I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 39: Next Time

Chapter 39: Next Time


"We've lost too much! How will my people fend off attacks!"     


"Just listen to my conditions for peace!"     


"If we go to war, we still have enough power to atleast kill plenty of your kind."     


"Bring the human!"     

Kel stopped counting as the King spoke and the crowd gave way to a demonic woman with skinny man on leash following behind like a dog. Upon seeing Kel the skinny man's eyes lit and rushed towards him.     

"Kel! Kel! T-thank goodness you're here! I was forced to act that way in New Babylonia! They've done so many terrible things to me, please wipe them out and-*bam!*"     

Kel showed Alex a disgusted look before kicking him unconscious. He was in a sorry state and even had his mana sealed away. The Demon King waited for Kel's next move but he said nothing. A glowing chain was tied to Alex's legs and to the back of the ship. Then chain would keep feeding him just enough mana to keep him barely alive as he was dragged against the ground as the ship moved at incredible speeds.     

The other seal bearers were already on a day away from New Babylonia. After scouting familiars revealed there was nothing but scorched lands for 100s of kilometers away from the Fort at the boarder. The seal bearers could only return after being given such information before they even arrived at the fort.     

2 days later the Lady Rose appeared. Upon seeing it from afar, many people gathered outside the city. The seal bearers had found out only after returning that the strange ship that devastated the battlefield actually came by New Babylonia and stopped over Kel's mansion.     

Kel, Silvya and Mordred descended from the ship and appeared near the crowd and spoke.     

"Let it be known that 1 hour from now, The former Lord of the Rider will be executed here."     

Rin appeared at the scene and was the first to react.     

"Wait Kel! Even though he is a traitor, killing a seal bearer would leave us slightly vulnerable. It's best the church places a seal on him so that-"     

Kel interjected once more.     

"So that the demons can break it again? This isn't a suggestion Rin, like it or not he dies. I only brought him here to give him a 'befitting end'".     

Many officials were against this but none dared to move because of the Phoenix that revealed itself next to the airship. A Legendary beast even among S-rankers. Kel walked near Alex who was in searing pain and spoke.     

"When you broke your bond with your beast it was left near dead. I admit, if it wasn't for Akita I probably would have overlooked it. Funniest thing is, to contract it I had to promise to let take your life. Such an Ironic end."     

Alex's eyes widened as he looked at the gigantic fiery bird in the Sky. Before Alex could speak, Kel nodded towards some homunculi and they raised his body. A long jagged pole infused with the same charm as the chains from before was stuck up Alex's ass till it emerged from the mouth. The pole was then planted upright into the ground and stood vertically. The Phoenix finally descended to the ground causing many to back away because of the heat it released passively.     

The pole became red hot, making Alex fidget more and more from the indescribable pain he felt. The Phoenix slowly incinerated his body bit by bit saving his head for last. The last thing he saw was the very beast he insulted endlessly and promised to burn to a crisp one day.     

After 5 hours of grueling torture, nothing remained on the pole. The Phoenix turned into a gigantic flame that flew towards Kel and entered his palm. When it stopped, Kel could feel a burning sensation on his back that felt invigorating.     

Kel turned to the shocked crowd and stayed in silence for a long time before cheers burst out. Mordred grinned and patted Kel on the back.     

"This calls for a big celebration Master! Let's drink till we drop!"     

The other Seal Bearers and titans came close to the pair and joined in on the conversation. A curious Rin was the first to speak.     

"I won't let you leave the celebrations until you tell me how you got a Phoenix to be your familiar. If you do I'll forgive you for almost making me pregnant. Don't try to deny it, you saw my body almost naked, I'm lucky I wasn't impregnated."     

The others gave Rin a very confused gaze. Mordred panicked and began shaking Kel.     

"Master!Master! Will I become pregnant?! Fix this".     

Silvya simply blushed and rubbed her tummy.     

"I-I'll do my best Kel-sama".     

Luckily Archer gave a quick Biology lesson that left Rin blushing extremely. But Mordred still panicked while Silvya still rubbed her tummy. Rin was quick to change the topic.     

"Haha, I knew that. I just didn't want to corrupt the others haha. Let's go the celebrations will be starting soon."     

The others began to move but Kel and Silvya did not.     

"I won't be coming. This is where we all part ways."     

Mordred was the most curious and spoke first.     

"Do we have more battles to go to Master?"     

Kel smiled and shook his head.     

"No. Silvya and I are simply returning...home. Our business is done here so this is were we all say our goodbyes."     

Mordred's expression now became one of concern.     

"O-only you two?"     

Kel once again nodded.     

"I can't guarantee you the fights you seek where I'm going, Nor will I be around much as I have duties to ful-"     

Mordred became angry and spoke loudly.     

"I don't care! You're my Master! Where you go I'll go! If you do not wish for me to be your servant any longer then Kill me."     

Kel smiled and held out his hand and light from the airship began to slowly engulf. Mordred showed a bright smile and held onto his hand before entering the beam of light. Before Kel could do the same, a figure rushed towards him and kissed him on the lips. As Kel's body was almost completely engulfed, the figure showed him a faint smile and spoke.     

"I'll check on your wound next time..."     


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