I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 64: Always Right R-18

Chapter 64: Always Right R-18

1Later at night, close to the entire City was still talking about the events that had transpired earlier. And just like all stories, people had their own version of how the event transpired. But no matter the version, the story continued to spread.      1

"I'm still at a loss for words...he really did it. Is he cursed?"     

Inside the bannered mare a guard spoke while shaking his head. The guards beside him on the table nodded along.     

"I here he may have been bewitched, could've been a vampire walking right among us. I shudder to think I could be next".     

As he said this, some other people inside the inn grew worried.     

"Don't worry, the dawnguard are still in the city, they're out there patrolling as we speak. If it is vampire, then rest easy. No trolls for us".     

On another table a woman turned to the group of guards and spoke in an annoyed tone.     

"Would you please change the topic, some of us are trying to eat."     

The guards faced the woman and laughed nervously before apologizing.     

"Eh Sorry Lydia, these guys were just overly curious".     

Back where Lydia had sat, her, Kel, Silvya and Lokir were enjoying a meal and drinks.     

"Lord Kel, where will we be going next?"     

A curious Silvya inquired while pouring Kel a drink.     

"We'll properly plan in a day or two, they're are a few things I'll need to sort out first..."     

Silvya couldn't help but smile brightly at this as she nodded. Lokir then nodded along before asking his own question.     

"So when do we start?"     

Kel casually took a sip from his tankard before answering.     


Lydia seemed to have an excited look at the idea while Lokir sighed and continued to ask.     

"Please don't tell me it's a dungeon..."     

Kel showed a smile before nodding and speaking.     

"Here's what we'll do..."     

Some hours later, Kel and Silyvia arrived at a place called Ustengrav. A dark tomb similar to Bleak Falls Barrow. Silvya quickly lit a torch and turned to Kel before speaking.     

"Lord Kel? How come we have to come so late at night?"     

Kel began looking around as they slowly began moving forward.     

"There's a certain item important to the Dragonborn here called the horn of Jurgen WindCaller, in the orginal Skyrim it was taken by someone called Delphine by the time the Dragonborn came by."     

"But since Delphine is still in Whiterun, I can only assume she'll come get it as soon as she learns the Dragonborn has been called by the Greybeards. But by the time she comes *bang!*. We'd have already taken it".     

As Kel said this, he kicked a barred door not to far into the tomb. Silvya seemed to quickly understand and nodded along.     

"So this is one of those shortcuts you mentioned? We'll get the treasure while leaving the enemies alive for however comes here next? Good thinking Lord Kel."     

Kel nodded before the two went through the now broken door. It didn't take long for them to arrive in a dimly lit room with a sarcophagus within it. Upon opening it, he found the remains of Jurgen WindCaller and in his dead lifeless hands was the Horn.     

'Not sure about Lydia's moral compass but I doubt she'd approve of her Thane grave robbing. So till I can make her more open minded, it's best to leave her behind on tasks like this'.     

After getting the Horn, Kel handed it over to Silvya who quickly tossed it in the bag before proceeding to get any gold around in the room.     

"That's everything I could find Lord Kel."     

Silvya while holding a mid sized back of gold coins and amulets.     

"That's fine, I wasn't expecting much here. Let's leave."     

After exiting the shortcut, Kel used his superhuman strength to move a large boulder and block the entrance.     

"There all set".     

Silvya showed a bright smile and nodded her head while her large chest bounced in unison.     

"Where will we go next Lord Kel?"     

Kel paused and shook his head.     

"Nowhere in particular. The next quests given to the Dragonborn largely involve Delphine and the Blades. Although some rewards are okay, it's nothing special and besides his new found arrogance and troll incident, I have no real reason to just Kill him."     

"Now comes the most important part of hunting. Patience. I'll wait for him to finish the main quest, perhaps maybe steal a reward here and there but I'll main focus while he does this will of course be...the side and DLC quests that offer the truly unique rewards."     

"What do you think Silvya?"     

Silvya didn't hesitate to respond to Kel's question.     

"I think Lord Kel is always right."     

Nearing the exit of the tomb, Kel suddenly gripped Silvya by the waist and showed a smirk.     

"So would you say I'm right in wanting to do this?"     

Kel's hand gripped Silvya's ass and began to grope it softly while his other hand began playing with her large bossom.     

"L-Lord Kel this isn't the place to do that..."     

Silvya began to blush as she spoke in soft tone. However Kel continued and now decided to lift her top and reveal her large bountiful breasts.     

"I thought you said I'm always right?"     

Silvya lowered her head and failed to retort as her big breasts began to bounce around at Kel's touch. Silvya put no effort in masking her moans which only grew louder.     

"I sometimes forgot how loud you can be Silvya".     

Kel teases making Silvya instantly cover her mouth. He didn't hesitate in lowering her bottoms and sliding her undergarments to the side before rubbing his cock against her wet pussy lips.     

"In that case I'd better hurry before we get company."     

Silvya only nodded while covering her mouth as Kel slowly began to penetrate her wet pussy. He held her by her asscheeks and pinned her up against the wall as he began to pound into the depths of her pussy.     

"Mmm...L-Lord Kel...i-it feels so goood."     

Silvya was quick to wrap her legs around Kel enjoying second of having his cock ravage her insides. Kel leaned in and began sucking on her nipple. Silvya quickly grit her teeth and tilted her head back as she felt her whole body growing hotter.     

"They're s-sensitive Lord Kel".     

As Silvya said this Kel began sucking on her nipple more vigorously, causing her pussy to tighten around his cock while more juices coated it.     

"L-Lord Kel...I..I'm c-!!!!"     

Silvya's body began to tremble as she reached her orgasm, Kel however continued to pound her as he got close to his. He gripped her asscheeks tight and slammed his cock deep into her before she felt his warm thick cum filling her insides. As he did so, Silvya looked at him with a satisfied look on her face before she spoke while breathing heavily.     

"...*pant*...*pant*...Lord Kel is always right"     

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