I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 54: Haunting Past

Chapter 54: Haunting Past

4It didn't take long for Kel, Silvya, Lokir and Yorgen to reach Riverwood. Kel and Silvya were still equiped in their original gear, whereas Lokir wore some light hide armor while Yorgen wore some heavy Iron armor. Kel and Yorgen had simple iron swords while Lokir and Silvya had a bow with arrows on their backs.      4

"Can we rest a bit? We didn't even have breakfast *pant* *pant".     

The once excited Yorgen was now complaining as his pace became slower and slower. Lokir then smirked before speaking.     

"I told you not to get heavy armor, even Kel's armor is light but no, you had to add more weight to your body on a long journey on foot."     

Kel shook his head turned to Yorgen.     

"We have to be quick, just go trade your armor in by Hadvar's uncle's shop quickly."     

Yorgen nodded and rushed towards the shop. Lokir stopped by the inn nearby and bought a few sweet rolls with some bottles of honningbrew mead. By the time Yorgen returned he had found nothing but a half empty bottle.     


Lokir simply wiped his mouth and walked passed him as if nothing happened and the group continued on. They had to face some very steep terrain to get to Bleak Falls Barrow which was very tiresome for Yorgen who had zero experience. Lokir also had a hard time but less as he was nimble and agile.     

"*pant* *pant* Dammit, can't I even have a relaxing journey. *sigh* Lucky her..."     

As Lokir complained, he turned his gaze forward and focused on Silvya who wasn't struggling at all because Kel had her climb on his back. Silvya couldn't even go very far on her own because she seemed to weak to even climb up a few meters.     

"S-sorry Lord Kel".     

As Silvya spoke Kel chuckled and shook his head.     

"Don't be, Maybe I shouldn't have kept you up all night."     

Silvya shook her head frantically.     

"No. Its my duty to serve you Lord Kel, no matter what".     

Kel smiled as he continued to climb up.     

"Do you do it only because it's your duty?"     

Caught off guard Silvya didn't know how to answer and begun to stutter a little bit.     

"N-I..My duty-.."     

"Nevermind Silvya, we're here".     

'Hmm, seems she genuinely isn't sure...I guess that's better than her lying.'     

Although Kel didn't particularly mind and only wanted to know how Silvya saw him, Silvya herself had her thoughts in go into overdrive.     

'D-did I displease him?, Will he replace me? What should I say?, I don't know which answer to give. No, I'll prove am useful I have to...I don't want to be cast aside...not again...'     

After Kel got to snowy top, he and Silvya waited for Lokir and Yorgen to reach them. As they waited, Silvya came closer to Kel and began massaging his shoulders. Kel turned his head towards her and spoke.     

"As nice as this feels, now isn't the time to try your massaging techniques":     

Silvya pulled away and Kel turned his gaze back towards Lokir and Yorgen. Behind him, Silvya lowered her head and continued to worry.     


A little while later, Lokir arrived and Yorgen followed a bit later.     

"*pant* *pant* dammit that was hard, please tell me we don't have to climb anymore."     

Kel shook his heard towards Lokir and answered.     

"No we're done, now we just follow this snowy path and we'll arrive at Bleak Falls Barrow."     

Lokir let out a sigh of relief while Yorgen laid in the snow still panting. However, they didn't get to rest much as they had to continue almost immediately. After following the path for a moment, a large structure could be seen ahead. But before they could even make a remark, an arrow shot passed the group.     

"An attack!"     

Lokir quickly shouted before diving for cover and taking out his own bow to fight back. Kel was quickest to react as he had ducked and rolled towards a nearby large rock. Yorgen crawled over to where Lokir was while Silvya tried to rush over to Kel but stumbled and fell. Kel had jumped out of to help her up, taking an arrow in the shoulder in the process before reaching cover.     

"Careful Silvya, a shot to head could end things pretty quickly"     

'I've been debating whether or not I should use one of my rewards on giving her Immortality or not, Im still not 100% sure about her but that was a close call...'     

"*sigh* Silvya, use one of my rewards to give yourself Immortality, you're vulnerable till we get you some spell tomes to learn from".     

A/N: Books that teach spells.     

'If I'm wrong then I'm wrong, I'll worry about that later on'.     

Silvya hesitated and wanted to speak up but spoke first.     

"Hurry Silvya, we shouldn't waste too much time here".     

After speaking, Kel used his time control and began running up the stairs, he dodged all arrows shot towards him by slowing time as they came closer. As he ran up the stairs, Lokir managed to take out two of their enemies with his arrows while Kel took out the other archer, leaving only unskilled sword wielders which Kel killed easily. As for the ones that rushed down, Yorgen had managed to kill some along with Silvya. Lokir didn't delay in starting his looting spree which sadly didn't yield the results he expected.     

"Dammit, these bandits are even more poor than me, barely any gold and their armor reeks of sweat, piss and desperation".     

Kel chuckled as he walked over to Lokir.     

"Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get a good prize inside..."     

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