I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 36: A Monster Among Monsters

Chapter 36: A Monster Among Monsters

2Early the next morning, Kel was seated on the edge of the bed while Mordred and Silvya were laying down panting heavily. Initially when Silvya had come in, she insisted on helping relieve Kel but Mordred absolutely refused to stop, she could only settle for having Kel finger her.      4

"Hey you two, it's morning already, go shower and get ready to leave. Baylor shouldn't be long, you can sleep later."     

Silvya got up lazily.     

"*yawn* So tired..."     

Unlike Silvya Mordred got up full of energy and stretched her body with a huge grin and began patting Kel on the back.     

"I feel stronger than ever Master, If we do this more often I'll be twice as strong. Training that feels good, You're a genius Master."     

Silvya also nodded and added on.     

"I still tingly all over Kel-sama"     

Kel stood up from the bed and stretched.     

'Mrs.Renault was right, the pride a man feels when a woman praises his efforts in bed is top tier.'     

"Too much of anything is bad...except this. But still, we have other priorities to focus on. So quickly get ready."     

'The me before coming here would have smacked me for saying that but they'll be time to indulge myself later.'     

Once everyone got ready, they began waiting outside for Baylor. An hour later there was still no sign of him, so Kel began to wonder if anything had happened to him. But just as he was having these thoughts a gigantic shadow appeared over his mansion and the surrounding area.     

"What the-"     

Before Kel could voice his thoughts, a bright light came from above and landed near them. From the light emerged a stumbling man in a top hat.     

"Lord Investor! Ah good you're here, well what do you think. Behold the Lady Rose. I found it already complete and stored away deep under the forgotten land's hanger. Just by sheer size alone it has no match. Unlike most airships that need mana crystals, this ship directly syphons mana from its surroundings. A crystal will simply make it go even faster hoho. It only took me a few hours to get here just by adding a low tier crystal. As long as one has mana to set coordinates, it'll do the rest in Speed and comfort haha. Well?"     

Kel smiled and nodded.     

"Perfect indeed. Silvya, Have the homunculi load our supplies as we will be setting off immediately."     

Meanwhile, in the demonic continent.     


Alex was currently bound with legs and arms spread wide and yelled at the top of his lungs. A horned woman with a disgusted expression was slowly peeling off his skin and placing it on a table nearby which already had his eyeballs,a tongue,teeth and nails. She looked at Alex with angry expression as she poured a stinging liquid on his wound.     

"You disgusting, vile creature!! How dare you live while my sister died!! She weakened herself to break your bond to the empire but you waste it on your Mount!!! And even worse your own servant!! You're useless to us without one!!"     

The angry woman continued peel his skin while pouring the liquid on,making him scream louder and louder. Soon a large horned figure walked into the room and bowed.     

"Mistress Velzir, The lord states that we'll have to leave in two days time so the seal bearer must undergo the procedure by then."     

The woman snorted.     

"Tch. I'll be sure to make sure he doesn't forget this misery. Take me to the lord. Igor, keep my toy entertained, if I come back and he isn't screaming then you're next."     

The woman soon left and a gigantic ogre appeared from the shadows . The towering ogre walked behind Alex and let out a sinister.     

"Igor will please Mistress, Igor likes human holes the best."     

Alex couldn't see but after hearing those words, he begun to panic and spoke in inaudible sounds.     



Meanwhile, On the Lady Rose.     

"Wow! Master, everything looks so small! This view is amazing!! Master you're not looking!"     

Kel was currently a bit further away, talking with Silvya.     

"Kel-sama is something on your mind?"     

Kel nodded.     

"Demons are known specifically for their cruelty towards humans. Alex was stupid enough to get rid of the one thing they wanted him for so things won't go well for him. *sigh* I can't gain much with him there completely away from my influence. If he doesn't appear at the boarder then we'll have to hunt him down directly in demon territory then kill him and be done with this. Hopefully they just kill him off but I highly doubt that."     

Silvya looked at Kel with a curious expression and spoke.     

"Kel-sama is very cautious. But isn't Alex weak?"     

Kel smiled and nodded.     

"Exactly why I needed to take advantage of this. We won't know what abilities reincarnator's may have in each world. As I am now, I'll just need to aim for worlds I'm confident I can excel in with my current abilities. A predator is always cautious. First we stalk our prey, learn as much as we can while limiting its growth and reaping benefits in the process, then when the moment is right. We strike...and move on to our next target. Rushing in is a 50/50 risk with to many unknowns."     

"On one hand they could be weak on another they could be stupidly strong doing things on whims m...what most reincarnator's quickly forget is that this isn't a game, the lives they take or ruin are very real and have consequences unseen. Friends and family are lost, entire groups wiped out for someone who doesn't even have a goal."     

"They're monsters, But to me they're my prey. If lives must be lost to kill them then so be it, even if I have to wipeout entire races, once the reincarnator is gone the world will reset and return to what it was. I bring balance, through chaos".     

Silvya looked at Kel and smiled while nodding.     

"I'll try my best as your guide Kel-sama!"     


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