I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 85: Negotiations 1

Chapter 85: Negotiations 1

3(E/N:Thanks to Tony_stank 3000 for informing us that he's a gay cuck)      3

After interrogating Delphine, Kel had ordered the maids of the house to unbound her after some time passed and deliver meals to her cell three times a day.     

A day passed since then and Kel was now heading to Whiterun with Silvya. It was about a 15 minute walk from his newly gained estate.     

His purpose for visiting was the ceremony to honor those who perished in the battle for Whiterun. Although Kel felt no real attachment to the city or it's people, as Thane and the one who helped free the city, his attendance was needed.     

"Lord Kel? What do you plan on doing with that woman?" asked Silvya curiously as they rode to Whiterun.     

"Nothing, whatever information she may have won't affect much. We'll just keep her prisoner for now," answered Kel in a casual tone.     

"Alright..." said Silvya in a low tone.     

"Is something the matter Silvya?" he asked while raising a brow.     

"Ah w-well, I just thought you've been stressed lately and uh....were keeping her to relieve it...." said Silvya while avoiding Kel's gaze.     

The more time she spent with him the more she began to talk more openly and let her real character out. This was something Kel was starting to take notice of but said nothing as he liked seeing her more open.     

"No I'm not keeping her to relieve stress. I'm strictly keeping her for interrogations....and if you noticed me being so stressed these past days, how come you didn't offer to relieve it? *sigh* my health must be terrible now with all this stress I'm feeling" said Kel while shaking his head.     

"N-no Lord Kel, please forgive me for ignoring my duties. I will now relieve you every morning and night" announced Silvya with full confidence.     

[E/N: lucky bastard]     

"...wait Silvya that's not-"     

"Not enough? Forgive me Lord Kel, I'll relieve you 4 times a day"     

"Silvya I really think that's-"     

"I! I won't fail you again Lord Kel"     

"Wait Silvya, morning and night is fine. Ok?"     

"Ok Lord Kel. 8 times every morning and 8 times every night."     


(E/N: *sad virgin noises*)     

The conversation carried on until the pair arrived in Whiterun. Once there they were led to the square where many people were gathered.     

They joined The Jarl, Lydia, Aela and other important figures atop the stairs and faced the crowd below.     

Once they arrived, the ceremony officially began. It of course started when the Jarl saying a few words before letting the priests carry out the ceremony. As the ceremony was coming to a close, The Jarl gave a speech to his people and thanked Kel, Silvya, Lydia, Aela and everyone else who played a part in freeing Whiterun.     

Aela herself also gave a speech vowing that the companions would continue to protect Whiterun and that those who betrayed it will answer to her.     

Kel was also given the chance to speak but turned it down saying what needed to be said has already been said. And with that, the ceremony ended and the celebrations began.     

The people gathered in the square danced whilst others were enjoying meals in the market area. Kel however was about to leave with Silvya, not planning to stay for the celebrations.     

"My Thane? Are you not joining the festivities?" asked Lydia as she walked over to him with Aela by her side.     

"I could ask you two the same thing." Replied Kel while looking at them both.     

"I'll celebrate when I have those traitors heads on a pike" voiced Aela in a tone of anger.     

"Although I'm happy Whiterun is free, I also can't celebrate till the one responsible for causing all this meets his end" said Lydia in a determined tone.     

"I see. Well then you could say I have a similar reason. I'll see you both another day. I still have some business to take care of in Solitude," replied Kel as he prepared to leave.     

"Then I'll come with you my Thane" Lydia stated almost immediately.     

"That won't be necessary, I'm sure Aela could use help getting the companions back in order and Arcadia as well. I'll meet you back at the estate when I return"     

Lydia didn't refute Kel's words and nodded as he walked away. Aela simply remained silent as she avoided eye contact.     

Upon exiting the City, Kel called for Nahagliiv. He and Silvya then flew to Solitude without wasting anytime and arrived some minutes later.     

As soon as they entered the city, some guards already began to talk in whispers about them. It's not everyday you hear of what Kel achieved.     

Many of course only knew him by name and not appearance so only the few guards that knew both looked and talked in whispers as he walked pass them.     

His destination? The Blue palace. Upon reaching, he was told the Jarl and General were having a council meeting but he insisted that they talk now or he would leave for good.     

After the guard delivered these words to his superiors, the Jarls personal steward came outside to welcome Kel and Silvya in before bringing them to the hall.     

There Kel and Silvya found many important figures of Solitude. Most didn't look too happy about him interrupting but didn't speak up, except for one.     

"I highly find this improper Lady Elisif, this meeting is important. Him just barging in here shows his lack of respect for you and General Tullius. I suggest he wait till our meeting concludes before he be allowed here. I'm sure the other thanes feel the same way." voiced one of the Jarls in an irritated tone.     

Kel however wasn't about to let himself get looked down upon.     

"Respect them? Of course I don't respect them or any of you present. You sit on your thrones and high chairs all day while others fight your battles for you."     

"Some of you were once great but upon receiving a title, you became pompous idiots who only know how to look down upon others. No need to conclude your meeting because I'll keep this short".     

"Yorgen lives and he can control dragons. If a city as powerful as Whiterun could easily be taken over the way it was then you don't stand a chance once he amasses more dragons and Ulfric organizes his army."     

"I'm sure you already know this General but once you lose, these very people seated here won't hesitate to betray you or the Jarl if it means keeping their properties and lives."     

"You can carry on with your meeting, I don't like Yorgen. But I can always Kill him and his dragons after he conquers Solitude."     

"It took me a day to take back Whiterun. You think Solitude would be any different? Remember that when Yorgen starts burning your city and killing your soldiers. Silvya let's go" Kel declared before getting ready to set off.     

"Wait!" General Tullius yelled out before even the Jarl could.     

"Yes please wait. Forgive Thane Erikur's words" voiced Jarl Elisif in a gentle tone.     

"On behalf of the Imperial legion, I'd like us to negotiate" stated General Tullius.     

"If we're going to negotiate then I'll only do so with you General and the Jarl. Everyone else can leave and wait till our meeting has concluded before returning" said Kel purposely using what Thane Erikur had said.     

"May everyone please leave..." Said the Jarl in a slightly hesitant tone.     

"Lady Elisif you cannot be serious, we'r-"     

"Leave Erikur! Along with everyone else," said General Tullius in a firm tone that left no room for argument.     

The best way to put arrogant nobles in their place, was to be even more arrogant than them. Kel showed a smirk as all the figures present began leaving the hall.     

(E/N: someone has been reading cultivation novels)     

'If they're annoyed by this then they'll have their blood boil when they return after my conditions have been negotiated' thought Kel as he crossed his arms and waited for everyone to leave.     

"Now, Let's Negotiate".     

Edited by: Rawaz the bullied and Magnus the gay     

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