I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 26: Ability

Chapter 26: Ability

4A little while after Kel entered the mist with Alex, the others caught up but couldn't see much. Rin used a wind spell and cleared the mist away in one violent sweep, revealing the bloody scene in front of them. The first thing that caught their attention were Mordred, Astolfo and Kel fighting off Demons in the distance. But when they scanned for Alex they didn't see anything until a loud cry could be heard from the pile of demon bodies. The one to notice him was Archer who announced what he found quickly.      0

"Over there,He's injured"     

Rin nodded and responded.     

"You guys the join the battle, Eren come with me, he may need to be carried if it's bad".     

Archer, Berserker, Illya and the titan holders started rushing towards the battle. Silvya who was riding Akita reached first by Kel's side. Akita opened her mouth towards the approaching demons and launched a large ball of fire towards their direction. Giving time for Kel to catch his breath. Silvya quickly came near him in a panicked state.     

"K-Kel-sama you're all bloody! Why aren't you healing your wounds or using high level magic to destroy the attackers, is something wrong!?"     

Kel stood straight but still continued to breath rather fast as he replied.     

"I'm fine, I just refuse to fully dependent on abilities that aren't my own. Most will vanish when I leave this world or can be taken away by the same entity that gave them to me, so forming my whole fighting style around them is just stunning my own growth. I chose instant comprehension because even if it's taken away, I would have understood countless material already. Immortality just let's me practice without having to worry about dying for real. As for my injuries if I can't learn to fight on while in pain then I won't make much progress. We'll talk later the other's are here now"     

Archer and Berserker had directly gone ahead to fight in the battle while Illya and the titan holders gathered near Kel and Silvya. Illya looked at Kel and spoke with concern.     

"If you can't use high tier spells then stay back Kel, You may get hurt like Alex."     

Kel didn't say anything but raised his hands towards the horde attacking Akita and a large bolt of lightning came down and fried countless of them leaving Illya speechless. After doing so he turned to them and spoke.     

"These demonic orgres are just canon fodder to test our abilities, Mordred confirmed there is another wave further ahead as she sensed their bloodlust. They're probably using high level illusion magic to stay hidden which may mean that the next wave is very capable. These orgres are relatively easy to kill so you don't need to go into your titan forms, just get them off balance and and aim for head. Their skin is too thick on other parts. Fight in pairs to cover each other's blind spots. Silvya start preparing your spell, Mikasa and Annie cover Illya as she's vulnerable when using her weapons, Sasha with Pieck."     

'I'm starting to sound like my uncle when giving out cleaning duties...TV made this battle shit look so easy'     

Kel was getting ready to go on ahead but Mikasa protested the groupings.     

"I'll go with you, Annie is capable"     

Annie simply nodded and Illya did the same.     

"My Homunculi are also all mid tier Magus, No worries here"     

Kel looked at the squad of Homunculi and agreed.     

"Alright then let's clear these ogres out".     

Each group took a different direction to attack. Mikasa attacked using a reworked version of ODM gear. She launched a harness into the heads of one of the demons, then used it to propel herself closer. Once closer she launched another harness to a demon further away and propelled herself once more, Slicing off the heads of any demons in her path.     

Kel was taking advantage of his speed and nimbleness in fighting them. He charged directly towards and slid underneath the behemoths legs, appearing at the back were he kicked it behind the knee causing it to lose balance before stabbing it in the head with his polearm.     

Being a seal bearer, he caught the attention of many orgres who wished to strike him down. As one aimed its battle axe towards him, he swiftly jumped back as it slammed into the ground. He took the opportunity and ran up the battleaxe then jumped on orgres head before jumping once more in the air above them. He held the polearm with both hands before throwing it towards them in a rotating motion.     

It's dual blades took off the heads of 4 of the closely grouped ogres while causing the rest to try and quickly step back. As Kel landed down he quickly took advantage of the disarray they were in and picked up his polearm before launching it again. This time two more heads came clean off before it lodged itself on the neck of one of the two remaining near him.     

He ran towards it quickly jumped up to hold the polearm on the middle. Rather than jump back, he jumped forward, causing the neck to get sliced as more blood covered the ground. The last ogre near him raised its battle axe but Kel simply held his polearm and launched it like a spear into the ogres head, killing it instantly before it fell back. Kel simply walked over and took out his weapon then waved it and splattered the fresh blood on it to the ground.     

With the one's in his area clear he ran over to Illya to see if she needed help. Currently the ogres were laughing while making gestures about Illya being small. Illya looked at one of the Homunculi with a very large box on it's back and spoke in an angry tone.     

"Hans! Bring me the Dämonenspritzer"     

The Homunculi came running towards Illya and put down the box before removing what looked like a machine gun.     

Illya effortlessy held it up and took aim and the demons. Glyphs began to appear as she sent mana into the weapon. She showed a creepy smile as she spoke before firing.     

"Versuchen Sie danach zu lachen (Try laughing after this-I think)     

As she fired the weapon, bullets made of wind flying at astronomical speeds, penetrated the ogres bodies as if they were water. It launched 100s of bullets each second and within a minute, no ogre was left standing.     

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