I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 42: Genesis

Chapter 42: Genesis

2Back in Kel's castle, Silvya nodded after Kel had chosen their next world.     

"What about your rewards Kel-sama? You have 1 physical alteration and 1 general ability."     

Kel leaned into his throne and pondered.     

"That will depend on my in world ability. What abilities can I choose once in that world?"     

Silvya nodded before listing the options.     

"Infinite health, Infinite Magika or Infinite Stamina. Aside from this you're granted the ability to shout as well".     

Kel showed a smile and answered.     

"Anyone who knows enough of Skyrim would choose Magika. It can regenerate both health and stamina. I already have immortality so it's only stamina that I'll need to regenerate and it'll be the same as an Infinite amount of them all. That leaves my rewards. Physical alterations I'll have superhuman strength. Its output will depend on my input. As for a general ability...Time Control which will also depend on my input."     

'With this I'll have unmatched speed, stopping time will make it way easier to deal with reincarnator's as well. But...'     

As Kel came to this conclusion, an idea popped up in his mind.     

"Silvya. Do you also get rewards like me?"     

Silvya shook her head.     

"It is up to Kel-sama to give me rewards from those you receive, the same applies to those you mark but only if you wish to do so. I only get abilities befitting the world we enter, outside of them I am limited to my abilities as a guide."     

Before Kel could respond the spirit interjected.     

"If you're curious about those of this world, you can bestow anything to them but it is limited to your domain. The size of said domain can be anything you desire. Large or small, it can be done".     

Kel sighed and began tapping his chin with his finger.     

'I should start saving up rewards from this point on just in case, I should be fine in a good number of world's with only these abilities and alterations, along with those granted in that world'.     

A confused Mordred finally spoke when the room fell into silence.     

"Oie Master what is everyone talking about?"     

Kel wasn't about to go through everything he also just found out and turned to Silvya and nodded.     

"You two go get settled into rooms while Silvya explains. Silvya be back in a few hours and we'll leave".     

Mordred was about to ask yet another question but was taken away by Silvya. Kel then turned to the ethereal spirit and spoke.     

"Do you or this world have a name?".     

The spirit was as always quick to respond.     

"I am simply a projection of this world which is called Genesis, I am neither living nor dead. I simply exist to attend to any requests you may have of this world until you find a suitable being to pass these duties on to. They will overlook events, know each and every beings history, listen to your worshippers prayers and carry out your will upon the world per your instruction. When or if you have a candidate ready I'll be ready to pass on these duties".     

Kel nodded and continued to ask miscellaneous questions in regards to many different topics he was curious about until Silvya and Mordred returned.     

"Master! You're being unfair! This world you're going to. Silvya tells me its full of adventure, beasts to slay, wars to fight, Great ruins and dungeons to explore, a land of kings and queens, bands and guilds, magic and mystery. Master you can't leave me behind for such an amazing undertaking! Please."     

Kel thought to himself for a moment before speaking.     

"True you are a good fit for it but not this time. I'll you what, while I am gone research on any worlds that intrigue you so the next time i have to go, you have enough knowledge."     

Mordred's face turned into one of disinterest when she heard research but she sighed and nodded her head.     

"As you wish Master, bring me back many tales of your adventures. Not a single detail missing from your bloody battles ok?".     

Kel smiled and nodded.     

"Fine. Silvya what's our profile this time around".     

Silvya walked up to Kel and spoke.     

"I will act as your high elf mage follower while you will be a Nord wandering warrior who came back to his homeland Skyrim to find new adventures and challenges. Our appearances shall be adjusted to suit our races and backgrounds.The reincarnator was a lover of Skyrim who was granted the chance to live in the world. Who wanted as much immersion as possible so his wishes were as follows."     

"First he wanted to be the Dragonborn. Secondly he wished to have no memories of the world so he could enjoy it to its fullest and discover everything from scratch like a real adventurer. Thirdly he wished for a spell that would display a menu in his mind to guide him on his endeavors, For the fourth he asked to be revived every time he dies until he reaches level 81 and Lastly he asked for the world to be very realistic in regards to everything. He's currently asleep on a carriage heading to helgen. Without memories he hasn't yet decided on a goal..."     

Kel nodded his head and stood up from his throne.     

"Well if that's the case then spawn us between Riverwood and Helgen. Since he'll have no memories...we'll have to be close to him and see just what it is he wants to achieve. Then proceed from their. Something however tells me we won't have to wait long. Let's go."     

Silvya nodded and tapped her staff before the two vanished. They reappeared on the road that went towards Riverwood from helgen. The first thing Kel did was examine himself and then Silvya before nodding.     

"Our appearances and gear seem fine. It shouldn't be long before the events begin to unfold. Hopefully soon because the Sun will set in a couple of hours."     

A/N: Yes I know it wasn't evening when Alduin attacked. Fuck your immersion.     

Meanwhile a few kilometers away from Helgen on carriage. A slim imperial with an immersion breaking hairstyle began to scan his surroundings. Before he could fully understand what was happening, a man sitting opposite of him spoke.     

"Hey you, you're finally awake..."     


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