I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 83: Victory

Chapter 83: Victory

0The Soldiers facing Kel all drew a cold sweat. Many considered surrendering but many feared that would only lead to death. Fighting Kel also held this possibility but they had more numbers hence the hesitation.     

"What are you waiting for att-" Yorgen tried to order but was cut off by an unforeseen event.     

A large dragon suddenly came towards Dragonsreach's entrance. The soldier's eyes widened as it showed no signs of stopping. Kel acted quickly and jumped towards Lydia, making her duck for cover.     

He did this just in time as the dragon flew above him at a terrifying speed and was now heading directly towards the soldiers.     


One yelled as the entire group fell into a panic. Yorgen's eyes grew wide and he immediately decided to turn back and rush inside Dragonsreach.     

The soldiers tried to do the same but there were too many of them to enter at once.     

So with a large bam, the dragon crashed into Dragonsreach's entrance. The soldiers unfortunate enough to have not jumped away died upon being hit with the force of the Dragon's body.     

"Thank you my Thane....that was far too close a call" said Lydia as she and Kel got back to their feet.     

"No worries. Let's go after Yorgen before h-"     

As Kel was instructing Lydia on what they should do. The dragon that crashed into Dragonsreach's entrance began to rise from the rubble and let out a thunderous roar in anger.     

It's roar was responded to be another thunderous roar. This one however came from Sahloknir, the one responsible for sending the dragon crashing to Dragonsreach.     

Upon seeing Sahloknir, the other dragon took flight once again and the pair continued their battle of shouts.     

"Quickly Lydia, Lets go" reminded Kel as he began running towards the ruined door to Dragonsreach.     

"Right. I'm with you my Thane," replied Lydia as she turned her gaze away from the dragons in battle and followed Kel.     

Kel ran quickly and jumped over the rubble that laid around the entrance easily. Lydia was slightly slower in her approach but she didn't fall behind.     

"Hoh?" Expressed Kel as he saw the soldiers that had made it inside were still determined to fight.     

Without giving them another chance to give up, Kel charged towards them with his blade drawn. The first soldier in his way tried to fire an arrow at Kel, but Kel would shift side to side as he ran making it impossible to pinpoint an attack on him.     

"Ahhh!" In the end, Kel managed to get close and slashed the soldier's arms up, making him drop his bow and arrow.     

The other soldiers weren't willing to see their friend die so they decided to charge towards Kel together.     

"Die Thalmor lover!" yelled one of the soldiers as he swung a large axe towards Kel.     

Kel didn't dodge but instead used the man's fellow soldier as a meat shield. Unable to stop his own axe's momentum as it was too late, the soldier could only watch as his axe went through his comrade's head.     

"Coward!" he yelled out in anger and charged barehanded towards Kel.     

Kel ran to the man and stepped on his knee, using it as a boost before jumping into the air and performing a wide kick, aimed at the angry soldier's face.     

The sound of that soldier's skull cracking was as clear as day. He soon fell to the ground without uttering another word as blood began to flow out of him like a stream. Making the other 3 soldiers back away.     

"What's this? Come one, where's your Nord spirit. Come at me, I'm in a hurry" said Kel in a casual tone as he faced the soldiers.     

"Come on brothers! Let's attack Together!" yelled one of the remaining soldier's as he gripped his axe tighter.     

Kel showed a smirk but didn't react and waited for them to begin their charge. As soon as they came close however.     

"Fus Roh Dah!" He shouted aiming for their legs. All three fell flat on their faces from the force of his shout.     

They tried to scramble for their disarmed weapons but all received an arrow to the head.     

"Nice aim Lydia," said Kel without turning back.     

"Not like you needed it my Thane. Where did Yorgen and that woman by his side go?" replied Lydia before coming to Kel's side and questioning.     

"I think they went upstairs. But In case I'm wrong, stay here and call for me should he seem to return to this floor" replied Kel before proceeding to the end of the hall then up the stairs.     

Meanwhile Yorgen was at a large stone balcony pacing back and forth.     

"Where's that damned dragon! First it crashed my home now it isn't here! We need to leave now..." Complained Yorgen to the woman leaning against the wall with her brows furrowed.     

"I told you we should have taken the underground escape routes. To hope the dragon will save you is foolish. What if it breaks free from your control? You should've just killed the damn thing!" retorted Delphine, expressing her irritation at the events that occurred thus far.     

"Too late for that." A third voice added.     

The voice belonged to none other than Kel, who had just reached the large room leading to the balcony. Yorgen's expression immediately turned sour while Delphine readied her blade to fight.     

"Don't look so upset Yorgen, if not me then someone else would have removed you from your newly attained title. You're not the most popular Dragonborn in case you haven't noticed," said Kel casually with a smile on his face.     

Yorgen grit his teeth and charged in front of Delphine before shouting in Kel's direction.     

"Fus Roh-"     

"Fus Roh Dah!" Kel smiled at Yorgen's attempt to shout as he knew his own shouting efficiency went unmatched.     

This was only made more deadly with his ability to control time. To him, Yorgen had tried to shout in slow motion, which he countered easily.     

Kel's complete shout met Yorgen's incomplete one. The result was obvious as Yorgen was sent over the balcony While Delphine hit the wall with force before falling to the ground and passing out.     

Yorgen's body landed outside the Whiterun walls all battered, bruised and bloodied. Anyone would think he's dead, but being the cockroach he was due to his level, he slowly stood up and began fleeing.     

Kel purposely did this as Yorgen hadn't reached level 81 yet. As he turned to Delphine, Lydia came running into the room with her sword drawn.     

"My Thane! I heard you shout is everything...oh" she sheathed her sword and heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Kel standing there just fine.     

She walked over to his side and crossed her arms while looking around.     

"I take it Yorgen got away?...what about her?" Asked Lydia curiously.     


And so the battle of Whiterun ended as quickly as it began. News of Kel and his group's triumph in taking back Whiterun spread like wildfire.     

After 2 days, the news reached Solitude and caused a lot of disbelief. But Jarl Balgruuf's men and some Imperial troops confirmed it was true. Jarl Balgruuf didn't hesitate to return after that.     

Upon arriving, he found the city mostly in celebration. They all awaited him to both mourn and celebrate the lives of those who fell defending the City.     

Jarl Balgruuf didn't hesitate to announce that it would be held as soon as possible. Kel didn't participate in the preparations along with Silvya.     

He instead went to check the estate the Jarl gifted him for his service. Initially belonging to a rich merchant who also had the title of Thane but betrayed Jarl Balgruuf and swore allegiance to Ulfric.     

Lydia had asked permission to remain to help in the preparations which Kel agreed to. As for Aela, Kel hadn't seen her since they took back Whiterun.     

A/N: Image: Kel's Estate     

Currently, Kel was heading down to the estate's very own dungeon like floor, where he had put Delphine. Having sorted everything he had on his plan for the time being, he decided it was time he interrogated her.     

Kel opened the door to her cell and walked over to her, but what happened next, was beyond expectations of how an interrogation would be like.     

"*pant* *pant* I can see it in your eyes....you want to beat me! punish me....for attacking your city. Well do your worst. I can take it....come on....beat me...let me see if you can leave a mark...*pant* ...so many marks...then you'll beat me more and turn me into your breeding slave...*pant*...you're sick...do your worst...I won't say anything,"said Delphine while panting heavily and rubbing her legs against each other.     


E/N: ಠ_ಠ     

A/N: Yea only one chapter from now on till I see some increase in stones. Don't see why I should spend more of time to deliver extra chapters when people can't donate stone or even leave a review. So just standard author release schedule.     

You can always join discord for faster releases there and interaction with me and my team of editors. Have a good one     


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