I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 45: Adventure

Chapter 45: Adventure

1Upon reaching the group Yorgen and Lokir were asked by Hadvar what they had found.     4

"I found some mage robes and two daggers, how about you Yorgen."     

"Uh a coin pouch and a satchel of books".     

The stormcloaks eyes lit up when they heard Yorgen had some septims, Lokir could only facepalm. He too had found some septims but wouldn't dare reveal it. The stormcloaks were quick to ask that the money be divided. Yorgen although wanting it for himself as well was tapped on the shoulder by Lokir who then spoke.     

"Then let's divide the septims".     

Lokir sneakily divided the septims making sure he got the biggest share. The stormcloak soldiers seemed content with 2 gold each.     

"Haha three whole septims for me, You must recognize my skill."     

The same stormcloak as before boasted while laughing and holding up two septims. No one argued with him and the group wanted to proceed but Hadvar stopped them.     

"Let's change into the robes to prevent anymore misunderstandings."     

Lokir nodded and so did Yorgen. Yorgen who was now only learning of the world could only follow their lead and ask where he was lost. After changing into robes the group went onwards and eventually found themselves in a natural cave. Here they found ten more stormcloak soldiers but with no Imperials in sight they weren't alarmed for now.     

Not wanting to take chances Lokir began looking around for an exit but instead saw a level which he quickly activated. After doing so a bridge appeared and he quick tapped Hadvar and Yorgen signaling to escape.     

"What! They're imperials?!"     


The trio ran across the bridge with haste with the stormcloaks chasing behind. At this moment Alduin roared causing the cave ceiling to collapse on some of the storm cloak soldiers. After crossing the bridge Hadvar, Lokir and Yorgen found a group of frostbite spiders, ready to attack them but with the stormcloak soldiers approaching they had to act quick.     

"Just keep running and slashing at their legs. Be sure to lower your heads to avoid the poison."     

Hadvar quickly advised and trio advanced just as they went through another passage, two large spiders dropped from the ceiling and joined in the attack on the stormcloaks.     

"Keep moving it won't hold them off for long."     

As they were in a hurry, the trio didn't stop to search for anything but suddenly Hadvar came to an abrupt halt which made Lokir confused.     

"There's a bear sleeping over there. Either we get the bow and arrow that way and try and kill it or sneak by."     

Lokir didn't even need to think twice before answering in a whisper.     

"Are you mad? Obviously we sneak, we don't have clunky armor to make noise. Let's take off our shoes and go by the time we are past It it'll become the stormcloak soldiers problem."     

"I agree...I don't think some tiny arrows will kill that bear soon..."     

Yorgen was quick to agree and the trio proceeded onwards. After finally reaching the end, they could the sound of the storm cloak soldiers approaching. Hadvar picked up a stone and threw it at the bears body then they ran. As they finally came out of the cave and into the light. They could hear screams and grunts behind them.     

"I almost feel sorry for them"     

A panting Hadvar spoke.     

"Better them than me"     


Yorgen quickly added while Lokir agreed. Before they could speak another voice emerged on the scene.     

"Oh? They're survivors here? My follower and I were about to enter the cave to see if anyone took refuge there."     

Hadvar first scanned the man's clothing and figured he was an adventurer.     

"We're all that's left I think. Who are you if you don't mind me asking?"     

"I go by Kel and this is my companion Silvya, we were camping in the woods when we heard strange roars. We followed them here and a large winged creature fly by. I've only recently returned to Skyrim but I think it was a dragon."     

Lokir nodded.     

"As someone who experienced its power first I wholeheartedly agree that it was a dragon. That or I'm in a skooma induced dream."     

Hadvar shook his head and sighed.     

"I wish it were a dream, so many lives lost just like that...but this is no time to mourn. Come on I suggest we all go to Riverwood, my uncle lives there. Don't worry you've helped me a great deal, your crimes are forgotten. You're free to join us with your companion Kel, who knows what else might happen."     

Kel nodded and the group began heading towards Riverwood after some introductions where made.     

"...And that's how we ended up outside the cave. Dammit, I really need to find a way out of this damned Province."     

Kel nodded and Lokir's words.     

"Sounds like you've all been through a lot. As someone who recently crossed the border, I advise you stay within for now. Security has become very heavy. Unless you go by sea or mountains, I'm a well known adventurer from Cyrodill so it wasn't difficult for me to gain entry."     

Yorgen's eyes lit up as he heard this.     

"Really? Haha then this is fate, I also want to become an adventurer. Lokir we should do the same!"     

Lokir didn't seem to pleased by the idea.     

"Incase you haven't noticed, I'm a thief with close to zero combat experience, I don't have a deathwish. This guy has good equipment and the frame of professional. I'll just die if I try to do the same."     

Hadvar didn't agree with Lokir's point.     

"It's not a bad idea, if you gain yourself a reputation     

it will be easy to cross the boarder, plus you'll make a little coin in the procress. My cousin made a fortune for discovering a rare dwarven artifact once and he's still living lavishly in Cyrodill with my ex-lover...jokes on him, that skank has probably bedded the whole city already."     

Kel agreed with Hadvar's words.     

"He's right, adventuring in Tamriel opens up many doors to you. Let's sort this dragon issue first then see how to proceed from there".     

The other's nodded and the group continued rushing towards Riverwood.     


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