I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 22: Hired

Chapter 22: Hired

0Some time later more and more guests began to appear. As Rin and Illyasviel arrived, people once more were speechless, not because of the sight of the two beautiful ladies but rather their servants. To be precise Heracles, Illyasviel's servant who wore a flashy white tuxedo. The two ladies however weren't the most stunning as soon Astolfo came in dressed to impress. Kel shook his head at the scene as many young men looked on with hungry eyes.      3

'If only they knew...then again I'm sure they'd still smash.'     

As waved scanned the crowd while smiling and waving her hand, she finally spotted Kel and walked over. She kept her image up as she was in public.     

"I see you're enjoying yourself despite your heinous actions".     

Rin spoke with a twitchy smile on her face as she said these words. Kel just sipped his wine and replied casually.     

"Why shouldn't I enjoy myself when beautiful girls like you is giving me attention".     

Rin caught off guard blushed slightly and spoke in a complaining manner.     

"Y-you, who needs your compliments. Hmph".     

After saying this she walked away with Archer shaking his head while sighing. Kel smiled and shrugged before wanting to continue enjoying his drink. But as he did so, Illyasviel tugged at his suit.     

"Can I have some wine too?"     

Kel squinted his eyes as if pondering the matter which made her pout.     

"I'm older than Rin, and she can drink, so why can't I? This is my first time attending such an event I want to enjoy it, please?"     

Kel ultimately ended up giving her some and decided to go get some air by the balcony alone.     

'I wonder how many worlds I'll visit before finishing my task?'     

Kel continued to drink his wine in silence while looking at the view of the city. Some time later a feminine voice resounded from behind him.     

"Mind if I intrude?"     

When Kel turned and saw the woman he nodded and replied.     

"I'm the one intruding wouldn't you say? It is your palace after all Queen Reiss".     

The woman smiled and stood near him and began to speak while looking at the city.     

"Beautiful is it not? The people of New Babylonia are wonderful and loyal to their city to the very core. I just wish they weren't led astray by everything they hear from the church. You see, even the church was against having Titan holders in the city. If it weren't for my father standing his ground on the matter, they would have been dead. That is how much the church holders didn't want to have the Seal Bearers against them and that is also why some holders chose to stay even when my father died and passed on their blood to a new generation. I have two things to ask of you. One is it to join New Babylonia and the second will depend on whether you agree or not. Whatever your conditions so long as they are within my power, I shall do my best to grant them".     

Kel stayed silent for a bit, occasionally sipping his wine before finally deciding.     

'I need to be close to Alex, so this is my best option but...'     

"I will agree to join New Babylonia, but not under allegiance. You can hire my services instead. I help fight the demons attacking the continent and get paid for it. Plain and simple. Other conditions include a place for me to live. Pretty doable is it not?"     

The Queen nodded.     

"It is indeed but may I ask why you to do not wish to give your allegiance to New Babylonia, you would have your own noble household, you'd be worshiped as a god-like figure and have New Babylonia's resources at your disposal"     

Kel shook his head and smiled at the Queen.     

"Resources I can attain on my own, I already hold a title higher than any you can bestow upon me and lastly as soon as I leave my mark on the battlefields, I will be worshiped not as a godlike figure but a god instead. But my reason for denying is because I simply don't want to be tied down. I'm sure you can understand and respect that".     

'Even the sketchy creator who sent me here made a deal with me and not commanded. Living life as someone's slave is not my plan. I was already a slave to the system in my own world, why the hell would I want to be a follower again?'     

The Queen seemed a bit dejected, but she couldn't argue with his words.     

"I see. I accept your conditions, as for the second thing I wish to ask of you. Please treat the Titan holders well...most grew looking up to the Seal Bearers. I failed in giving them a normal life growing up so please at least make them not lose hope in the one group that accepted them."     

Kel smiled at The Queens words and nodded. Feeling at ease she said her goodbyes and left after Kel made a small request. She then announced to those attending of Kel's decision and his reasoning in doing so. This received mixed expressions and even some complaints, but the Queen stood her ground. Once the celebration came to a close Mordred came over to Kel while carrying a drink Silvya in her arms.     

"Kel-shama, *hicc* I'm shweepy hehe you like big chests *boing* *boing* *hicc* Mordred w-where's your chest? *hicc* is it lost?"     

An annoyed Mordred simply ignored the drunk Silvya     

and spoke to Kel.     

"Master can we leave, I'm bored now. The faces on the nobles faces when they heard you won't be swearing allegiance was fun to watch though. I like the way you think Master. I'd be ashamed if my Master was a servant himself".     

After Kel, Mordred and Silvya exited the palace, a butler was ready with a carriage to lead them to their new residence. Kel rode alongside it on Akita. The home itself was a lovely gated mansion. Kel however just wanted to call it a day and denied a tour.     

The very next day early in the morning. Kel and the other Seal Bearers were gathered at a rundown isolated barrack where the Titan holders lived. They were met by a female military official in uniform.     

"Welcome Seal Bearers, I'm commander Hange Zoe and I oversaw the operations of the Titan holders, but starting today you all will work in pairs with them during battle, you may think of them as your guardians during battle because as your servants fight, you are left vulnerable. Keep in mind, their only duty is to protect and help you during your missions, they are not your personal attendants and I hope you will not treat them ill. With that said follow me".     

Kel and other Seal Bearers simply nodded. All except one.     

"Don't worry Miss Hange, I will be sure to treat them like any other person, the same respect they and recognition they deserve".     

Kel gave Alex a quick glance smiled.     

'You're In for another surprise Alex, you'll end up giving me yet another reward for your suffering'.     

Before leaving, Kel had come to a decision for his rewards. For the mental alteration which was his biggest reward, he chose to have his personality being Chaotic Neutral, divided at 70% C and 30% N. the other two rewards were only 22 gold and 9 mana crystals. His chose to become more chaotic as the reward quality was low for simple actions. But a more ruthless approach would definitely guarantee maximum rewards...     

Hange lead them into a dinning hall where five people were seated. Alex's eyes immediately lit up, and he wanted to speak but Hange spoke first.     

"Initially you were supposed to pick who partner with yourselves, but the Queen suddenly changed her mind and came up with her own pairings which were passed to me after going through General Levi. Your numbers are as follows. One Lord Saber, Two Lady Berserker, Three Lady Archer and Four Lord Rider."     

Hange then turned to the seated group and spoke.     

"Titan division, State your number, Name and Titan".     

The group that was seated then stood at attention with their right hands on their chest and spoke starting from the first.     

"One. Mikasa Ackerman, I am the Armored Titan".     

"Two. Annie Leonheart, I am the female Titan".     

"Three*munch* *munch* *gulp. Sasha Braus, I am the colossal Titan".     

"Four. Eren Yeager, I am the attack Titan!"     

"*yawn* Five. Just call me Pieck, I am the Cart Titan".     

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