I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 72: Submit

Chapter 72: Submit

2Kel had come to the decision of attacking Nahagliiv head on after seeing arrows have little to no effect on the large Dragon.     

"If arrows couldn't do much then neither will this Ancient Nordic Sword...but it should be enough to weaken him..." Kel expressed his thoughts aloud.     

He unsheathed his sword and faced the direction of Nahagliiv who had began to come towards him. Kel showed a small smile and began running towards the Dragon. Watching from afar, Lydia grew worried and left her position. Silvya on the other hand continued to fire arrows.     

As the Dragon came within close proximity of Kel, it let out a stream of fire towards him. Kel acted quickly and dodged to the side before unleashing the unrelenting Force shout.     

"Grrrr." Nahagliiv grunted as he was pushed back by Kel, infuriating him all the more.     

As Nahagliiv stumbled back, Kel came closer and swung his sword with force, unleashing a deadly slash on the dragon's mid body.     


The dragon roared out in pain. The slash itself had not gone very deep but still carried enough force that the Dragon felt significant pain. However, the attack didn't stop there.     

"You're thick skinned, that's for sure..." commented Kel as he readied another swing.     

Once he swung full force and slashed towards Nahagliiv. Another painful roar echoed through the fields, this drew the curiosity of the residents within Rorikstead. Most however were shocked to find it was the Dragon that they so feared, struggling against a single man.     

"How!" Roared out Nahagliiv in the Dragon tongue.     

It wasn't strange that he was shocked a human could carry such strength. Whenever Nahagliiv would try to strike back, the shout unrelenting force would come his way and leave him dazed, What followed next was ofcourse a strike from Kel.     

"Slay the beast!!"     


The once fearful residents now began to cheer from afar as they watched a Dragon getting beaten around. Even Lydia had stopped not too far from the scene and just watched in amazement. Nahagliiv had lost all Will to fight and now simply wanted to escape.     

But the second he showed signs of being able to fly, Kel would use the dragonrend shout, forcing him back into the fight.     

"Stop! I'll leave this settlement!" Pleaded Nahagliiv in the dragon's tongue.     

Kel, however ignored the beast and carried on in his assault. It wouldn't be long till Nahagliiv was completely on the defensive, trying to get away from Kel any way he could. Seeing his way completely shattered, Kel took the opportunity to use the shout he'd been waiting to use.     

Bend Will.     

In the game, this shout could temporarily make people yield to you. However, it's principals here were greatly different. Provided your Will was stronger, one could force an opponent to submit to them indefinitely.     

As simple as it sounds, it was in-fact very hard. The sheer will one had to have needed to be enormous. Lowering someone's will before attempting this shout would also increase its chances of succeeding. By completely dominating the fight, Kel had done just this.     

He now unleashed the bend will shout upon Nahagliiv at close proximity. As the shout began to take effect, Nahagliiv roared loudly and flapped his wings in an enraged manner. Kel simply smiled and backed away a few steps before watching the seen unfold.     

At was at this moment that Lydia rushed to him worried something was about to happen. As bouncy as always, Silvya too began running towards Kel, the sight of her chest was enough to make him turn his head from Nahagliiv and show smirk.     

"Is it done Lord Kel?"...Silvya asked while panting heavily.     

"Yes it's done, you can stand down Lydia. This dragon is no longer a foe." Kel casually said.     

Lydia showed him a puzzled look and was about to question what he meant when suddenly the dragon stopped roaring. It now simply stared at the trio before narrowing its gaze onto Kel.     

"I....I submit...." voiced Nahagliiv in the tongue of Dragons.     

Kel nodded and sheathed his sword before gesturing Lydia to do the same. The once cheering residents now became silent and watched on worriedly awaiting to see what would happen next.     

"Lydia, you can tell the people not to worry anymore, This Dragon....is tamed". Kel spoke while looking up at Nahagliiv.     

The dragon simply lowered its head, verifying Kel's words. Silvya wasn't at all surprised but Lydia was absolutely astounded. She felt an urge to fire countless questions towards Kel but stopped herself and instead turned behind and yelled towards the residents of Rorikstead.     

"Here me people of Rorikstead! You no longer have to fear having a dragon linger around your homes, for this Dragon has been tamed by my Thane, Kel The Dragon Slayer!" Lydia yelled proudly.     

The residents were taken aback by Lydia's words, unable to believe the beast that terrorized them could be tamed so easily. However, seeing it lower its head in front of Kel, they could confirm the words to true.     

"By the divines....he really tamed the beast..."     


"Long live our Savior and his companions!"     

"Long live Kel the Dragon Slayer!"     

Loud cheering resounded from the small settlement after Lydia's proclamation. Kel showed a smile and turned to Nahagliiv before speaking in the Dragon's tongue.     

"Go now, heal your wounds. I will shout your name when needed". said Kel in a serious tone.     

"As you wish...." Nahagliiv's tone carried clear embarrassment from being reduced to serve the very thing he considered livestock.     

After the effects of Dragonrend had faded, Nahagliiv took off into the air and disappeared into the skies.     

"Lydia, Silvya, get the horse's...we're done here" Kel sighed as he voiced out his intent to leave.     

"Yes my Thane, though with what just happened, I'm sure the residents would like to celebrate and show their appreciation. We Nords always celebrate a victory." Suggested Lydia as she turned to leave.     

"They'll be time to celebrate another time, for now..."     

"The Hunt Continues".     

A/N: Some old chapters are have been and will be re edited. So far no major changes planned so you don't need to re-read. However going forward a few things will change.     

1. ARCs. Arcs will vary in length now depending on the reincarnator. Arcs are a tricky but a important part of multiverse fics. Mine being one where he has to hunt reincarnators in each world. It can either be too short and boring in each arc or too long and dragged on. Which is what will happen if I spend too much time in worlds. So here's what I'll be doing.     

• Arcs will vary in chapter number. Some long some short. My goal is too keep things interesting and not too centered on one world which brings the next point.     

• Harem, It's not every time he visits a world that he'll get intimate with the main cast. He'll visit multiple versions of the same world so it'll vary. Sometimes we see some little romance, other times a pure lemon arc, other times pure killing and torture (Hitlist).     

•I'm still open to Hitlist recommendations as so far I have two.     

• With all that said, this arc will meet an abrupt end as my initial goal in writing it was to make it long. But that way will bore many of you who came to see a multiversal fic. I apologize for this as I'm still learning how to improve but I guarantee I'll only keep getting better. If you're fine with an abrupt ending, let me know in the comments and I'll start the polls for Hitlist voting and next arc.     

•I'm doing this not to stray far from the purpose of this fic. It's just I really like putting in character development which makes for long running arcs. Sorry once again and lemme know your thoughts     

Join my discord to ask me questions more directly Incase I miss your comment or you have a suggestion for a world to add to the polls.     


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