I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 76: To Solitude

Chapter 76: To Solitude

3Editor: Magnus and Chaos     

The following day, Lydia, Silvya and Kel had all woken up early and began preparing for their journey to Solitude which would take roughly 3 days.     

"Lord Kel, is there anything else I should bring?" Asked Silvya as she was packing things into a bag.     

"Not necessary, it'll just slow the horses down. Just carry the essentials as usual. We can buy things in the settlements along the way should we need to." replied Kel while sorting his clothes.     

Silvya nodded and continued to pack while Kel went downstairs where he found Lydia already set to go.     

"You don't waste time huh?" He asked casually.     

"I'm not the type to overpack. I just carry what's necessary. Leaves me more room to carry things for you should you need me to." She answered proudly.     

"You really take your duties seriously..." stated Kel as he gave her an odd look.     

"Why wouldn't I? I'm not like those unruly housecarls some Thanes have. Besides I-"     

"All set Lord Kel!"     

Lydia was cut off by Silvya who announced loudly that she had finished. She soon rushed to join Kel and Lydia but not before stumbling on the last of the stairs.     



Luckily for Silvya, her fall was cushioned by her chest, both Lydia and Kel could only look at her oddly as if in disbelief at what they had just seen.     

'Did they get bigger...' they both thought to themselves.     

"Eh...sorry Lord Kel, I'm all set and ready to go" she stated after standing back up.     

"Right....let's go" Answered Kel but not before stealing one last glance at her chest.     

'They really did get bigger...I'll need to check properly later...' he thought to himself as the trio exited the home.     

They didn't linger around much and directly went towards the main gate. There however they came across an unexpected turn of events.     

"...Why are you standing there Aela" Asked Kel while sighing.     

Aela stood near the main with her arms and head held high. She had a stylish bow on her back with a quiver on her hip holding plenty of arrows. Then down on the ground near her leg was a large satchel.     

"I just so happen to be traveling to Solitude for business so thought why not wait for you. It's safer traveling in groups after all". She replied with a straight face.     

"I can't think of one single reason you'd have business in Solitude Aela."     

Before Kel could answer, Lydia came forward and spoke, not mincing her words one bit.     

"And since when do you know everything happening in my life Lydia? If I say I have business there then that's none of your-"     

"Business" retorted Lydia while making quoting signs.     

"We gain nothing by standing around here debating about it. Let's just go. If she wants to tag along then so be it." announced Kel before walking out the gate.     

Silvya quickly followed while Lydia and Aela gave each other dirty stares before following.     

The first day of the trip wasn't eventful in the slightest. No dragon or bandit attacks. Kel was entertained however by Lydia and Aela's bickering throughout the day.     

As soon as the sunset, Kel suggested they find a good spot to make camp. Aela took this opportunity to shine. She had found a perfect clearing close to a river and set up camp in no time at all.     

"They don't call me Aela the huntress for nothing, there's no prey that has ever escaped me" she said proudly.     

"Except a man" replied a frowning Lydia.     

"I simply chose to focus on hunting. I have no need for a man to feel complete. What about you? I don't think I recall you in any relationship so who are you to judge." Retorted Aela.     

"I have my duties to fulfill, besides unlike you, I've warmed the bed of a great man. Isn't that right my Thane?" Said Lydia while laughing nervously.     

"Don't bring me into this unless there's a naked women involved." Replied Kel bluntly as he roasted some deer meat.     

"See? More lies Lydia".     

"He didn't say no Aela"     

"He didn't say yes either Lydia.     

"Are you calling me a liar?"     

"Well I'm definitely not calling you a truther."     


The bickering continued until it was finally time to eat, Lydia and Aela sat on opposite ends giving each other dirty looks.     

'I want to ask what they have against each other but that's just a surefire way to start another argument...'     

"Well that was a good meal. I'm going to take a bath by the river". Announced Kel while standing up.     

"Wait for me Lord Kel." Stated Silvya as she hurriedly stood up and followed him leaving Aela confused.     

"Are they...together?" She asked Lydia in a soft tone.     

"No, just think of her like his servant. A very skilled one at that." replied Lydia as she looked at Kel and Silvya walking away.     

Aela didn't ask anymore after that and continued to eat along with Lydia.     

Meanwhile by the river,     

"Lord Kel, do you think those two may like you...?" asked Silvya in a low tone as she began to disrobe.     

After getting fully naked, she joined Kel in the river. He sat near some large and small rocks in the water.     

Silvya came behind him and immediately began washing his body.     

"I don't think so. I hope it stays that way." Replied Kel in a blunt tone.     

"How come? If you don't mind me asking..." asked the curious Silvya.     

"Don't forget the real reason we're here Silvya. It's fine to get intimate with people I won't interact with much. Two consenting adults wanting to get intimate is normal but it wouldn't be fair to lead them on when I'll be leaving once our job here is done. Not to mention this isn't even my real appearance so..." Kel replied while sighing heavily.     

"Don't you feel strange washing me with this new appearance?" Asked a curious Kel.     

"Your illusion only fools those of this world Lord Kel. You're still the same Master I serve to me" she replied in a happy tone as she brought her body closer and squished her boobs against Kel's back.     

"That's good." He said with a smile.     

"Uh...why not mark them then?" Silvya asked yet another question.     

"If I were to mark every beautiful woman I met I'd have to purge myself. I also want to use the marks carefully."     

"Not every person will willingly give up everything for an entirely new and strange world."     

"Mordred is a servant so her case is special, she's my servant and has experienced strange things herself. Joining us didn't seem to faze her all that much."     

"But imagine one of these people suddenly being brought to one of the many worlds we may visit."     

"Besides, if I am to use my marks. I'd prefer we recruit strong people. If not strong then atleast pro efficient in their like no other."     

"I purposely choose the least intelligent or least powerful reincarnater's to deal with to gain experience and with marks...strong allies."     

"I can't afford to get sloppy Silvya...not all reincarnators will be easy to deal with. That's something I can't and won't forget."     

Silvya looked at Kel in silence for a moment and hugged him suddenly from behind.     

"I'll do my best as your guide every step of the way Lord Kel." she said in a gentle tone.     

"Thank you Silvya."     

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