I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 48: Companions

Chapter 48: Companions

2As the Giant's body laid on the ground unmoving, Kel jumped and walked over to Lokir but before he could speak, the group of warriors who were initially fighting it approached the pair and spoke.      1

"Can't say I've seen many take down a Giant that way, impressive."     

Kel turned to the source of the voice and found it was a beautiful woman with dark green eyes, faint war paint on her face and long fair red hair clad in light armor with a bow equipped behind her back, a dagger on her hip and a sword in hand.     

To her left was a bearded stocky man with short black hair, he wore a heavy armor with a bears pelt on it's shoulders. He wielded are rather large Greatsword in hand and nodded as the woman spoke to Kel.     

The last of the group was another beautiful woman, unlike the first, this one had dark brown eyes with long black hair tied into a ponytail but she too had very faint war paint on her face.     

Kel nodded towards the red haired woman who spoke to him as he helped Lokir get back on his feet.     

"Thank you, glad to see my first battle against a Giant was impressive. My name Kel, my friend goes by Lokir and you all are...?"     

The red haired woman tilted her head slightly and crossed her arms as she responded.     

"I am called Aela the huntress, these two like all companions are my brother and sister in arms, Farkas and Ria."     

After the introductions Farkas looked at the Giant before turning to Kel.     

"I find it hard to believe you took down a Giant that skillfully for your first time. Their clubs carry that deadly enchantment that can launch a man into the skies so getting close and avoiding it are very daunting tasks"     

Aela and Ria didn't add on but their looks showed their curiosity. Kel saw this and stuck his sword into the ground before speaking.     

"Although it is my first encounter with one, I've fought many if not all creatures in Morrowind and Cyrodill, Skyrim is my next challenge so naturally I did my research on all I need to know. Giants included..."     

The group looked at Kel momentarily before turning to each other and nodding. Farkas then turned back to him and spoke.     

"If it is a challenge you seek you should consider joining the companions, although it's not up to me to decide whether you can join or not. With your skill set however, joining will not be a problem. Honestly, we could use more seasoned warriors, lately only novice or apprentice level warriors join so our standards have dropped greatly from what they used to be".     

Aela nodded and spoke in a tone that carried a bit of anger.     

"True, Most are cowards who wouldn't think twice about fleeing when the danger grows. I agree that you are fit for the companions skill wise but your mentality is something that you'll have to show should you successfully join."     

Ria who was next to Aela spoke in a friendly tone.     

"Don't worry, once you're a member you'll start to see the companions as family with time, much like me."     

Kel let out a chuckle and nodded his head.     

"I'm not one to say no to challenge so I'll pass by once my visit to the Jarl of whiterun is complete. Although my other friend is actually the one who wanted to join the companions most."     

Farkas shrugged his shoulders as he replied.     

"Anyone can come and try to join if they're confident enough. It's no longer as strict as it once was *sigh*".     

Lokir gave Kel an odd look and wanted to speak but his eyes as Yorgen came running onto the scene soaking wet.     

"*pant* *pant* Did it work?"     

Yorgen spoke casually as if everything had gone according to plan while Lokir was beyond surprised but couldn't even find the words to use.     

"But...How? I was sure you...didn't you...??"     

Aela nodded at the trio and said her goodbyes.     

"As the one who killed it, it's your right to loot and get whatever you wish from its corpse. Should you decide to visit the companions, come to Jorvaskkr inside Whiterun. Farewell".     

"Good hunting".     

"Stay safe".     

After saying their goodbyes the group of Companions left and walked towards Whiterun. At this moment Silvya came back near Kel's side while Hadvar finally stopped pretending to be dead.     

"Eh Kel-sama? How do you loot a Giant?".     

When Hadvar heard these words, he decided to finally appear.     

"Oh that's simple, give me a dagger and I'll show you".     

Lokir gave Hadvar a dirty look as he reappeared.     

"Oh? You've resurrected too I see."     

Hadvar let out a nervous laughter and avoided responding to the statement.     

"Ok, now to gut a Giant..."     


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