I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 50: Investment

Chapter 50: Investment

2After leaving DragonsReach Kel and the group decided to call it a day and enjoy some food and drinks. Hadvar who thought he was most familiar with Whiterun spoke first.      3

"We'll go to the bannered mare, they have good rooms and good food. I just hope they're not completely booked or we might end up having to share haha".     

While Hadvar joked on the matter, Silvya puffed out her chest confidently and spoke.     

"If it comes to that then Lord Kel and I will share a room so no need to worry".     

Yorgen put his arm around Lokir and gave him a thumbs up.     

"Then we'll be roommates correct?"     

Lokir sighed and looked at Kel with envy and nodded dejectedly.     

"Better you than Hadvar who smells like corpse..."     

Hadvar remembered his fowl stench and stopped walking.     

"Dammit they won't allow me in smelling like this...I'll need to wash off by the garrisons most guards smell like this anyway...can you guys book rooms for the night and find a table?".     

Lokir nodded while giving Hadvar an odd look.     

"It's not Master level magic, I'm sure we can manage asking for rooms now go before you get confused for a walking corpse."     

Hadvar nodded and gave some coins to Lokir.     

"Right I'll see you all in a bit, get me some sweet rolls and mead."     

With that said Hadvar rushed off towards the garrisons. Lokir pocketed the coins and began leading the way till they reached the market square where Kel spoke.     

"I'll meet you guys inside, I need to sell off some things first".     

Lokir nodded and handed him his satchel.     

"Sell off everything in here too, we'll need as much gold as we can to get supplies tomorrow. Yorgen you too."     

Yorgen nodded and also gave Kel his satchel and agreed with Lokir's words.     

"Alright then let's hurry and get a room before more adventurers come in."     

Lokir and Yorgen then proceeded to go inside the bannered mare whereas Kel and Silvya went to sell of their merchandise, first going into Arcadia's cauldron. Inside Arcadia's cauldron Kel met a lovely mature women with medium length white hair tied into a bun. Upon seeing customers, she quickly arose from her position and greeted Kel and Silvya.     

"Welcome to Arcadia's cauldron, forgive the mess, we alchemists tend to be this way. My recent experiments haven't been going to well-Oh forgive me, I was ranting wasn't I *sigh* I'm Arcadia, how may I help you?"     

Kel walked towards the counter and placed the satchels ontop.     

"It's fine to rant, after all you'll be seeing my face a lot I reckon. I'm here to sell off some alchemy ingredients."     

Arcadia first smiled at Kel's words then became down cast and shook her head.     

"I'm sorry I'm already overloaded in common ingredients, so much so I've been experimenting to make more powerful potions to help save my failing business. Potions are common now so unless I can make a more powerful one and sell it at a lesser price I'll just keep losing money *sigh* what ingredients do you have? Perhaps if their quality is good we can come to an agreement."     

Kel nodded his head and emptied the contents of the satchel. Arcadia looked with wide eyes at what she saw.     

"Do my eyes deceive me? Not one but eight giant toes!? You have no idea how useful these are in alchemy. But...they've become quite expensive due to their rarity. I can barely afford one *sigh* perhaps try Farenger, he's experiments are funded by the Jarl himself. Can I perhaps by one at a lower price? I'll give you a great discount once my experiments produce good results..."     

Kel looked at the woman's desperate expression and pondered the matter.     

'I guess in a realistic Skyrim, stores won't just buy anything you bring and the gold will reset the next day huh...pretty tough to make a living. But this works in my favor'.     

"Hmm how about I make you a proposition?"     

A bit taken off guard Arcadia placed her hand on her chest for a moment before nodding.     

"If there's something this old alchemist can do to gain your favor then I'll gladly do what I must so long as you keep your word..."     

Kel smiled and nodded while Arcadia wore a look of worry on her face.     

"My proposition is, I'll fund you with the many rare ingredients I'll gather during my travels for free which you can use to experiment to your hearts content but in return, you'll make potions, poison and elixirs when I need them."     

Arcadia was shocked at the offer and looked to Kel for assurance.     

"A-are you serious?! This,this could save my entire business. No, it could make it rise. Yes I fully agree to your conditions and any others you may have. I have some potions and poisons on hand right now if you require some or and elixirs, as well-"     

Kel interjected her and turned to leave.     

"That won't be necessary for now, I'll leave you to your work, I should be back with some ingredients tomorrow evening. Goodnight".     

After leaving the store Kel sighed and thought to himself.     

'Having an expert level alchemist on hand won't hurt, most like Farenger are arrogant but she's completely desperate. And all for the price of ingredients I can get easily...'     

Kel then smiled and proceeded to the bannered mare. Upon entering, he found everyone was in loud laughter. The owner of the inn herself was chuckling before turning to Kel and speaking loudly.     

"Welcome to the bannered mare traveler, make yourself comfortable."     

Kel began scanning for Lokir and Yorgen and found them sitting in a corner table. Upon approaching them, he found Lokir shaking his head while Yorgen seemed drunk beyond limit.     

"How is he already drunk?"     

Lokir shook his head while sighing and rubbing his temples.     

"He's not drunk, he just lost a brawl terribly...along with all his money. He tried flirting with the beautiful warrior over there but she said she didn't associate with weaklings. He then bragged about how he defeated a Giant with his bare hands and she became interested and made a bet. They would punch each other and the first to fall loses. When asked what he'd want if he won, he had the gall to say her and bet all his money. His punch didn't even stagger her but hers made him spin 4 times in the air he fell unconscious. When he woke up he asked if he had won and everyone burst into laughter..."     

Kel looked at the woman Lokir spoke off and turned towards him.     

"Give me your gold".     

Lokir looked at Kel and already knew what he was planning but he couldn't refuse. After taking Lokir's gold, Kel walked over to the woman's table and placed the pouch there.     

"My companion over there lost some gold to you, I'm here to win it back, if you're not too worried about losing that is."     

The woman placed a pouch of gold next to his and stood before speaking loudly.     

"Uthgerd the Unbroken never backs away from a challenge, I'm sure you know how a brawl works, so shall we give the on lookers a good show."     

Kel smiled and nodded before they went into an open area and people began to cheer.     

"Haha another careless adventurer challenges Uthgerd!?"     

"Wanna bet he goes down in one punch as well!?"     

Uthgerd heard the cheers and laughed.     

"If he can stay standing even after one of my punches I'd be impressed!? Haha. Let's begin traveller".     

Kel didn't say anything or take up a fighting stance, but instead opened his arms taunting her to hit first. Uthgerd smirked and aimed for Kel's face and landed a solid hit but he didn't even flinch. Before she could even be surprised punched her hard in the stomach. Despite wearing armor, she felt Kel's brute shake her body and she fell to her knees causing the onlookers to go silent.     

"You're strong but not strong enough."     

Kel picked both pouches from the table and begun walking over. Uthegerd held her head up and spoke towards Kel.     

"Was that revenge?"     

Kel chuckled and shook his head.     

"Not at all, just need the gold for rooms and food, how else is an adventurer like me supposed to pay for things in cities."     

Uthgerd nodded her head.     

"I spent a few coins in there on drinks, I can pay you the coin or...you could stay at my house and not pay at all..."     

Kel turned back to Uthgerd who looked at him with hungry eyes. Kel grinned and nodded.     

"Option 2 it is..."     

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