I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 44: Teamwork

Chapter 44: Teamwork

1As the loud roar was heard, the soldier who was calling out the lists was a bit concerned over the roar.      3

"What could that have been?"     

General Tullius ignored and spoke looking at Ulfric.     

"Ignore it Hadvar. Let's focus on executing Ulfric.You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos, and now the Empire is going to put you down, and restore the peace. It's funny how some think of you as a hero even in Helgen. But a hero doesn't use a power like The Voice to murder his king and usurp his throne. Quickly give them their last rites."     

As the priestess of Arkay began speaking. The soldier grew impatient and told them to just execute him quickly. Which they did. Ralof sighed and shook his head at the scene. The surrounding civilians cheered as he was killed and insulted the stormcloaks. Lokir was the next to be called and he asked for his rites, hoping the Gods would have mercy upon him.     

As the priestess was speaking, once more the roar was heard. This time it drew the attention of many but the captain remained unfazed and asked for the execution to proceed. As the priestess finally finishes speaking, a third roar appears and a gigantic dragon appears atop a tower near the execution block.     

"A-a Dragon!!"     

Before anyone could react to the soldiers scream the dragon shouted towards the execution block, launching the executioner and Lokir away from the execution block.     

Meanwhile a little further away from Helgen, Kel and Silvya were seated around a campfire eating fish when they heard the roar. Kel smiled and looked at Helgen before speaking.     

"How nostalgic...we'll start moving once Alduin is done attacking Helgen. I wonder if he'll make it or just keep dying and reviving till Alduin goes. Oh well".     

Silvya nodded before handing Kel a piece of meat.     

"Would you like some rabbit Kel-sama?"     

Kel nodded and took the piece of meat and enjoyed every bit of it while roars and the sound of screaming filled the air.     

"I hope his one of the few good reincarnator's around so we can leave after observing him for a few quests. If not *munch* *munch* *gulp* then Nazeem becomes number 2 on my hit list."     

Back in Helgen. The Dragon Aduin was still wreaking havoc, Yorgen and Lokir managed to survive and thus far by following Hadvar one of the Imperial soldier into the keep. There Hadvar cut their bonds and told them to quickly find a weapon or some armor.     

"W-was really a dragon? I thought they were only a Legend."     

A worried Lokir spoke as they searched for armor and weapons within the room they were in. Hadvar shook his head and replied unsure.     

"Legend or not, that thing outside is very real. If we don't leave we're dead. So hurry up!"     

"R-right sorry".     

After Yorgen and Lokir got equipped in the empires less than fashionable attire, they began to move on. On their way they met two stormcloak soldiers about to attack them when Lokir spoke.     

"Wait! Wait just a moment. There's a beast out there that'll kill us all and you wanna fight for the sake of a stupid war in here. Are all of you suicidal?! Let's get out of here then you guys can die for nothing then."     

The stormcloak soldiers looked at each other and nodded.     

"Uh-I guess you're right. Will only join hands till this is over. Do you understand Imperial?"     

Hadvar snorted and group continued on. It didn't take long however before they met another group of stormcloaks who were ready to attack.     

"Divines have mercy, is killing anything that moves all you all? Sure fight, get injured then fail to make it out. Or get out and escape then warn our people of the threat outside!! Am I the only smart one here. Yorgen! Back me up here."     

"I just want to live..."     

The stormcloaks looked at each other and nodded.     

"Alright I see your point, we'll work together to escape this place, nothing more."     

The now large group proceeded on into other rooms, gathering whatever supplies they could. Yorgen had taken some bread a potion of healing. While the others also took a potion each. One of the stormcloaks immediately ate the bread he found with the liquid in the tankard on the barrel.     

"*munch* *munch* what? I eat when I'm nervous..."     

After gathering supplies the group went down to the torture room where they found the torturer and his assistant fighting off two more stormcloak soldiers. Yorgen a bit confused spoke first.     

"Do all stormcloaks escape in pairs?"     

"Seems so"     

Lokir nodded along and wanted to weasel his way out of another situation but Hadvar spoke first.     

"There's a dragon attacking our keep?! You're wasting time let's go?!"     

The torturer laughed and point his sword at Hadvar.     

"You don't have authority of me boy. All I see is traitor escaping with prisoners! Those odd noises is probably the stormcloaks attacking us. You shall not pass."     

The torturers assistant wasn't in the mood to die today and walked over to the group.     

"Forget this old man, I'll go with you."     

The old man readied his sword but against everyone present, he died very quickly.     

"This is why I wanted to go to Hammerfell, everyone here is usually too dumb to see reason".     

One of the stormcloaks was quick to defend himself.     

"I'll have you know I'm the smartest in my family. Nobody else even comes close to counting to 7..."     

Everyone in the group stared at the stormcloak.     

"What? Don't believe me. 1...3...4...0 and 7. Haha even after all this years my brain is as mighty as skill on the battlefield."     

Hadvar was at a loss for words.     

"You must be um...Very skilled. Let's go quickly there's has to be way out somewhere."     

Before they left, Lokir who was a skilled thief, picked the locks of the cells they came across along with Yorgen.     

"So...I just turn it slowly...*click* oh I see what you mean Lokir."     

[lock picking 1]     

'Haha nice! I knew I'm talented. I'm not destined to die'     

"Lokir what level are you in lockpicking?"     

Lokir shrugged oddly.     

"I suppose I'm an apprentice level lock picker."     


A confused Yorgen asked.     

"*sigh* I really need to leave Skyrim. All skills are essentially divided this way. Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert, and Master. Novice mage, smither, chef, pickpocket. You get my point. Now let's join the other's quickly.     


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