I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 71: Nahagliiv

Chapter 71: Nahagliiv

1Kel, Silvya and Lydia had continued to travel even after the sun had set. The reason simply being Kel did not want to waste anymore time than necessary. In addition, no one was particularly tired and he horses were still energetic.     

It wasn't until later than night that Rorikstead was within sight. As the group rode into the small ope settlement, they found that many of its residents could not be seen. After having their horses tied, they proceeded into a nearby inn.     

"I know it's night time but this place seems pretty deserted". Lydia commented as they walked into the inn.     

"The reason is why we're here". Kel quickly replied.     

Inside the inn they found a good number of people, most were dressed in a mining attire and even had their tools by their sides. All gazes were soon focused on Kel, Lydia and Silvya.     

"Eyy? Travelers? Heh, I'm surprised they made it here in one piece. That beast must be feeding." One of the miners assessed while shaking his head.     

Kel, Lydia and Silvya walked over to the miner's table to inquire more.     

"By beast I take it you mean a Dragon?" Lydia spoke first and asked.     

"It's no simple dragon...this beast is smart. It settled near our little town and hunts us whenever it pleases. We're unable to go about our daily activities because of this".     

"If people try to leave...it catches them, but if they want to enter it let's them...we're no better than livestock!". The a drunk miner yelled out in anger.     

Kel nodded at the man's words and fell silent. The only explanation behind the dragons behavior would be Yorgen's wish for a realistic world.     

Normally much like everything in Skyrim, dragons weren't smart and quite easy to kill depending on their type. Low level dragons would continue to level up alongside the player but would always be weaker and generally easy to kill.     

Which is why the game would spawn new types of dragons after a player reaches a certain level such blood dragons, ancient dragons, legendary dragons and so on. But now, all types freely roamed with increased strength and intelligence.     

Unlike in game where they were just an annoyance that even farmers could kill, here they were a force capable of bringing a city to ruin. Kel showed a small smile as he thought of this and turned away from the miner's table.     

"If it attacks everyone who tries to leave them I don't have to worry about drawing it out. Perfect. Lydia, Silvya let's go." Kel spoke in a confident tone and left.     

"Another suicidal adventurer..."     

The miner's couldn't help but think Kel mad for going to confront a dragon. He wasn't the first they saw try to do so. They could only shake their heads in pity and watch him walk away.     

"Lydia, Silvya. Stay hidden until I force the dragon to land. Then find some high ground to fire arrows from."     

Lydia was a bit skeptical about the plan she just heard but seeing as Silvya had no complaints and agreed without so much as a suggestion, Lydia could only agree as well.     

After the Lydia and Silvya found appropriate cover, Kel walked directly out of Rorikstead. He didn't have to go far before a gigantic winged beast could be seen circling the skies as if warning him to rush back into Rorikstead.     

Normally a dragon would only land if it had the tackle advantage. Forcing one to land was by no means easy...unless one new how to shout. Not just any shout but the one made precisely to go against these beasts.     

Many shouts existed. To learn them, one would not only need to know all three words of power that made up the shout but also practice many years. Unless ofcourse they were dragon born. In which case knowing the three words of power was enough to grant mastery over the shout.     

This would become what makes Kel the bane to all dragons. Not only could he master a shout simply by knowing all three words of power like the Dragonborn, but also already knew many shouts that would've normally required the Dragonborn to travel tirelessly across Skyrim and beyond.     

Dragonrend was one such shout. Capable of forcing a dragon to land until it's effects wore off. Kel looked up at the circling dragon before using this very shout.     

His voice echoed through the skies like a clap of thunder. His shout had hit the circling dragon which seemed beyond surprised that it could no longer stay in flight. A blue misty aura covered its entire body as it slowly descended to the ground.     

The dragon would soon crash on the far outskirts of Rorikstead causing a small tremor in the process. It flapped it's wings and roared aloud, clearing the cloud of dust that surrounded it.     

It then looked in Kel's direction with a gaze that could kill. Before it could make a move however, Kel spoke in the tongue of Dragons and called its name.     

"Nahagliiv, you can not win against me. Save yourself the embarrassment and yield to me"     

Kel announced loudly in the dragon's tongue. Hearing this, the dragon addressed as Nahagliiv could not help but grow angrier. Dragons saw themselves as the most superior and considered humans no more than livestock.     

To put it into perspective, imagine if a chicken made you fall before telling you submit to it before it embarrassed you further. This was the Dragon's perspective and it was beyond insulting. How could face others of it's kind if it did so?     

"I will show you your place you insolent human!"     

Nahagliiv roared in the language of dragons before charging towards Kel. Even if it couldn't fly, Nahagliiv was confident he could end the life of one human. To angered to consider his ability to shout, Nahagliiv charged forward carelessly. But just as he got close, Kel showed a smile.     

"Fus Roh Dah!"     

Kel released the shout unrelenting force towards Nahagliiv. The shout sent the large dragon a few meters back and left it in a slight daze. Kel took this opportunity and gave the signal to fire.     

Out of nowhere, arrows began hitting Nahagliiv's body, however very few managed to penetrate its thick scaly skin. Kel didn't seem all that surprised by this and simply sighed.     

"Seems I just have to go fight him head on..."     

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