I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 21: Believe it

Chapter 21: Believe it

4A/N: Dark Mode Engaged.     

A few minutes into the celebration, Kel and Mordred couldn't catch a break as people kept introducing themselves and along with their family's great origin and reputation or some other noble bullshit. Kel had about enough and let them know.     

"Sorry but please save your questions and origins for the other's, I haven't yet decided to even be in New Babylonia. Now if you'll Excuse my companions and I".     

As Kel was about to leave, a young noble man came laughing.     

"Oh how laughable the peasant thinks he is special just because he got lucky. You're nothing without your servant, Haha."     

Kel stopped walking and looked at noble man and laughed loudly. Many in turn looked at him before he turned his attention and spoke.     

"Special? Haha, of course I'm special. Everyone here including you is here to celebrate me. I don't even know who the hell you are, yet you know me and so will your future wife. Me nothing without my servant? Let me remind you that I am a highly capable Pure holder, capable of taming S-rank beasts. And you what have you accomplished? Without your family you don't even qualify to be a peasant. In the end, what makes a noble? Power? I have more than you. Wealth? I spend more money in a month that what your family makes in a year. Here's five gold coins, buy yourself a better outfit. I'm embarrassed talking to someone who's greatest achievement in life is meeting me. Silvya, Modred. Let's go".     

Kel threw five gold coins on the floor and walked away with his companions. Everyone who was near looked at the gold coins, but no one dared to pick them up. What kind of madman would spend 5 gold on one suit? A regular one at that. Not even Big families waste money like he just did. This action however made the noble's know he isn't to be trifled with.     

McDonnell who was further away couldn't help but laugh out loudly.     

"Hahaha, he's got fire. That's what a real man is supposed to be like. Not these spoiled brats who only know comfort."     

Darnic, the head of the Yggdemillenia Empire, also saw this scene and laughed. He was conversing with Wodime, Fiore and Celenike.     

"Hahaha. Never thought I'd live to see the day when nobles were put in their place by a civilian."     

Celenike snorted and expressed her views.     

"Is it true about taming an S-rank beast?"     

Darnic nodded his head while sighing.     

"You should learn to be more like Fiore and not judge books by their covers. His beast is indeed an S-class. What's more incredible is its still very young. Adults can grow to be the size of a building, while one's further evolved can knockdown cities by breathing. This is why no one is daring enough to go into danger zones and try and steal one while it's still young. His wealth seems evident already and as for his capabilities as a Magus, I am not so sure. I thought I could lure him to our side with money but seems that won't be happening *sigh*"     

Kel, Silvya and Modred were at the buffet table. Silvya and Mordred were staring at it with hungry eyes then shifting their gaze to Kel. He simply shrugged.     

"What are you looking at me for, if you want to eat then eat, I'm fine with some wine. Though some henny would have really been better".     

Modred who was trying out the different kinds of delicacies looked at Kel curiously.     

"Is it really better than this wine? This is the best I've ever tasted. Master promise we will drink this henny once we crush our enemies and celebrate".     

Kel sighed.     

"Sadly I don't think it can be found here Modred, but I will show you some other delicacies, just forget I mentioned the henny"     

'Old habits die hard I guess. I really shouldn't blurt out things like that'.     

Modred patted Kel on the back while laughing.     

"Haha. I'm liking you more and more Master, but promise we drink after every Victory!"     

Kel sighed but nodded his head in agreement and Modred continued to eat. Silvya who was carefully organizing food on a plate finally finished and rushed over to Kel.     

"Here you go Kel-sama"     

Kel wasn't particularly hungry but didn't want to deny her after she arranged it so nicely.     

"Thank you Silvya, I love your dress by the way. Be sure to enjoy yourself as well and try the food and wine. Here try this…"     

Kel offered her one of the meatballs with a toothpick. But while she hesitated, Mordred came in between and ate it. Silvya pouted but Kel gave another which Mordred didn't snatch, this time around. Soon the other Seal Bearers arrived, and a malicious smile appeared on Kel's face.     

Alex was the first and all eyes were on him or rather his outfit. Kel had paid the Butler to have his suit switched with certain attire worn by a certain group of people in the city. He was initially worried but all he had to do was deny knowing, after all he was more trusted than some arrogant guy who made outrageous demands. The butler himself disliked him for his disrespect to the Queen,, so he didn't need a lot of convincing.     

The butler once more spoke loudly and announced Alex's presence.     

"Attention esteemed guests, The Lord Of Riding C-*ahem* pardon me. Lord Rider has arrived. Alex gave the butler a glare but didn't do anything more and began descending the stairs. The people present were absolutely speechless."     

As soon as Alex descended from the stairs, He was met by a wealthy merchant.     

"Good lad, if I have you work for me this evening I can boast to all my friends. So may I borrow a few hours of your time every evening for a month. I'll pay you 5 gold".     

Alex's eyes lit up at the offer.     

"Is the work hard?"     

The merchant shook his head.     

"Nothing you can't handle Lord rider, shall we sign this contract?, I'll have it stuck in my business so that all my employees and clients can see that the Great Lord Rider has visited before, I'm sure you'll even earn a new nickname haha. People will see you in a new light".     

Alex smiled with an excited expression. He was low on money and really wanted to get rid of his reputation.     

'Not gonna make a stupid mistake again. System is the contract safe to sign? No crazy loopholes or anything?'     

[No It is a clear contract among workers]     

Alex showed a grin on his face and signed. Kel showed a look of disbelief.     

'I really underestimated his greed and stupidity...he didn't even read it...'     

[Host has attained a job that will grant him fame across the land. 5000 points awarded. Shall I upgrade to recommended sentience?]     

'Haha finally. Do it'.     


The merchant and proceeded to announce out loudly.     

"You're all laughed and said my new business would fail haha but behold I now have Lord Rider as my worker. To everyone who is interested in his services the charge will vary. So come on to Mikaels Brothel every evening to taste the rod or hole of a Seal bearer!"     

Alex's happiness was shattered in an instant.     

"Wait what?! That's not what I was expecting, what the fu.ck?! No way".     

[Installation complete. Personality similarity chosen: Samuel. L. Jackson]     

[Oh you stupid mutherfucker. Suffer!. How the hell you sign a contract without reading. You're a special kind of a dumbass. Well you can't deny the contract mutherfukker or your mana will seal for good, and you'll be forced to work still. Either way, those cheeks are getting spread Boi. What'd I do to get a dumbass Host like you? Well miss me with that gay shit I'll be in sleep mode during your exploration. Can't even see some good action with women cause she'll probably spend 90% of the time trying to find your tiny cock!, I hope they don't use. Suffer you stupid mutherfucker. By the way you have enough for level 3, so I'm installing it. Don't like it, then make better fukking choices.]     

'You can't do that without my permission I don't believe you you're bluffing. Now how much to break a contract!"     

[Believe It mutherfukker. You can get one as your reward for upgrading the system to level 3 since it falls under that tier along with shit like x2 mana, x4 comprehension, you get the idea.]     

'Thank God. How long till the System is done upgrading?'     

[No. Thank Me, But since you thank god, he'll solve your shit then. Was going to be ready in 1 hour from now but now add 1 month. Sleep Mode Bitch]     

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