I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 80: Desperate Jarl

Chapter 80: Desperate Jarl

3Edited by: Rawaz the humble lolicon and MagnuS the tired bisexual     

The following morning, the city was in a commotion that awoke Kel from his slumber.     

"Ugh...maybe I shouldn't have drank all that ale..." muttered Kel as he sat up from the bed.     

He looked on the bed and found Silvya wasn't there. Before he could think of where she went, she walked into the room with a tray of food.     

"Oh you're finally awake, Lord Kel. Here," she said with a smile before slowly walking over to him with the tray, making sure to not fall.     

"Phew. Did you sleep alright?" she asked after sighing in relief for not falling.     

Kel nodded his head before walking over to a nearby window.     

"I'm guessing all this commotion means Jarl Balgruuf has arrived?" asked Kel as he looked at many people huddled in groups speaking in low whispers.     

"Yes, he arrived with his men earlier this morning. Once Lydia and Aela heard what happened, they rushed over to go meet him at The Blue Palace," answered Silvya in a soft tone.     

"The Blue Palace huh. Jarl Balgruuf is probably seeking refuge or help there from Jarl Elisif. We should head there too. Let me just get ready," said Kel before walking away from the window.     

After getting ready, Kel left The Winking Skeever and went towards The Blue Palace with Silvya. Along the way, he found many people talking about the situation in Whiterun.     

Many only knew of Jarl Balgruuf losing to Ulfric but the details as to how were vague, hence the people talking about what they think happened or what they heard.     

"News travels fast in Skyrim, I wonder what made Yorgen side with the Stormcloaks," said Silvya as Kel and her walked the streets of Solitude.     

"Probably the title of being Jarl. I doubt the imperials could offer that, unless very desperate to win. I guess it was too much to hope that he would just stick to the main quest till he reached level 81."     

"In-game the civil war quest is just a buggy annoying quest but here...it'll be a bloodbath if left to escalate. Especially with Yorgen involved," analyzed Kel before they arrived at The Blue Palace.     

Once there, he was stopped by the guards but some of Jarl Balgruuf's men who remained outside recognized him and stated he was one of Whiterun's most esteemed Thanes.     

"Oh, my apologies Sir, please go ahead," said the guard in a respectful tone.     

Mostly due to Kel's reputation alone rather than his title. Upon entering the palace, Kel could already hear the sounds of voices arguing coming from the throne hall upstairs.     

Kel proceeded there and found the hall with some prominent figures of Solitude. Jarl Elisif was seated on the throne with her steward and houscarl near her. General Tullius stood in front of her with his arms crossed while Jarl Balgruuf was facing them standing at the center with Irileth near him.     

Aela and Lydia stood to the far sides while many other figures were seated and observed. Kel's arrival in the already tense atmosphere didn't go unnoticed.     

"And who are you?" Asked Jarl Elisif's steward while reaching for his sword.     

"Calm down. He is a Thane from my City." Stated Jarl Balgruuf.     

"Former City you mean haha,"Commented one of Thanes seated on the sides.     

This greatly irritated Irileth but Balgruuf didn't care for the mocking, he knew the figure of Solitude only respected wealth and Power. Once you lose that, they treat you like the common rabble.     

"Whatever the case Balgruuf, the imperial legion can't spare any troops to assist you in taking back Whiterun. Firstly, you chose to remain neutral and denied us the right to set up a camp near Whiterun and station soldiers there."     

"Secondly, with the appearance of a dragon, I now have to rework my strategy when facing Ulfric, I simply can't help you. Had you allied with us from the beginning this wouldn't be the case," said General Tullius in a firm tone.     

"Do you agree with this Elisif?" asked Jarl Balgruuf in a tone that carried a hint of anger.     

"I'm truly sorry Balgruuf, I trust General Tullius's judgment. For the sake of our friendship, you're free to take refuge in my City. Perhaps when General Tullius deals with Ulfric, you can reclaim your City," replied Elisif in a soft and gentle tone.     

Balgruuf clenched his fists and wanted to speak but Kel spoke first.     

"Jarl Balgruuf, Can you summarize the details of what happened? Depending on the situation, I may be able to help," stated Kel in a confident tone, drawing everyone's attention.     

Solitude's Thanes couldn't help but laugh while Lydia and Aela wore looks of doubt. But Jarl Balgruuf was desperate for any help he could get.     

"....so the companions along with some of my best guards went to fight the dragon head on, while Irileth had me escape the City. I'm not sure what state it's in after we left. But a scout saw the Stormcloaks flags hanging on my walls, signaling our defeat," explained Balgruuf in a heavy tone.     

"I see. So it's only one dragon and around 200-300 soldiers...That's easy enough to deal with. They currently haven't had the time to settle and are obviously still tired and some injured from the battle with your men."     

"It will be days before Ulfric can send more troops to firmly have Whiterun under his control. It's this time when his forces in Whiterun are at their weakest."     

"A dragon and some fatigued men are something that can be easily handled. Ulfric is probably counting on the fact he is closer so even if General Tullius helped you. It would take longer for troops from Solitude to reach Whiterun."     

"As long as a strong attack is mounted today, Whiterun will be back in your hands by sunrise tomorrow."     

Kel's analysis made many in the room ponder while Jarl Balgruuf saw hope and spoke in an excited tone.     

"Then you have a plan!? What is it? I swear by my name should it work I make sure you're rewarded accordingly," said the desperate Jarl.     

'The reputation I'd gain from taking back a City is my real aim as it will open so many opportunities for me. Ousting Yorgen from his position as Jarl is a big plus. But I won't refuse a reward' Kel thought to himself before responding.     

"The plan? The plan is simple. Attack and take back Whiterun," said Kel casually.     

The Thanes Of Solitude once again laughed while Jarl Balgruuf's excited look faded. Kel didn't mind it and simply began to walk away.     

"It's madness fighting that many troops even if injured ones plus a dragon on your own. Just wait for the imperial legion to do what it must." Voiced General Tullius.     

Kel ignored the man and continued to walk only glancing back to leave some parting words.     

"Yorgen isn't the only one with a tamed dragon..."     

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