I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 59: Dragon Rising 1

Chapter 59: Dragon Rising 1

0"What?!"      1

The people present couldn't help but exclaim in shock at the news.     

"Are you sure boy?"     

The Jarl who had been quiet for the most part was now the first to speak. The trembling Guard nodded nervously while holding his trembling hands. The people in the Hall exchanged glances and began to whisper and murmur.     

"Tell us exactly what you saw, someone call Farengar as well."     

The guard nodded nervously once more before taking a deep breath and speaking.     

"We saw it coming from the south. It was fast... faster than anything I've ever seen. It was just circling overhead when I left. I never ran so fast in my life... I thought it would come after me for sure."     

The people in the hall continued to murmur and whisper about what the guard had just said. Jarl Balgruuf began stroking his beard while pondering the situation. At that moment Farengar arrived with an excited look on his face.     

"A Dragon! How exciting. Can you describe how it looked? It's color? It's shape?"     

The guard wasn't sure how to respond to the excited Farenger, Jarl Balgruuf sighed before interjecting.     

"Now isn't the time for research Farenger. There's a Dragon looming over my territory, we must act before it attacks settlements. Irileth, Gather some guardsmen and get down there. Farenger will remain here and think of ways to defend the city should it attack."     

Farenger's excited expression faded but he nodded in agreement. The Jarl then turned to Kel and his group and spoke.     

"I need your help again my friend. You're clearly an experienced fighter plus your friends have encountered a Dragon first hand and survived. You and your group have more experience than anyone else. Time is of the essence but I guarantee you a befitting reward once you return."     

Lokir looked at Kel while shaking his head rapidly, he could still vividly remember the events of Helgen. Yorgen however seemed excited as well and spoke up first.     

"Haha, we survived once so we can do it again. You can count on us Jarl Balgruuf, I have special blood in my veins after all."     

Lokir and Kel gave Yorgen odd looks but none spoke. The Jarl looked to Kel for confirmation to which Kel just nodded before turning to Lokir and whispering.     

"Don't worry, this will work in our favor."     

Lokir still held plenty of doubts over the situation but chose to stay silent and just nod. The Jarl showed a smile and nodded towards the group before speaking once more.     

"Alright then. One last thing Irileth, this isn't a death or glory mission. I need to know what we're dealing with."     

Irileth smiled before bowing towards the Jarl.     

"Don't worry my Lord. I am the very soul of caution".     

Irileth then turned to Kel and his group and gestured them to follow her.     

"Let's be quick, there's no time to lose. Make whatever preparations you have to and meet me at the main gates. Take too long and we'll leave without you".     

Irileth said only this and remained silent the rest of hurried walk down from DragonsReach. Upon reaching the market area, Irileth split from the group and went towards the barracks while Kel and Silvya went towards Arcadia's cauldron. Lokir and Yorgen went to drop off some of their items in their inn rooms.     


Upon entering Arcadia's cauldron, Kel and Silvya could hear a loud explosion come from the backroom.     


After Kel spoke, some shuffling was heard from the backroom and soon Arcadia appeared adjusting her disheveled hair.     

"Oh yes? Sorry about that, I just encountered a slight...setback..."     

Kel looked at the cloud of black smoke emerging from the backroom with a brow raised but made no comment on it.     

"Right...anyway I'm just here to drop off these ingredients and items that may come in handy for alchemy. Let me know if you concoct anything special."     

After speaking Kel nodded at Silvya who then unloaded a large number of items onto the counter leaving Arcadia wide eyed. She didn't waste time and immediately begun rummaging through everything. Having nothing else to do there, Kel and Silvya left the began walking towards the gate.     

"Uh...Lord Kel? Am I...helpful?"     

Kel continued to walk as he replied to Silvya.     

"Of course, Why do you ask?"     

Silvya lowered her head and replied in a low tone.     

"Well you see...I-"     

"Good! Everyone's here"     

Silvya's answer was cut short by Irileth who was standing in front of a group of guards. Lokir and Yorgen stood close to the group in silence. Kel remained where he stood and Silvya remained close to him. Irileth gave him a glare before continuing to brief the guardsmen.     

"Hmph! Anyways, Here's the situation. A dragon is attacking the Western watchtower. Yes you heard right, a dragon. I don't care where it came from or who sent it, it made the mistake of attacking Whiterun!"     

The guardsmen much like Lokir weren't at all excited after hearing about the situation.     

"Now we're in for it..."     

"We're so dead..."     

"I chose the wrong to not be on guard duty..."     

"Housecarl...how can we defeat a dragon?"     

Irileth crossed her arms and nodded at the guards question.     

"That's a fair question. None of us have ever seen a dragon before, or expected to see one in battle. But we are honorbound to fight it, even if we fail. This dragon is threatening our homes... our families. Could you call yourselves Nords if you ran from this monster? Are you going to let me face this thing alone?"     

After Irileth spoke, some of guards morale rose.     

"We're with you Housecarl!!"     


"I'll happily die for my honor!"     

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