I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 65: Visit

Chapter 65: Visit

4After leaving Ustengrav, Kel and Silvya returned to Whiterun and arrived by morning. But just as they were about to enter the city.     2

"How was your travels Kel? Slay any more dragons? Haha"     

Kel found one of the guardsmen that had fought beside him at the watchtower on guard duty today. He showed a small smile and shook his head.     

"Not this time, I was ju-"     

Before Kel could finish speaking, a man clad in a unique armor overheard the guard and approached Kel and Silvya.     

"Did I hear right? You slayed a dragon? So far I'm hearing those beasts are wrecking havoc all across Skyrim. They are notoriously difficult to battle, I haven't heard of anyone killing one yet."     

The figure who spoke to Kel was a tall brutish orc. Orcs weren't natives of Skyrim but those that did live here were mostly found in remote settlements with their own kind. Like most races, the orcs has their own beliefs and traditions, although it wasn't strange to encounter one outside their settlements. Some did odd jobs, others were warriors or mercenaries for hire, smiths or even bandits.     

"Bah! You orcs think you're the mightiest fighters around, don't forget you're in the land of Nords. The most hearty warriors in all of Tamriel. If you doubt what I just said, ask around for yourself or go see the dragon corpse, it's a sight to behold"     

A/N: Tamriel is a continent. Skyrim is a province in Tamriel.     

The guard spoke proudly while crossing his arms, Silvya of course defended Kel as well.     

"Lord Kel defeated the Dragon easily and he can easily do it again."     

The Orc shook his head while raising his hands.     

"I see then, my mistake. If what I hear is true you're a more than capable fighter. The dawn guard is recruiting people to help fight the growing vampire menace. If interested you should visit our post in Riften and you'll be brought to our Fort. Can't go around spreading our base's location anyhow. Farewell Nord, beware of what lurks in the night".     

After speaking, the Orc left the pair and went on his way. The guard continued to give him a glare till he was out of sight.     

"Talos help us, Dragons, Vampires and the growing civil war. This are tough times in Skyrim".     

The guard spoke while sighing, Kel and Silvya said nothing more and left.     

"Lord Kel? Will you participate in the war or join the dawnguard?"     

Kel pondered for a moment before slightly shrugging his shoulders.     

"It'll depend on the circumstances. Joining a faction without a reputation will mean tedious work. And unlike the game, I doubt they give promotions or titles wantonly. I doubt I'd have been named a Thane without slaying that Dragon."     

"We're better off working alone and instead of joining a faction don't you agree?"     

Silvya nodded as the two arrived at their recently purchased home. Inside, they found Lokir looking at multiple scripts of paper.     

"Done going through them?"     

Kel asked as he approached Lokir. Lokir sighed and nodded.     

"For the most part yes, I still don't understand why you need me to Master all these seemingly random sentences".     

Kel gave Lokir a pat on the back before speaking.     

"They'll help you out greatly. Is Lydia back yet?"     

Lokir sighed and shook his head in an exhausted manner.     

"No, she just left not too long ago."     

Kel yawned and nodded before heading upstairs.     

"Well then I'll see you later, we need some sleep after traveling all night."     

Silvya nodded and followed Kel upstairs into the largest bedroom. Kel immediately disrobed and laid down comfortably.     

"Those hints I've written down should help Lokir rise through the ranks of the thieves guild in Riften. Planting him there now should help in the long run."     

Silvya disrobed as well before laying down aswell.     

"What if he betrays you?"     

Kel closed his eyes and answered in a casual tone.     

"Then he'll get his due as well".     

Silvya smiled before resting comfortably next to Kel. It was only until noon that he got and went back downstairs, leaving Silvya still asleep.     

Upon reaching downstairs, he found Lokir still buried in the scripts he had written. While Lydia was seated in a corner wiping the blood off her greatsword.     

"Honor to you my Thane."     

Upon noticing Kel, Lydia quickly nodded her head while Lokir didn't flinch away from the scripts.     

'...mercer frey...maven...skeleton key...nightingale...'     

It was only until Kel reached the table and placed his hand on his shoulder that he came back to reality.     

"Huh, oh its you. I think I'm finally finished."     

Lokir let out a deep breath and leaned against the chair. Kel then took a seat and crossed his arms.     

"That was quicker than I thought, when do you want to leave for Riften?"     

Lokir casually stroked his beardless chin before giving his answer.     

"Tomorrow I think. It's to travel now before the dragon or vampire menace grows any larger. Besides I hear the dawnguard that were passing through Whiterun set off tomorrow so almost everyone is traveling alongside them for safety."     

Kel nodded and then turned to Lydia.     

"Trouble when collecting ingredients?"     

Lydia sighed as she nodded while continuing to wipe her greatsword.     

"I kept coming across pack after pack of wolves, it's what delayed me most, then as if that wasn't enough, some lone necromancer tried to attack me. The fool thought one reanimated skeleton would be enough to take me down. After dealing with him I returned and dropped off the ingredients at Arcadia's like you asked."     

Before Kel could respond, a loud knock was heard on his front door. Lydia stood to go answer it and frowned immediately.     

"What do you want Aela..."     

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