I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 77: Prey

Chapter 77: Prey

4Edited by: Rawaz the lolicon and Magnus the gay      3

After Silvya finished bathing herself, she decided to head back towards the camp.     

"Lord Kel? Are you not coming?" She asked in a curious tone.     

"I think I'll just relax here for a little longer, I'll meet you back at camp." He replied as he laid in the shallow end of the water and leaned against some rocks.     

Silvya nodded at his words and left him to relax. It didn't take her long to return to camp where she found Lydia and Aela debating about weapons and armor.     

"C'mon Aela who even wears hide armor anymore except bandits and poor hunters." Voiced Lydia while shaking her head.     

"It's not about the material sometimes it's about the quality. Not everyone wants to wear some heavy steel armor which restricts a lot of movement." Retorted Aela.     

Lydia wanted to make another point but instead turned to Silvya after realizing she was back.     

"Oh you're done bathing? Where's Thane Kel?" She asked casually.     

"He wants to relax a little longer in the water, it's quite refreshing." Replied Silvya as she took a seat inside one of the tents close to the fire.     

The conversation soon changes to Lydia asking some questions about her Thane. It was only natural to be somewhat curious. Silvya however stated she hadn't known him long to avoid many questions and was vague with the ones she answered. Aela couldn't contribute to the conversation and decided to leave.     

"I'm going to hunt to clear my head. Sitting around doing nothing isn't like me". Said Aela all of a sudden before grabbing her bow and arrow and walking away.     

It didn't take her long to find a large deer roaming the forest. She crouched quietly and showed a smile as she slowly got closer. The deer however heard some rustling from a different direction and got startled away.     

'Dammit...' Aela thought to herself before following its tracks.     

She eventually saw it go to the river where it began drinking water. Aela stood on some high ground and decided to take cover in the nearby shrubs and wait for it to move as she couldn't get closer without being spotted and didn't have a clear shot.     

As she crouched in the shrubs to observe the deer, she ended up seeing a clear view of where Kel was relaxing. For those on low ground or near the river they could only see rocks around him but from the hilly area Aela stood. She got a clear view of him.     

'....his body isn't bad I suppose I'll give him that.' She thought to herself.     

"What are you doing?"     

The sudden question reached Aela's ear and jolted her back to reality. She turned quickly and found Lydia looking at her with her arms crossed.     

"What does it look like? I'm stalking my prey..." Answered Aela in a confident tone.     

"Hmm..." Lydia found it a bit strange as she saw nothing from where she stood.     

She too then decided to crouch and peep from the shrubs. Aela tried to stop her but failed to react in time. Lydia ended up seeing only Kel and no deer, which had moved on while Aela was still pondering.     

"Your prey huh?.... I was joking at first but to think you really are on the hunt for a man". Stated Lydia while shaking her head.     

"It's not like that, there was a deer by the river, it's just a coincidence that Kel happened to be bathing nearby...." When she said it out loud, Aela herself found her statement a bit off.     

The two ended up arguing over the misunderstanding for a little longer before Lydia lost interest in the matter.     

"Fine, if you say so. I'm going to take a bath now as well." Lydia said in a casual tone as she prepared to leave.     

"Wait, Kel is still there. Are you going to bathe while he's still there?" Aela asked in a surprised manner.     

"Why not, he's seen me naked before. It's not the first time Lydia, him and I had to bath in a river close to one another. I'm comfortable with him seeing me so it's not an issue." Replied Lydia as she walked away.     

Aela hesitated for a moment but soon followed Lydia behind and the two walked to the river together. Once there they quickly stripped and went into the water, not too far from Kel.     

"I hope we're not interrupting you my Thane." Said Lydia looking towards the rocks that separated her and Lydia from Kel.     

"Not at all, I'm just enjoying the cool water. It's a hot night today." Replied Kel in a relaxed tone.     

"This part of Skyrim always tends to be very hot this time of year, it's one to tell the upcoming winter will be a moderate one". stated Aela all of a sudden.     

"Interesting, At least I won't need to stock up on furs." Said Kel while sighing.     

Before Lydia or Aela could respond, they heard voices coming from not too far from them and getting closer. The two quickly decided to move to the spot Kel was at to stay hidden behind the rocks.     

The spot wasn't as large so both Lydia and Aela had their bodies squeezed against Kel.     

'I feel like fate is playing tricks on me...' thought Kel to himself as he tried to not focus on his situation.     

"Who do you think it is?" Asked Aela in a whispered voice.     

"I think the deer came this way!" Said an excited male voice .     

"No no, those tracks are from that way. Your tracking skills have got us nothing these past days." replied a femine voice showing no excitement.     

Lydia and Aela felt less on guard when they heard they were only two people.     

"It's just some hunters, let's wait for them to leave." Advised Lydia in a low tone.     

"Hey look. I see some clothes" Said the male voice.     

"So they obviously belong to someone. Unless you know deer that wear clothes now" Voiced the female voice in an irritated tone.     

"Don't be like that, I don't see any owner here, this must be some luck. Besides one shouldn't be so careless."     

Said the male voice still excited.     

"Careless would be touching something without checking to see if you can handle the owner once caught".     

Kel suddenly spoke up loudly alerting both hunters.     

"If you're so confident then why stay hidden?" Asked the male voice.     

Kel quickly grew annoyed and decided to reveal himself despite his lack of clothes.     

"And why would I hide from the likes of someone who can't even track a deer." Stated Kel as he stood in the open.     

"Mmm...you certainly have nothing to hide". Said the female voice that came from a lovely older woman who eyed Kel from top to bottom.     

"Love? Are you really eyeing his body when you have mine to keep you warm every night?" Voiced the man slightly angry.     

"Yes I am, I don't say anything when you look at those tavern wenches. Besides, unlike you he looks like he can keep me hot every night..." Voiced the woman in a seductive tone.     

"Why at night only when we'd have the day too". Added Kel with a smirk on his face purposely trying to anger the man.     

"You dare try to seduce my wife right in front of me?" Said the man in anger.     

"Could you be quiet, learn to satisfy a woman before joining this conversation." Stated the woman in an angry tone.     

"My camp isn't too far from here, just over that hill. You should stop by for a meal, I would very much like to know you better...." added the woman with a smile on her face.     

'I take back what I said. If fate gives you lemons, coat them on another man's wife and make a lemon...cream...pie'     

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