I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 46: Paths

Chapter 46: Paths

4As the group began to slowly descend the hillside, a loud noise was heard from the bushes ahead. A worried Lokir was the first to stand behind Hadvar, before asking.      0

"W-What was that?".     

Before Hadvar could answer answer Kel spoke.     

"Wolves...they've probably surrounded us already and are waiting for us to make a move."     

Hadvar nodded in agreement while Yorgen and Lokir had looks of worry on their faces. Soon one wolf appeared in the front. Pacing from side to side while eyeing the group. Kel smiled and held his hand out towards Yorgen.     


Yorgen nodded and passed him the Iron Sword he had with him. After Kel took it, he began approaching the wolf casually. Once the wolf became agitated, it pounced towards Kel, but he quickly dodged it by shifting to the side. Before it could to turn to face him, it's head was hit by his blade. Although the sword was of poor quality and couldn't cut that deep it still hit with enough force that the wolf's skull was cracked.     

The other wolves began enclosing the group but didn't pounce immediately, they instead carefully watched the group. Hadvar raised his sword ready to attack but they instead kept pacing around them. With one wolf down, Kel decided to join the others and raised his sword but had a curious look on his face.     

'Normally wolves in Skyrim will attack you no matter what. You could be riding a bloody dragon but as long as a person is on it they'll attack. That realism wish is really doing the most.'     

"Ignore them. They won't attack as long as we stay close together. Hadvar, be in the front, I'll be sure they don't attack us from behind. Let's move!".     

The group began rush down the path closely together while keeping an eye out for anything. The wolves continued to follow them from a safe distance not willing to let their prey go.     

"Dammit are we really that delicious looking. I'm getting worried they might pop out of nowhere. Dammit I hate Skyrim. Death around every corner!"     

Lokir complained loudly which made Kel laugh.     

"Haha, this is what truly living is. Sure it's dangerous but it's even more dangerous to be a civilian in Skyrim. Pretty much prey to anything. Unless you plan on staying within a city throughout your life and even then bandit raids or even vampires may attack."     

Lokir could only sigh and looked at Yorgen.     

"See you can't survive here Yorgen. You and me are the same, we'll die if we try adventuring. It's best we-what's that over there?".     

Everyone looked forward and saw 3 large standing pillars. The group stopped near them and Hadvar spoke while wiping off a cold sweat.     

"Haha. This takes me back, these are guardian stones. Thief Stone, Warrior Stone and Mage Stone. My father brought me here when I was just a pup to pick which path I'd like pursue. As you can see I picked Warrior. The stones are said to bestow gifts befitting what their name suggests. They are many other stones all over Skyrim but these three are most well known. Don't worry it's not impossible to change which stone befits you, for now just pick one if you've never before as it's only beneficial. We're almost near Riverwood so hurry before it gets dark."     

Kel nodded and walked over to pillar with constellation of the Warrior engraved into it. Yogern let out a bright smile and followed along to touch the Warriors stone. Silvya who had a hood over her head hadn't spoken the entire trip, she chose to act like how most high elves did to fit in with her role. Most high elves regarded themselves highly and looked down upon all other races. She chose to be the silent prideful type among people. Silvya walked over to the Mage Stone while Lokir went over to the thief's stone shaking his head.     

"I'll never understand why someone would purposely want to fight monsters head on. If I had the talent for magic I'd have just chosen to be a mage skilled in long range attacks."     

Hadvar kept a lookout while the other three touched the stones. Moments later they were all done, Yorgen let out a big laugh and began flexing his non existent muscles.     

"I already feel stronger!"     

Hadvar shook his head.     

"Calm down Talos, the stones only help you slightly in the path you choose to pursue, otherwise everyone would be strong, it's not like the stones are a secret or anything. Come on let's keep moving."     

The group continued moving on cautiously and soon Riverwood was in sight. It was what you'd expect a small medieval town to be like aesthetic wise. A guard stood in front of gate while another walked on top of the wall above. The town only had this one gated wall. Apart from it the city was largely open with no real defense.     

Hadvar approached the guard with and spoke hurriedly.     

"Rikka?! I'm glad to see the town is one peace"     

The guard who was wearing the standard whiterun guards uniform but with an open helm looked at the group oddly for a moment before his eyes lit up.     

"Hadvar? Haha it is you? You won't believe what I saw today fly over our town".     

Lokir who felt Alduins roar first hand snorted and spoke.     

"Oh we'll believe it alright, just be glad that beast didn't open it's mouth as it passed by here".     

Hadvar nodded.     

"Quickly, take us to uncle Alvor."     

Upon lookin at the serious expression on Hadvar's face, Rikka nodded and led them to a home not too far from the open gate. There they found an old man working the smithery, he saw the group approach but his eyes settled on Hadvar making him smile before standing to go and see his nephew.     

"Hadvar my boy, what brings you here? Don't tell me you've won the war already? Haha."     

Hadvar shook his head and proceeded to explain the events that had occurred which made his uncle's expression go sour.     

"By Talos, so my eyes really weren't playing tricks on me. If what you say is true then you must rush to Whiterun and inform the Jarl. Gather any supplies you may need and let me pass your weapons through the grindstone, they look rather blunt".     

Hadvar's uncle was kind enough to spare them what he could and said his goodbyes.     

"Move with haste, I'll reckon the sun will be down not too long from now, I've been hearing terrible rumors surrounding moving at night so be careful!".     

Hadvar nodded towards his uncle.     

"Aye Uncle, I will."     

A/N: As some of you have noticed, the story is moving at a slow place for two reasons. One for those who've never played Skyrim and two for those who have. Skyrim although fun, is very dull in the characters department, Npcs in Skyrim are among the dumbest in games. Which is why here I'm trying to give them realistic personalities and talking patterns. Action will be plenty, it's Skyrim afterall but what's the point of rushing through quests like the normal game? I'll try to make this as immersive as I can, I know I'm not the only one who wished for a Skyrim with immersive characters, creatures and more dialogue etc. Here if someone you know dies, you'll atleast be like wow he's dead? Not oh he died ok new follower time! So yea. If this isn't for you I suggest you wait for the next arc. Even the reincarnator's personality isn't what you see now. My Title is I Hunt and Purge Reincarnator's not I hunt and Purge Reincarnator's in 2 chapters. If you're impatient this isn't for you. Not everyone will know about things in worlds the Mc visits. Next time it may be you so be a little understanding to those. I won't breeze through so any comments or reviews about pacing or spending too much in a world will be ignored cause frankly I give zero fucks about how fast you want to see the mc Kill reincarnator's. If you're bored go read something else. If you're loyal then let our long journey begin. I can at least guarantee you guys as long as I'm healthy, my stories aren't getting abandoned.     


Feel free to support me: https://www.*******.com/OmaeWaMouShinderu     

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