I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 60: Dragon Rising 2

Chapter 60: Dragon Rising 2

1After giving her speech, Irileth lead the group of Whiterun guardsmen out of the city. Kel, Yorgen, Silvya and Lokir followed along not too far behind. Both groups took the road west towards the watch tower. As Irileth's group rushed towards the tower, there was no shortage of mutters of worry and battle cries.      2

"For Skyrim!!"     

"They should have stuck with killing imperials, now they'll see how a real Nord fights!"     

Kel's group however only had one excited individual who decided to ran ahead and join Irileth's band.     

"Never have I seen someone as suicidal as him. We aren't really going to face that dragon are we!"     

Still traumatized from his experience in Helgen, Lokir was very skeptical about the plan.     

"We're literally charging in to fight a dragon with minimum information and basically no plan. No matter how you look at it, this is suicidal. Despite that, these idiots are cheering like they've already won. Gods I hate Skyrim. What's our plan Kel?"     

Lokir could only look onto Kel and hope he had a plan to survive this situation.     

"Simple, you and Silvya will will fire your arrows from a safe distance. Be sure to use your numbing poison and aim for its wings. A grounded dragon is less of a threat. At that point am sure whatever survivors are left will attack the dragon full force. Should that not be enough however then I'll finish it."     

Lokir still had many doubts but he could sigh and nod his head in agreement.     

"A risky plan is better than none at all. What do you think Silvya...Uh where is she?"     

It was only at that moment that Kel and Lokir realized that Silvya had fallen behind slightly.     

"S-sorry Lord Kel, I'll catch up please go ahead"     

*Boing* *Boing*     


Lokir could only look to Kel for their next move. Kel looked at Silvya for a moment before patting Lokir on the back and gesturing him to move ahead while he waited for Silvya.     

"S-sorry Lord Kel".     

Upon reaching Kel, Silvya took a bow and quickly apologized. Kel simply shook his head and began walking casually.     

"There's no rush, everyone at the tower should already be dead."     

Silvya felt slightly reassured for not delaying Kel and followed his pace. Once the two arrived at the tower, they found that it was in flames. Lokir was quick to come to their aside and explain.     

"Everyone found the tower in this state, seems the dragon has left. The others are checking for survivors."     

As Lokir said this, a guard suddenly appeared from inside the tower and shouted at the group below.     

"No! Get back! It's still here somewhere! Hroki and Tor just got grabbed when they tried to make a run for it!"     

Irileth looked up at the terrified guard and got ready to question him when suddenly a loud roar echoed through the skies. Irileth was quick to act and shouted out loud to her guardsmen.     

"Here he comes! Find cover and make every arrow count!"     

Kel calmly looked up at the skies and showed a faint smile before towards Lokir and Silvya.     

"Lokir, put those poisonous arrows to good use. Silvya, now's a good a time as any to try the spells you learnt from the spell tomes."     

The two nodded and rushed to get cover. Kel walked towards one of the charred bodies and picked up a bow and arrow himself then began firing but remained in the open.     


As the Dragon began to come closer, everyone with a bow fired arrows and everyone capable of magic threw whatever spell they could at the beast. As it opened its mouth, flames rained down on the grown, forcing people to act quick to evade them. Those too slow where almost instantly burned to a crisp.     

"Dammit! Avoid its attacks!"     

Silvya and Lokir continued to barrage the dragon's wings making it's flight unstable and forcing it to land on the ground. As soon as it did so it continued to breath fire and sweep the battle field with its long tail. Those unfortunate enough to come close were ripped to shreads by either its claws or its teeth.     

"Dammit fall back!"     

A worried Irileth quickly advised as her guardsmen fell one after another.     

"Retreat! Fall back! It's too-"     

At that moment however, Yorgen rushed past her and charged at the best with sword in hand.     

"Prepare to fall you vow beast"     

Having caught it off guard, Yorgen managed to land a strike on its head and drew blood. However, this wasn't enough to take and it down. In fact, the attack only served to anger the dragon. With one sweep of its tail, Yorgen became airborne. Even this didn't last long as the same tail swatted him back to the ground with astronomical force.     

"By Shor's beard!"     

One of the guards couldn't help but tremble at the scene he had just scene. Before anyone else could make any remark. Kel rushed towards the dragon's head. It quickly faced him directly and opened its mouth, ready to attack.     

"Watch out!"     

Ignoring the warning, Kel continued to rush forward, and just as it was about to release another attack. He jumped on top of it's head and struck his blade into it's skull.     

The dragon let out a loud roar in pain and flapped its wings madly before taking off from the ground, Kel however kept his blade firm and didn't waver. With the blade still lodged in it's skull. Kel got hold of the dragon's horns and forcely steered it downward with his superhuman strength.     


With a large bang, the dragon finally fell to the ground and Kel jumped off just before impact. The Dragon now laid on the ground heavily wounded but everyone remained fearful of approaching it. Kel however picked up another blade and looked it directly in the eyes before starting to walk slowly towards it.     


Kel dragged the sword behind him until he finally reached its head and struck it down. The on lookers watched in disbelief at what they had just seen.     

"I-it's dead?"     

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