I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 32: Oscar Nominees

Chapter 32: Oscar Nominees

1Kel launched a ball of fire right at the Demonesses head, making her fall instantly and was about to attack again but suddenly Astolfo fell to the ground and the other bearers seemed to be getting weaker. Even Mordred felt extremely weak upon entering the room.      2

"Haha I've broken all my bonds, that fucking contract with the chicken, the queen and this damned trap. I don't know what charm you're using to defend from the spell formation to drain mana but unless you want everyone to die you won't attack. As for that trap now he'll disappear without a source of mana hah, you can't save them either but I can. My new mighty cock will inject all of the mana they need haha. Well choose!"     

Kel's eyes glowed and tiny jagged pieces of glass flew into Alex's urethra while he showed off his new body.     

"Fuck!! Argh you bastard what ahhh!!! Fuck this hurts?! fix this!!!stop!!!They'll die!!!"     

Kel ignored his screams and launched even more pieces into his urethra, sending him into a frenzy.     

"Grhk?! Bas-ahh!!!,ahh!!!"     

Kel's eyes glowed once more as he cast another spell.     


The jagged pieces of glass in Alex's cock begun to slowly expand and grow bigger from the inside.     

Alex tried to cast a spell but with the demoness dead, he too was now affected by the spell formation. He too was affected but with an infinite mana supply, the little that was drained was instantly restored. Kel then began carrying each of them outside, out of the formations reach. They were now all unconscious and as for the servants they were almost see through and unconscious as well but stable. Suddenly he heard Alex's screams stop and he rushed back inside.     

"Who are you?"     

Alex was a bloody mess, foaming from as his crotch was minced into pieces. But a hooded figure stood next to him and paced their hand on him without answering Kel's question. As he was about to attack a black hole swallowed the two in an instant and they were gone.     

'Warp...That was a very high tier spell...'     

With no onlookers, Kel quickly disabled the formation by crushing a necklace worn by the dead demoness. After doing so he went back outside, where Akita and Silvya soon arrived.     

"K-Kel-sama what happened!"     

Kel shook his head as he looked at her.     

"I'm not sure about the exact details except Alex has turned to the Demons side. We'll discuss this later we need to save Astolfo but also make a reasonable excuse for me not falling for the spell that align. I've got it..."     

A few moments later the seal bearers and titans began to wake up and look around. Upon looking in Silvya's direction their eyes widened and they all wanted to speak but Mordred shouted first.     

"Master! What happened!! Silvya who did this!?"     

Kel was currently leaning against a wall feigning to be unconscious with self inflicted injuries and bruises. Silvya pretended to be sorrowful with tears running down her face as she explained.     

"When I arrived I found Master bruised and injured, defending your unconscious bodies from Alex and a demon Magus. He wasn't affected because although his mana was almost drained, he had a mana crystal bracelet that had a lot of mana stored for emergencies. He used most of it to make you all stable leaving only a quarter of it's original amount. He just fell unconscious right before you all woke up because of lack of mana.     

Rin spoke in a panicked and worried voice.     

"Why didn't he just use the remaining mana in the bracelet...or the little he had left inside his body"     

Silvya pointed to Astolfo's wrist which had a bracelet on it, rich in mana.     

"He took off the bracelet to save Astolfo and used his left over mana to save Mordred before falling unconscious. I don't have enough mana to heal him but I've got pills in the room that mi-"     

Mordred zoomed too the room and came back with pouches full of pills.     

"Which one! Which one will save Master!".     

Silvya picked up the candy pouch and fed him one. This was signal for Kel to heal himself slightly and regain his consciousness. He spoke in a weak low voice while looking around.     

"...Silvya? Is everyone...okay?"     

Rin who had teary eyes yelled out.     

"Worry about yourself you bastard! What were you thinking?! You could have died".     

Kel followed the origin of the voice and replied in a weak voice.     

"One Seal Bearer for lives of two along the titan holders was a good price. I'm a sucker for discounts."     

Mordred snatched the pills from Silvya and tried feeding Kel.     

"Master! Don't joke! Heal yourself, I swear I'll kill whoever dared harm my Master! Come on eat another."     

The others were finally relieved as he seemed to be in an ok condition. Rin sighed in relief and spoke with a smile.     

"Heh, Perverts don't die easily heh."     

Kel shook his head and replied in a nostalgic tone.     

"*sigh* I did die and went to hell. The devil was a flat chested tsundere who yelled at me for eternity. Alas at least I could see her red cross panties. Heh the devil wears cute panties".     

Everyone's eyes turned to Rin whose smile had completely vanished.     

"Just die you pervert!!"     


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