightly and began smacking her plump asscheeks over and over again.     

"Mmm! Ahh! I won't say anything !! Punish me!mmm... I still won't talk...Nghhhh" moaned out Delphine as she reached a climax from spanking alone.     

"...." Kel was again not expecting this. This being his first time meeting a masochist of her caliber.     

"You came from getting tortured? What a masochistic bitch you are" said Kel while shaking his head.     

It was common for most Skyrim players to hate Delphine and Kel was no different. Skyrim quests mostly involved you being sent around or based around despite having countless titles. Among those annoying NPCs, Delphine was definitely top tier.     

"No....I'm just in pain....but I won't tell you anything." Said Delphine trying to keep up the already dead facade.     

"Fine then. I'll just hand you over to the Whiterun guards so they can throw you into a cell." Said Kel as he began walking towards the door.     

"Y-you won't continue? I might talk after more torture...what kind of Nord just gives up!" yelled Delphine in an unsatisfied manner.     

(E/N: bruh…..)     

"You can drop the facade, you're a masochist. Plain and simple. Now you can either choose to give me information and I'll continue or keep quiet then go to jail," said Kel casually making Delphine not answer and squirm.     

'Seems she's not the type to actively seek but to be....guided' Kel thought as he began walking back to her.     

Upon reaching her, he held her by the chin and showed a smirk.     

"Well I tried being civil so let me put it this way. I ask something and you'll speak. The more you speak the more I use and abuse your body and you'll enjoy every second of it. Are we clear? you'll get to be treated like the bitch you are"     

As Kel said these words, Delphine's pussy was practically dripping down her juices on to the floor. She didn't answer Kel but nodded her head with a crazy lustful look In her eyes.     

"First off, what's Yorgen's purpose in joining the civil war?" Kel asked as he walked behind her and dropped his pants.     

He spread her asscheeks nice and wide before positioning his dick near her asshole. Delphine tried to protest but a nice strong smack put her back in her place.     

Kel didn't bother being gentle and directly thrust his entire cock into her ass. She let out pained moans as she stuck out her tongue and smiled.     

"So big....in my...in my ass...you're abusing my ass" she muttered while moaning and panting.     

Kel ignored her words and began drilling into her tight ass, thrust after thrust.     

"Answer the question you masochistic anal whore" Kel demanded while Delphine happily obliged.     

"He wanted...mmmm...so deep! He-he wanted to become a Jarl so he could make tribute! Mmmm....he gives some dragons people in exchange for their service!" she Answered while getting her asshole ruthlessly pounded.     

"And you went along with this?" he asked smacking her her now red asscheeks between smacks.     

"Ahh...nghhhh....n-no...I just wanted him to kill Alduin...Mmm! Only the dragon can -ahh... a few people dying doesn't matter!" she commented uncaringly just enjoying getting her asshole drilled.     

"Going that far just to satisfy your obsession with dragons? You're really a bitch aren't you?" he stated as he arched her back more to increase the pain she felt.     

"Yes! Yes! I'm a masochistic bitch, use me, abuse me, let me feel your anger inside me!" she moaned out loudly.     

Kel granted her request as he fully stuffed his cock into her tight little ass before cumming and filling it up. This was enough to send Delphine over the edge and make her cum again.     

"Can I be be unbound now?..." she asked as Kel's cum leaked from her gaping asshole.     

Kel didn't answer and simply pulled his pants back up before walking out of the room. Delphine was left to hang bound despite her legs trembling. She could only continue to stand until brought down when he next came by or if.     

The very thought of her being left to hang there with his cum in her ass made Delphine excited and horny again.     

"More...I want to be bred more..."     

(E/N: ಠ_ಠ .... wtf did I just read? Sorry for late release I was slow in editing)     


A/N...don't give me that look if you read this far then you're guilty. I'm seeing an increase in stones atleast so expect faster updates the more you donate.     

Edited by: Rawaz the bullied     

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