I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 49: Plans

Chapter 49: Plans

1After companions left Kel and his group, Hadvar began to loot the giant. He first began by cutting off its toes then cutting open its stomach, Lokir nearly vomited at this scene, but Hadvar carried on as if it was all in a days work.     

"*phew* Done, Sadly this Giant doesn't have anything of interest, the toes can be sold for a good amount of gold though. Not sure what use their are to alchemists though, here you go Kel. Four toes for you and two for rest of us."     

Kel didn't mind and nodded, whereas Lokir hook his head after receiving them.     

"This is really a dangerous way of living. Can we just go now before it gets any darker?".     

The others nodded and put away their share of toes into their satchels and continued on their journey. Soon the group passed the Whiterun stables and began heading up the hill towards the city. After they passed the drawbridge the group arrived at the main gate where two Whiterun guards stood.     

"Halt! The city is closed due the dragon sighting."     

Lokir sighed heavily and spoke with an annoyed expression.     

"Listen, we're here to deliver news about the dragon, what's the point in closing a city anyway when it can just fly over? Or do you think we'll smuggle one in our pouches?"     

Hadvar tapped Lokir on the shoulder and turned to the guards and spoke.     

"Don't mind him, he faced the dragon's fury so he is a little bit on edge, infact we all are. We travelled nonstop to bring this news here to your Jarl, so it's in your best interest to let us in".     

The guards looked at each for a bit before turning back to the group.     

"Well alright but we've got our eyes on you so no funny business".     

The guard spoke before proceeding to open the gate for them. Once inside the City the group admired it's architecture and beauty as they walked. The city was large and bustling with people.     

A/N: Never made sense to me how a city could have so few people in game so don't be surprised at the changes I make.     

Kel and the group didn't linger however and directly went to Jarls home called DragonsReach. They weren't stopped by the guards as it was normal for the Jarl to receive many visitors, however inside, those carrying weapons would have to put them on a rack or table as they approached the Jarl. As the group went up the stairs and began walking towards the Jarls throne, they were stopped by an intimidating yet lovely dark elf.     

"Halt! What business do you have with the Jarl? If it isn't important then it can wait as he is dealing with a major issue."     

Kel looked at the dark elf and spoke.     

"These three are survivor's of a dragon attack on Helgen and are here to share useful information to your Jarl."     

The Jarl overheard Kel say this and interjected.     

"Irileth, let me hear what they have to say."     

Irileth nodded towards the Jarl and and replied.     

"As you say Jarl Balgruuf".     

After Irileth stepped aside and sheathed her blade, Hadvar, Yorgen and Lokir stepped forward to explain the events that occurred. Irileth remained clearly very suspicious and kept her gaze locked on the three for any sudden movements.     

"...and that's how we made it here, my uncle suggested we come inform you about this as well as ask for help for Riverwood which is vulnerable as it is now".     

Hadvar spoke of the events they encountered on their way to Whiterun as well as the terrifying attack on Helgen. The Jarl leaned into his throne and nodded at the group.     

"You have done this City a favor by delivering this news to me, feel free to leave and enter the city as you please, see my steward to receive some gold for your efforts. Irileth, send a detachment of guards to Riverwood at once."     

Irileth nodded at the Jarl but didn't move.     

"I'll inform them once these guests leave..."     

Irileth didn't hide her suspicions towards the group but before anyone could comment on the matter, a man in a robe appeared before the Jarl and whispered something to him. The Jarl nodded and turned his head towards Kel.     

"If what he says about you killing a Giant is true then I may be in need of your services. My court wizard here Farengar, tells me he's looking for a map on dragon burial sites that could help us uncover where the next dragon may appear. If you can successfully retrieve it I guarantee your services will be rewarded."     

Kel let out a smile and nodded.     

"Just give me a location and I'll set off tomorrow morning."     

Farenger turned to Kel and cleared his throat before speaking.     

"My information tells me the map may be in the Ancient Nordic ruins of Bleak Falls Barrow. Here's a map with it's location, I advise caution when venturing there. Oh and if you find any ingredients whilst there, I'll gladly purchase them from you for a fair amount."     

After Kel collected the map and list of possible ingredients one may find, he put them away in his satchel and the group left. Irileth who held great distrust towards them turned to the Jarl and spoke.     

"Why not just hire the companions? Or send some guards to fetch the map rather than some unknown adventurer".     

The Jarl leaned into his throne as he replied.     

"I am unsure of the danger in that place, it's best we send someone disposable, the companions will be of great help should we be attacked. We can't risk losing them".     

Irileth nodded at the Jarls words before leaving to send a detachment.     

Outside of DragonsReach Lokir was in high spirits.     

"Haha forty septims to just deliver some news... I guess the danger really does pay off. Hadvar? What do you plan on doing now?."     

Hadvar was playing with the pouch in his hands with a smile on his face.     

"I'll spend the night here then leave for Solitude in the morning to deliver news of Helgen as well as return to my duties as a soldier. How about you? Finally convinced to be an adventurer?"     

Lokir shook his head as he responded.     

"I only plan on adventuring till I have enough septims for a horse, then it's off to Riften. A place where thieves like myself can prosper. Yorgen has already made his stance clear about joining the companions."     

Yorgen nodded his head with a large smile on his face.     

"You'll know I was right once I too start taking down Giants alone. Kel? Do you mind if I can join in on your adventures, you know, safety in numbers. I can help carry the loot we find and Lokir can help with locks while you handle fights and Silvya handles anything required of a mage. We'll make a fortune!"     

Kel chuckled and nodded.     

"That's not a bad idea. Then tonight let's drink and enjoy some good food, tomorrow morning we'll need to prepare equipment and head towards bleak falls barrow."     

Yorgen wore an excited expression whereas Lokir could only sigh.     

"The things I do for gold..."     


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